A Danish family visits a Dutch family they met on a holiday. What was supposed to be an idyllic weekend slowly starts unraveling as the Danes try to stay polite in the face of unpleasantness.
A Danish family visits a Dutch family they met on a holiday. What was supposed to be an idyllic weekend slowly starts unraveling as the Danes try to stay polite in the face of unpleasantness.
Gæsterne, Benelux, Goście, Heç kəsə danışma, Не говори никому, 스픽 노 이블, A látogatás, Ne dis rien, Nepřivolávej nic zlého, 非礼勿言, لا تتحدث بشر, Não Fale o Mal, Ne govori ništa, Не говори зі злом, Не говори никоме, Nieko nesakyk, พักร้อนซ่อนตาย, לשון הרע, 胸騒ぎ, Neprivolávaj nič zlého, 說不出的邪惡, Мълчанието е злото, Să nu vorbeşti cu păcat
their zero survival instinct just pissed me off
Learning how to say “No” is so important.
This would never happen to me because I avoid other people at all costs.
This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.
“Why are you doing this?”
“Because you let me.”
I would’ve felt more sympathy for the family if they weren’t all so freaking stupid. Especially the dad. Fuck the dad!
Yea, this is a NO for me. Let me tell you why:
1. I have absolutely zero patience for watching child abuse
2. I have absolutely zero patience for characters who are weak and stupid beyond belief
3. I have absolutely zero patience for torture porn, which is what the third act of this movie is
It's an uncomfortable and anxiety-inducing film, which can definitely be done in an entertaining way but that's not the case here. The themes are nothing new, the setup is nothing new. The performances are really good though, and so is the cinematography. I enjoyed the awkward yet sinister comedy of manners at first, but as the movie progressed it because clear that this is absolutely not my type of horror.
Agnes you little motherfucker
What happens when the boundaries of our civility are pushed beyond repair? Nothing, or embarrassingly, most of us when put in awkward situations continue to be polite to avoid confrontation. A phenomenon that Speak No Evil uses as a vehicle to deliver one of most uncomfortable and suffocating horror films of the entire year. 70 minutes of cringe inducing scenarios and then 20 minutes of overwhelming terror.
I loved it but I never want to experience it again.
it's been a little more than 2 years since becoming a parent quickly, completely, and irrevocably rewired how my brain perceives movies (in addition to just about everything else). this might be the first new release i've seen since then that features a moment i couldn't bear to watch because of that. you'll know it when you see it. but also the movie is really funny at times, in a hardcore discomfort porn sort of way! anyway, this is an endorsement.
hey what’s the opposite of hygge
why are you doing this?
because you let me.
Speak No Evil absolutely nails being in a deeply uncomfortable and distressing social setting—my anxiety had a field day with this one—but the most surprising thing about this is how humans are so quickly to be trusting, are we that desperate for social interaction?
I wanted to love this, but only ended up appreciating it for its relentlessness and feel-bad mood in the final act, knowing already that the director wanted us to hate him by the end of it, didn’t help. really didn’t need another funny games-esque movie, but ended up getting quite the mash up of the strangers meets the invitation combined with that controlled unnerving tone Haneke has mastered,…
“Because you let me.”
That line refuses to leave my mind. We, as well as the characters, stick around in an attempt to politely accept the increasingly banal and unhinged behaviors of these hosts. Despite witnessing several red flags, our irrational, human need to not blow things out of proportion or come across as rude, makes us suffer through this progressively unruly hellscape of a vacation.
Director Christian Tafdrup doesn’t reward our patience. Instead, he snuffs out the light at the end of the tunnel. The world is full of nasty, cruel monsters and they'll use our politeness to their advantage, if we let them. Speak No Evil is meticulous in its careless pacing, slowly plotting in its momentum, and boasts a climactic crescendo that will hit viewers with nauseating force.
Fuck everyone who told me to watch this