Richard Fleischer had the first half of the film to try and win the Best Director Oscar. It was kind of silly how many split screens, hard zooms, and canted angles he chucked in there. Look, it’s an old woman’s wrinkly face, cankles, and mailbox, all in one shot! Yippee!!
Tony Curtis had the second half of the film to go for the Best Actor Oscar. I guess it’s not that big a performance, considering he’s playing the Boston Strangler. He’s got a lot of moments, though, including reacting to literally the worst question your kid could ever ask you.
And who’s around the whole time, just bringing the steady hand he always brings? Everyone’s favorite rock, Henry Fonda. Towards the end, he has the patented Henry Fonda Moment of Reckoning (TM). He makes it look easy, but it only lands if the character has self-awareness, gravitas, and a bit of vanity. He’s so good, all the damn time.