~ Halloween 2024 - Film 63 ~
Not just bad, but also very uninspired.
~ Halloween 2024 - Film 62 ~
A perfect way to finish my Halloween marathon of 62 horror films over just October (ignore the date ahah)
~ Halloween 2024 - Film 60 ~
The Wailing has no right to work as well as it does.
Its a strange mix of horror and humour which at many points, almost completely falls flat on itself, only then then somehow bring itself back from falling from the tight rope it walks.
It's certainly one of the most fun I've had watching a film in a long time. Due to its epic runtime, you become really absorbed in every…
~ Halloween 2024 - Film 61 ~
So ultimate in its commitment to its vision.
Just a completely bizarre and bafflingly insane film from Hooper which is just one of the best things I've seen in a long time.
I just want to see it again straight away.
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