Lose your innocence... or lose your life.
When students in the town of Cherry Falls hear that a serial killer is targeting virgins, they realize that the only way to protect themselves is to begin planning a "Pop Your Cherry" party.
When students in the town of Cherry Falls hear that a serial killer is targeting virgins, they realize that the only way to protect themselves is to begin planning a "Pop Your Cherry" party.
Brittany Murphy Jay Mohr Michael Biehn Jesse Bradford Candy Clark Gabriel Mann Amanda Anka Joannah Portman Kristen Miller Bre Blair Natalie Ramsey Joe Inscoe Douglas Spain Michael Weston Keram Malicki-Sánchez Vicki Davis Bret McKee Clementine Ford Michael Goodwin Colin Fickes DJ Qualls Zachary Knighton Ashly Covington
Dana Hee John Copeman Roy Farfel John Alden Jayson Dumenigo Kofi Elam Mark Aaron Wagner Bryan Friday Laura Lee Connery Christie Hayes Steve Gums Dustin Meier Justin Sundquist Tina Mckissick Shawn Robinson Jodi Michelle Pynn Steve Mack Hiro Koda Jan Michael Shultz
Marshall Garlington Michael A. Morongell Jeff K. Brunello Ken Teaney Michael Olman Andrew DeCristofaro Jeffrey R. Whitcher Jay Meagher Steven D. Williams
Sex oder Stirb, Cherry Falls - Il paese del male, Neitsytjahti, Virgens de Sangue, Medo em Cherry Falls, Вбивства у Черрі-Фолс, 체리 폴스, Krew niewinnych, Убийства в Черри-Фолс, Ο Δολοφόνος του Τσέρυ Φολς, 处女杀手, インシデント, Vraždy v Cherry Falls
if word gets back to these kids that somebody is murdering virgins we’re gonna have a goddamn fuck fest on our hands
If this happened in real life then mitski fans would be doomed
God I love movies where everything just feels kind of off and nobody talks like a normal person.
did anyone else feel all that weird sexual tension between the father and daughter?
“Holy hymens, Batman! They’re killing virgins!”
Ok, Cherry Falls is a severely underrated post Scream slasher film that turns the horror genre on its head when a killers M.O is to kill virgins, rather than the usual ...
Randy: “there are certain rules one must abide by in order to successfully survive a horror movie... for instance 1. you can never have sex...”
I had a lot of fun with this one and it’s always good seeing the adorable Brittany Murphy even though she calls her dad “daddy” in a very uncomfortable soft kinda way.
It’s clear that this was edited down and glossed over but it’s still an enjoyable watch full of violent kills, frantic dark hallway chases, & hysterical…
Undervalued weirdo post Scream slasher with some Twin Peaks vibes that, like most of my favorite movies in that cycle, feels more like modernized 80’s slasher film than a self referential camp-fest and I admire that. I love the premise and the darker than usual feeling this picture has… plus the phrase "hyman holocaust" is uttered by some horny teen and thats worth the price of admission alone lol.
This holds up for me better than a lot of its relatives of the era—and I really miss Brittney Murphy.
SHERIFF BRENT: Jody do you have a boyfriend and have you done it with him if not you should because there is a serial killer on the loose and he is targeting all the virgins of our town.
Me: Hey sheriff Brent are you, friends, with MR. LEVENSTEIN (JIM'S FATHER FROM AMERICAN PIE)😂.
Cherry falls is a mediocre slasher flick that tries to be too serious for no reason even when you are setting up the plot regarding the serial killers killing pattern that is laughable, it should click you that very instance that it should be a dark comedy and I was watching it as one but after I watched the genre I decided to rate it low, almost…
This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.
"Cherry Falls" doesn't want to be a comedy, but it's unintentionally funny at certain points. The plot and dialogue are really bad. The fact that the sheriff is a rapist is obviously meant to shock you, but does that mean you have to tell the story twice? And why does the daughter cover up the crime of the 4 drunk guys in the end? Shouldn't the rape victim be given late rehabilitation? Oh well..
Been seeing this labeled as Scream-Lite and all that but the late-90s/early-2000s slashers, while pushed out at a record rate to keep up with the short window of profitability, certainly had more to offer than what Wes Craven's classic initially commented on. Cherry Falls, in this instance, is less of a grab-bag riff on tired slasher cliches, but specifically focused on teenage sexuality, and the method of being a virgin as a safety bubble in the world of hack and slashes. With its neo-goth persona and feisty attitude, this is only really held back by outdated values towards the end and its inability to unleash the viciousness of its implicated violence (apparently MPAA-mandated, those fuckers!). As it stands, it's…
Yeahhhh I think I’m supposed to like this one more than I actually do? Like I get that it’s an underrated post Scream slasher with a great cast, but it only gives me lukewarm vibes. The cast is indeed awesome and the story about a psycho killing virgins is fun and unique, but I dunno something about all the great parts only add up to an alright whole.
Brittany Murphy is amazing and one of the few celebrities I still kinda mourn over...because let’s face it, excessive mourning over celebrities that you never actually knew is weird and unhealthy. Just putting that out there for anyone who absolutely falls to pieces when someone famous dies.
when in doubt just throw a giant plastic shark at your attacker and see if it does the job
When Brittany Murphy demands her boyfriend sucks her toes harder that shit was hot!
One of the better post Scream slashers with a simple enough story of a crazed killer murdering all the virgins he can get his hands on - naturally, the only answer is to have a mass orgy which is the scene of the climatic conclusion. I really wasn't expecting too much but it had a nice mix of comedy and horror although it's clear it's been cut to shreds, Brittany Murphy is great which is a testament to her with some of the dialogue she's given in this such as "Daddy, are you disappointed I'm still a virgin?" The whole relationship with her father is bizarre…