Jesse Barajas
Montebello, California
This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.
Spoilers for Georges Perec and Bernard Queysanne's "The Man Who Sleeps", and some minor, thematic spoilers for Kiyoshi Kurosawa's "Cure".
And now have come days of automation and sleepwalking which are not living. He is in a wakeless sleep of the inabsolute world around him, for all it's elements and for all that can be derived and sybolized from them, things have lost their meaning. "Meaningless" is a word often thrown around by the dissatisfied youth, but usually holds less…
This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.
Spoilers for Wojciech Has' "The Noose", and a minor spoiler for David Lynch's "Lost Highway".
It rarely ever happens, that an absolute gem of world cinema can strike it's viewer beyond a general sense of appreciation for the visual and thematic innovation of what it has brought to world cinema by means of a nation's history as to contextualize it's filmmaking. It hardly ever chances in this way, that in an avid moviegoer's binging they can find a film which…
This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.
Spoilers for "Cure" and minor spoilers for "The Shining", "Stalker" and "The Wizard of Oz". Also, feel free to skip the first two paragraphs, "On Mesmerism". But for further interest on the infectivity of thought, to dramatic effect, read Gilbert Seldes' "The Stammering Century" and Paul Hazard's "Crisis of the European Mind". "Mesmerism and the End of the Enlightenment in France" by Robert Darnton was also a considerable source for "On Mesmerism", having helped me appreciate and register a spiritual…
This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.
Spoilers for Bresson's "The Devil, Probably".
Our souls are tethered to the Earth, when the natural world dies, our souls will have been long gone, receded into a death no natural signature can speak of. Still, as the day of ecological doom ticks closer, we act as if it's getting further. But who is denying the death of the Earth, who is killing the Earth, and more importantly, who's killing our souls? We like to believe that these Smithian "masters…
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