Your biggest fear just got bigger.
After raising an unnervingly talented spider in secret, 12-year-old Charlotte must face the truth about her pet and fight for her family's survival.
After raising an unnervingly talented spider in secret, 12-year-old Charlotte must face the truth about her pet and fight for her family's survival.
Adrian Politowski Josh Pomeranz Mark Gooder William Gammon Martin Metz Alison Thompson Doris Pfardrescher Diana Le Dean Nadia Khamlichi Nessa McGill Sierra Garcia
See Pictures Align Pictures in Paradise Screen Australia Cumulus VFX Spectrum Films Screen NSW Cornerstone Films
Sting: Araña Asesina, 屋中異蛛, 屋中异蛛, گزش, لدغة, Укус, Picada, Picada: Aranha Asassina, Halálos harapás, Gniazdo pająka, Sting. Araña asesina, 蜘蛛驚, Sting: Aranha Assassina, Черная вдова. Укус смерти, Nọc Độc, Sting - Aranha Assassina, A rettegés hálójában, Стінг. Жах ночі, نیش, Žalac, 스팅: 외계거미의 지구침략, Жило, עקיצה, 刺, Vorai
Someone turn on the god damn lights so I could see what is going on.
that twitter sound effect every time she was posting on fucking instagram triggered the hell out of me 😭 how did they get that so wrong
a normal day in Australia
You know what… on one hand this was the clunky/generic stuff I expected, but on the other hand the whole end is trying to do Alien/Aliens and it doesn’t completely fail so I respect that. Not everyone will recognize your game, Sting (that name is a cool reference, too). None of the characters are all that likeable and it gets very tonally confused on its mission to B movie status, but at least there’s something going on here (read: clearly inspired by movies I like). Everyone has their picks in the barrage of mid-tier horror films. Get Alyla Browne booked and busy. Also split diopter shot??? Jury is still out, someone go confirm this for me.
Worst documentary of The Police I’ve ever seen
the movie doesn’t actually start until an hour in just to let you guys know
The redback spider, also known as the Australian black widow, is the kind of creature that might shake a person’s belief in God. This Lovecraftian nightmare freak hunts its prey with balletic precision and squirts them with organic superglue before injecting them with a venom that liquifies their insides; it then binds the victim in a silk straightjacket so that they’re still alive when the redback drinks their organs. It mostly feeds on insects, but has been known to devour lizards, snakes, and even mice. The spider’s toxin is powerful enough to kill a human being if left untreated, and is especially harmful to small children. The good news is that an antivenom has been available since 1956. The bad…
first we had the fully conscious baby, now we have the fully conscious spider
A 2.6? What on earth were the Letterboxd peeps expecting from Sting? It’s a film about a killer spider! Written and directed by Kiah Roache-Turner, Sting is nothing memorable, but it knows what it is, sets out to accomplish it and succeeds. Thanks to a fun antagonist and a few serviceable characters, the film is not a must watch but it’s not a bad way to pass the time either.
I gotta admit, Sting the alien arachnoid is kinda cute before she goes full on homicidal. While she shouldn’t have vocal cords, Sting is a mimic and copies Charlotte’s (Alyla Browne) whistle. It’s kind of adorable. That’s not meant to last though, Sting starts sneaking out at night, totally able to enter…
mom can we get alien on blu-ray
no we have alien at home:
My toxic trait is I think killer spiders would spare me cuz I have a good vibe
It’s hard not to have fun with a movie about an alien spider. Although, there were way more animal deaths than I approve of. That wife was also so annoying. You’ve got a man holding down two jobs and looking after your baby daddy’s weird daughter and you still spend all your time complaining.