Society sleuths Nick and Nora Charles investigate a murder in a jazz club.
Society sleuths Nick and Nora Charles investigate a murder in a jazz club.
William Powell Myrna Loy Keenan Wynn Dean Stockwell Phillip Reed Patricia Morison Leon Ames Gloria Grahame Jayne Meadows Ralph Morgan Bess Flowers Don Taylor Warner Anderson Bruce Cowling Connie Gilchrist Henry Nemo William Bishop Marie Windsor Morris Ankrum James Burke Tom Dugan James Flavin Esther Howard Clinton Sundberg Asta Jr.
Das Lied des dünnen Mannes, Das Lied vom dünnen Mann, Meurtre en musique, La ruleta de la muerte, Melodin som gäckade skuggan, Il canto dell'uomo ombra, Песня тонкого человека, A Canção dos Acusados, 瘦人之歌
“Nicky, I think you’re slipping.”
The line is a passing remark from Nora as to her husband’s gambling skills during the opening scene of “Song of the Thin Man.” But, it could also apply to the graceful slide downward of the “Thin Man” into cultural irrelevance.
The series that has once used the brazen yet debonair alcoholism of its two protagonists to making social drinking fashionable post-prohibition by 1947, had the fizzle of flat champagne.
If you know Nick and Nora though, you know that they are ingenious enough to find a use for even the most bubble-lacking of beverage in a cocktail. “Song” is that aperitif; made out of questionably aged ingredients, but ones that will get you buzzed…
nick and his endless supply of wacky ties...nora taking her heels off and falling asleep on the case...i don’t want to say goodbye.
I think all movies should contain a scene where a father stares at his son’s ass and vividly hallucinates flashbacks of their life together just before he spanks his son with a newspaper as punishment for neglecting his piano lessons.
Song of the Thin man sees Nick and Nora going out not with a bang, but with a whimper. There's a weariness to the formula and the characters, and with new writers and a new director, none of whom had the feel of the series, the whole affair is a half-hearted attempt to ape something everyone knew was out of reach. As Myrna Loy wrote of the film in her autobiography (quoted on the movie's TCM page),
I hated it. The Characters had lost their sparkle for Bill and me, and the people who knew what it was all about were no longer involved. [Original director] Woody Van Dyke was dead. [Creator] Dashiell Hammett and [producer] Hunt Stromberg had gone…
This is my favorite series from Old Hollywood and even after 6 films, the movie magic is still there!
**May contain spoilers.**
Dig this crazy hot potato, daddio. This Melvin comes on like a real do-si-do, a real pickler, that is, and all these ship captains go for the belt. It's a real canary. And then this one dish gets lumped up the kisser, and now they're all a bunch of flyin' dutchman. Swing it to me, Mary. I got the hand springs to prove it. Then these geezers go all ape job on the boss, and this other cat's in a real live clambake. And I mean BAKED. Then the stone rope gets a little sleazy action, and wouldn't you know it, the wax peddler did the pump man a favor. A real PERMANENT favor, if you catch…
Dan akhirnya saya Telah menyelesaikan series The Thin man ini.
The thin man series merupakan film yang dibintangi Oleh William powell dan myrna loy, William powell disini berperan sebagai Nick charles yang berprofesi sebagai Detektif tetapi sudah pensiun dari perkejaanya dan Myrna Loy berperan Sebagai Nora Charles yang merupakan istri dari Nick charles yang sifatnya ini kepoan dengan perkejaan suaminya dan merupakan istri yang baik hati dan ramah.
Film ini menceritakan tentang nick charles yang seharusnya sudah pensiun dari perkejaanya yaitu sebagai detektif harus kembali dari perkejaanya dikarenakan ia diajak kembali oleh rekan-rekannya untuk menyelidiki sebuah kasus pembunuhan.
Series film ini terdiri dari 6 film yang diantaranya ,The thin man (1934), Another Thin man (1936), After the thin man (1939),…
Release date: August 28th, 1947
The last of the six Thin Man movies, not the best but always fun.
It is all the little things such as a young Dean Stockwell, a speaking part for Bess Flowers, Gloria Grahame singing, and I suddenly realized that this Jayne Meadows is the same Jayne Meadows from TV “What’s My Line” !
Enjoyable even if this looked and felt like a feature length TV-Pilot episode.
This is my one year anniversary on using Letterboxd, I just wanted to say thank you.
Congratulations to the Letterboxd staff; you guys are brilliant and have possibly come up with one of the best website ideas ever.
Thank you to the community on Letterboxd. Never have I…
no man will ever love his wife the way nick loves nora and yes i am crying rn
I’ve watched all the rest of The Thin Man films at least a couple of times before, but I never watched this one because I didn’t want the series to end! It’s definitely not their best, but I’ll love Bill & Myrna forever as Nick & Nora.
Definitely my least favorite in the series, but it was nice seeing my favorite murder mystery duo one last time
“Nick, we’re going home and I’m not tucking you into bed. I’m tying you into bed.”
Song of the Thin Man was a lackluster finish to a great series. I hated it. The characters had lost their sparkle for Bill and me, and the people who knew what it was all about were no longer involved. Woody Van Dyke was dead. Dashiell Hammett and Hunt Stromberg had gone elsewhere. The Hacketts were writing other things. Surprisingly, though, that last Thin Man was pretty well received, particularly in England, where, according to the Hollywood Reporter, 'Most of the cricks gave a cordial welcome back to old-timers Bill Powell and Myrna Loy....' I know that only because Bill sent me the article…