In this chapter, a large battle involving all six cities of Willarv takes place. Both the defending human side and the attackers, led by Sagara, suffer heavy losses.
Episode 3-121[]
Season 3 Episode 121: Separation (1)
Kasak is about to fly out the window of his room when he sees Shess and Leny below. Shess tries to convince him to stay.
Gandharva overhears Teo outside instructing a few people to assist with the Earth barrier stone, and notices that she is in her armor from seven years ago. Once alone, she turns her face in his direction and asks if he has something to say to her.
Sagara makes a reference to Taraka "sacrificing her time", which suggests that she knows of her true identity. One of Sagara's rakshasa followers offers to go to Atera and join the one already there, but Sagara says that it is not necessary since the one in Atera is in a different class from the other two in Rindhallow.
Natasha strains to repair the Fire barrier after each attack. Just outside Atera, the nastika responsible is bored, waiting for a god to arrive. Chandra arrives at the Fire temple with Agwen, who takes over the barrier stone. Chandra states that there is another city that has something more valuable, and teleports away. The nastika tells herself that they will regret not getting aid from a god, and launches the biggest attack yet on the barrier.
Episode 3-122[]
Season 3 Episode 122: Separation (2)
In Kalibloom, a plate slips from Brilith's hands and shatters. Anne asks her if she is worried about Atera. Brilith reassures her this is not the case and in her thoughts, she tells herself to stop worrying, as that would affect her vigor. She attempts to convince herself that she does not truly care.
As Atera is under heavy attack, buildings are crumbling and announcements for people to take cover in resistant buildings are heard. Urga III protects people from falling debris by a Hoti Brahma barrier and Praul Ajes desperately tries to heal some people using Hoti Asvins. Urga warns him not to waste his spells. As more debris falls, Haas Lehn appears to protect the group. He tells them he had recently returned from Eloth and offers help.
Chandra appears in Eloth and asks about the situation. Lutz responds that Aeroplateau is getting attacked and they are planning to overlap the barriers of the two cities. Tilda tells Chandra he would be more useful in other cities, then apologizes after getting reprimanded by Lutz.
An assistant barges in with news that the Atera barrier broke. The humans speculate why none of the gods go to protect the place.
In Atera, Agwen is getting strained to hold the barrier. She thinks about how the barrier will draw on her lifespan once she exhausts her vigor. But she believes she should have died long ago anyway. Only luck is responsible for the fact that she survived despite her father being who he is, and in such a case, it is only right that she sacrifices herself. She thinks that no one would miss her anyway and then gives voice to a small wish, that her father would come to her side.
Chandra appears before Agwen, breaks her out of her reverie, and takes over the barrier. Agwen feels slight disappointment.
The citizens in the city notice that the barrier is back up. Ari tries to get them to evacuate but they ignore him. Then someone asks him which way to the Temple, to which he answers that it would be better to go to the guild. The person is revealed to be the nastika attacking the city. He thinks that the humans are stupid to let him infiltrate so easily. As he tries to head to the Temple anyway, Ari grabs him by the clothes and drags him towards the guild.
Episode 3-123[]
Season 3 Episode 123: Separation (3)
Someone announces that the Atera Magicians Guild is full, and redirects the crowd to evacuate to the Brimo Department Store. Ari offers to take the green-hair there, while he thinks to himself that he can easily hide from Chandra and bide his time by mingling in the crowd. During their chit-chat, the green-hair admits that he would have liked to have gone to the place where Agni is staying since the end is coming and he wants to see his wish come true. Ari asks him what he means, and goes on to praise the gods for their concern for the humans. The green-hair finds him naïve.
Lorraine apologizes to Agni for not being able to remember more information. Agni notes that Asha and Sagara would have been able to memorize all the decisions and branching paths. Agni also mentions that Brilith was apparently delusional when she attacked Ran,[1] and Asha does not have the ability to do anything like that. Lorraine then wonders if it was Sagara instead, but Agni states that as far as he knew, Sagara did not have a skill like that, and instead believes a certain someone else who could create illusions did it. Eline then interrupts the meeting to tell Agni that Chandra had left to aid Atera. Lorraine is aghast, saying that Kalibloom and Mistyshore were the cities that needed protection the most. Eline tells her that Kalibloom had plenty of defenders and that Chandra probably thought that they were enough.
Lorraine presses that the soul candidates and those with the power of the name must not fall into the hands of the suras, as that was what the suras need in order to realize the resurrection of Ananta. As they list the soul candidates, Ran's children and Leny, Lorraine reveals that Ran is also a candidate and there is one more still.
In Kalibloom, Teo tells Gandharva that the rumors about him being Gandharva must not be true after all if the gods left him free to walk. She then asks him to answer her question from before.[2] Gandharva tells her that although he believes it would be good to recover her lost memories, those last seven years must have also been precious to her and she must not want to lose them. Teo concludes, that this must mean she should not recover her memories. When Gandharva stays silent, Teo asks if this is because he knows what happened to her seven years ago. She then lets off the tense Gandharva by playing it off as a joke.
An attack makes the Kalibloom barrier crack. Gandharva asks what he can do to help protect the city and he accompanies Teo when she heads out to check the situation. Clophe watches them from behind a corner.
Elsewhere in Kalibloom, Laila and Airi discuss that the barrier would not hold much longer. Laila heads to the barrier stone and Airi decides to wake up Kasak. Just then, a giant sura form Kasak takes form over the city. As Airi contemplates what to do next, since Kasak is apparently awake already, Clophe approaches her.
Episode 3-124[]
Season 3 Episode 124: Separation (4)
A transcendental cracks Kalibloom's barrier. Cloche yells at Hura to wait for the signal first, but Hura claims they were only testing it, since they were going to sneak into the city anyway. Hura adds that this is the day for which the Temple of Chaos was destroyed. As Hura gloats that this will be easier than it was seven years ago, Cloche points to the enormous dragon half towering over the city.
Shess asks Kasak—in sura speak— if he is sure he will be okay in that form, and Kasak replies that he should go to Laila and protect the name. Shess points out that Leez also has the name, and Kasak reveals that Leez has already left the city. Kasak then notes that the city's turrets are only firing upon him, which means that the suras are hiding in their human forms. He decides to do a wide-range attack, but notices the paths all curve to one direction, and realizes that it is the same annoying sura from seven years ago.
Cloche looks in Hura's direction as they regenerate. Hura becomes worried that they will not be able to stand their ground like they did seven years ago.
At the Magicians Guild in Eloth, someone watching a group of monitors informs Lutz that Aeroplateau is now approaching them. Tilda notes that there is a pattern of attacks where sometimes one barrier breaks, and sometimes both, but the city has not taken damage yet. Lutz states that they need to have four barriers before the situation becomes more serious. Tilda reports that even with the towers' amplification, the magicians able to use Hoti Surya are unable to find the sura making the attacks. The Priestess of Light remarks that it sounds like the same situation as seven years ago, where the only person who was able to track it was Saha. Someone suddenly shouts that the attacks are intensifying, and Aeroplateau is getting hit. Lutz concludes that combining the cities' barriers is agitating the attacker, so they must hurry and complete it in spite of the spike in damage.
In outer space, as a completely-red Samphati increases her attacks, her red transcendentals are wiped out by another transcendental that is red and white. Maruna tells her to stop because there is no reason for her to attack them.
Somewhere near Kalibloom, Sagara grins as she remarks on this interesting development, in which a guy who used to stomp humans like insects is now fighting a clanmate for the sake of humans. A purple sura asks Sagara if she has decided where to go, and she replies yes. The sura asks if it will be Kalibloom since the dragon could overwhelm the Anantas rakshasas there, and she replies that there is no need for her to go. She then looks at Taraka and tells her to go in her stead, calling her "Menaka".
Episode 3-125[]
Season 3 Episode 125: Separation (5)
Kasak tells Hura that he encountered plenty like him in the sura realm, who never revived after their thirteenth death, and notes that Hura has died eleven times now.
Hura attempts to make a deal with Kasak, who does not sway. As the half-dragon raises his fist to smash Hura, his hand fades away, and he is suddenly aware that Taraka is nearby.
Gandharva begins to feel anxious as Teo notes that Kasak is much larger than she has ever seen him. Gandharva thinks to himself that the reason is not the half-dragon, but Taraka. Teo declares that she would only be a bother to Mr. Kasak if she went outside, so she will head to the barrier stone instead. Teo asks "Ruva" what he intends to do, and he tells her that a Taraka clan sura is nearby. She mentions that he had previously talked about them, and recalls him telling her that they can nullify both magic and transcendentals.[3] He adds that Taraka's ability to resurrect is superior to that of the gods, so as long as her soul exists, the nightmare will never end. Teo proposes that to end this nightmare, Taraka's soul must be extinguished, and suggests that anyone with the ability to annihilate a soul would be hailed as a hero.
In the sura realm, Yuta wakes. Taksaka demands that they find a way quickly, since Kasak was using his power before facing Taraka, and if anything goes wrong, Yuta will take the blame. He adds that he cares nothing of the fate of the universe if his son dies. The one-horned sura accompanying Taksaka mentions that when Taraka died at Kasak's hand seven years ago, her role as Yuta's mother ended and she was set free. As the two suras bicker, Yuta proposes sending Taksaka to Willarv to lend his aid. One-horn mentions that nastikas are forbidden from passing through the portals that sporadically appear, but Yuta reveals that Taraka was able to send through a single nastika to Willarv as he observed her method via the nodes. One-horn asks if there is a drawback, and Yuta confirms it, asking Taksaka if he really meant what he said about not caring about the end of the universe. Taksaka tells Yuta to state his terms.
Episode 3-126[]
Season 3 Episode 126: Separation (6)
Yuta informs Taksaka that the price a nastika must pay for entering the passage to the human realm is vanishing from the universe's future.
Gandharva decides that he can finally defeat Taraka with the cooperation of others, and this is his chance to gain the trust of humans and gods. He reverts to his nastika form as Teo watches, and tells her that he is different from the person he was seven years ago, and this time he will fight against those who are attacking the city. As he walks away, he asks her to believe in him. Teo looks down with tears in her eyes.
Airi, who watched the entire conversation from behind a tree, wants to go to Teo, but Clophe stops her. She demands to know why he brought her here in the first place, and he hands her an envelope. She opens the message from Teo asking her to do what this guy says, and she will tell her everything later. Airi concludes that it must really be from her because of the terrible handwriting.
Riagara, looking towards the city, notes that Kasak's size has shrunk since Taraka appeared, and wonders if he copied a nastika's transcendental. Pingara concludes that he must have been using an item made by Brahma. She asks them if they knew this would happen, and they reply that it was one of the possibilities that Sagara had considered. She asks them how they and Sagara are able to know all this while she simply lost her last seven years. Pingara replies "because I am her offspring." Riagara reminds them that she is as well, and older than them. Pingara sharply informs her that Sagara's love for Vasuki has long faded, and that a child of a nastika who no longer loves the other parent might as well be a stranger. When they mock her devotion to Sagara, Riagara states that even if it is one-sided, anything that helps Sagara is enough for her. When Pingara suggests that they leave since Taraka is there, Riagara asks who will kill a Kubera, then.
Laila, standing near the Earth barrier stone with a group of other magicians, notices Teo entering the chamber.
Episode 3-127[]
Season 3 Episode 127: Separation (7)
In the Earth Temple barrier chamber, Teo mocks Laila for protecting herself in the temple and putting her own life above those who are dying in the city.
Chandra is unable to locate the sura outside of Atera, and deduces that it must have entered the city when the barrier cracked. He realizes that there will be human casualties if he fights the intruder there and that he will not gain any sins by allowing the intruder to wreak havoc. On the other hand, if anyone dies by his own transcenentals... Chandra recalls Brahma's warning to him, that in order to avoid the consequences of sin, he must remain a spectator, because the more he interferes, the further away Paradise will drift from him. Chandra appears to agonize over the situation.
Magicians within the city notice a change in the barrier and wonder if Chandra has left for another city.
Inside the Brimo Department Store, the green-haired nastika notes that things have become boring again. Ari praises the strength of the building and the fact that the Brimo brand has grown so much. Riche Seiran thanks him for his kind words, since Airi is always so critical. There is a sudden crackle and bright flash, and everyone in the room except Ari and Green Hair get fried to a crisp. Green Hair, now taller and more muscular, tells Ari that a strong building is nothing when a sura is inside and that he let him live because he entertained him for a bit. Ari watches the nastika disappear out a window and then hears a mechanical voice coming from Riches's remains telling people to make their way to the basement.
As he stands in the snow outside and watches the turrets fire, Gandharva notices that neither Agni nor Chandra are here, and the rakshasas are nowhere to be found. Shess walks up to him and asks if he could be of any help since he looks like he is ready to fight. Gandharva declares that this is the day that Taraka will be destroyed, so Shess tells him that he will join his cause, and adds that it is too bad that Maruna is unable to approach the planet. Gandharva, surprised at hearing that name, asks him for the reason. Shess seems surprised that Chandra had not already told him that the guy had developed to 5th stage.
In space, transcendentals fire near some moons, and Maruna notes that none of them are hitting him. He asks Samphati if it is because their difference in power is so great now, or if she recognized him and is unwilling to fight seriously.
Episode 3-128[]
Season 3 Episode 128: Separation (8)
In space, transcendentals fire near some moons, and Maruna notes that none of them are hitting him. He asks Samphati if it is because their difference in power is so great now, or if she recognized him and is unwilling to fight seriously.
In a flashback to the Sura realm in N5, Maruna defeats a Taraka clan sura, comments that the Gandharva clan must be in a terrible state if Tarakas have ventured so far, and criticizes Samphati for going off on her own.
Samphati points out that Maruna's training is finished and draws attention to the fact that he had just developed to 4th stage. The Taraka sura had not been dead yet and attempts to attack, only for Samphati to kill it. She suggests that Maruna did not finish it off on purpose because it was from his brother's clan and emphasizes that rakshasas like them are not permitted to have such compassion.
Back in the current timeline, Samphati repeats her speech about not being allowed to have compassion and being forced to obey superiors. Maruna questions this creed and speaks of how Akasha gave him the Pledge Token. In surprise, Samphati tells Maruna that this could not have been Akasha, for she perished seven years ago. Samphati further highlights the dangers of the Eye of Perishment and asks for an explanation.
Maruna questions if he can trust Samphati. She then reveals that Taraka's original soul was released 7 years ago and replaced by another soul. This soul was unable to handle the Taraka name, a fact that allowed "those who were not completely dead" to recover their minds. She then specified that this soul belonged to the human that died 7 years ago at the exact same time as Taraka.
Siera stands over some snowy mountains and ponders about the significance of human souls. He predicts that the soul of the one whom he knew as the Priestess of Chaos for decades will be sacrificed no matter the outcome and says goodbye to her.
Following a scene in which Gandharva atop Kasak's head is fighting against Taraka, there is a flashback to N16 in which Hura is telling Gandharva how to ensure Teo's resurrection via Hoti Visnu. They ask if what happens to the original soul matters to Gandharva, he answers negatively.
Episode 3-129[]
Season 3 Episode 129: Separation (9)
Kasak, Shess and Gandharva are fighting Taraka just outside Kalibloom. Kasak points out that Taraka's regeneration is too good and Shess worries that their Transcendental skills will get sealed soon at this rate.
Suddenly, a huge humanoid Taraka clan sura, resembling the weapon that the Ancient Human Race once created, appears. Shess freezes in place.
In Rindhallow, priest Claude goes check on something that caught his curiosity regarding the timing of the attacks and the presence of Teo's name on the DNR list. His priest candidates stop him and carry him off to the barrier stone.
In the barrier room of the Temple of Earth of Kalibloom, the magicians close the door so that it can only be opened from the inside. Then Teo taunts Laila to fight her, pointing out that their last fight, during the Fighter's Championship of N19, was rigged. Laila refuses to succumb to the taunts and warns Teo that she is acting like a threat to the city.
Both draw their weapons and Teo attacks, stating that one of the two has to disappear on this day, yet she has not chosen which.
Near the Temple of Earth, Airi and Clophe enter the crypt storing god Kubera's godly items. According to Clophe, Teo had given orders for Airi to go fetch them. Upon unlocking the crypt, Airi sees an injured man sitting where the items are supposed to be.
Episode 3-130[]
Season 3 Episode 130: Separation (10)
Where Airi had originally seen an injured man, only the armor of god Kubera lies now. Airi voices surprise that the suit is present, as it got stolen 7 years ago. She and Clophe then take the items.
Airi plans to go to the fighter's guild where Teo was supposed to be, Clophe attempts to stop her and says that Teo is in the barrier room and that Airi will regret not going to her. But as Airi cannot hear sura speech, Clophe's suggestion remains unheard. In his thoughts, Clophe reprimands himself for nearly ruining the plan.
As Laila and Teo fight, a group of magicians attempts to reach the door of the barrier stone room of the Temple of Earth. Teo slashes her sword at them and injures them. Laila prompts the magicians to use recovery magic, but they hesitate.
Teo suggests that the reason for their hesitation is that they do not want to waste their magic on someone else in case they get injured themselves. And in a similarly selfish attempt at self-preservation, Laila had sent Leez outside of the barrier hoping she would get killed and Laila would be the final survivor. Teo continues that saving a universe where the only survivors are those who trample over others, is not worth it.
Laila asks if Teo got these strange ideas from Siera, this gets Teo to think back to her very existence. To question who she is and where she exists. A flashback reveals Kali and Menaka overlapping with Hura in the scene where Hura suggested how to resurrect Teo to Gandharva. Kali grins and states that this "Teo" exists nowhere.
Teo then asks Laila to kill her, stating that otherwise Ananta will be resurrected using her soul and her despair will lead to the end of the universe. Then she switches gears and says that she must become Ananta and she is not the one who should go. It would be better to kill the gods and the primeval gods in her stead.
Teo screams for Laila to kill her and launches an attack on the magicians. Laila thinks back to how the hooded figure in Claude's dream told her not to forget that saving lives matters more than information.
Laila then shields the magicians with Hoti Brahma and attacks Teo. Teo thinks back to how Airi told her not to give up on life. But by then, Laila had already run Teo through with her spear. Teo crumbles to the floor.
Elsewhere in Kalibloom, Airi feels as if something is missing.
Episode 3-131[]
Season 3 Episode 131: Separation (11)
In Kalibloom, magicians are calling on Teo and trying to heal her with Hoti Asvins. Her eyes remain closed.
The panel shifts to Taraka's open eyes that have changed color to purple. Kasak is fighting the huge humanoid Taraka clan sura and yelling at the paralyzed Shess to get away. Gandharva recognizes the sura as the weapon from Shess's dream and states that it needs to be destroyed quickly.
As the huge sura attacks Shess, Taraka entangles it in her tentacles, thus helping the group.
In the sura realm, Taksaka stands outside of the Taraka portal leading to Willarv and makes the assumption that it will lead to Kalibloom.
In Atera, the mysterious nastika is destroying buildings left and right, incinerating people in the process. As he states that Atera does not even deserve to exist, he gets shot at and forced to fly up using his wings in order to evade.
The shot came from a weapon created by Riche, who is sitting in a bunker below the Brimo Department Store along with Ari. She expresses her desire to kill the sura and prompts Ari to do the same.
Ari voices surprise that Riche lives and points out that making machines that look like humans is illegal. Riche does not seem to care, saying that it is unwise to rely on the protection of the gods. Ari then apologizes for having brought the sura into the building.
The shooting forces the sura to fly out of the barrier. He prepares to wipe out the whole city with a large-scale attack when Chandra suddenly appears next to him. Chandra addresses the sura as "Kadru" and reveals that he had only pretended to leave, hoping it would lure Kadru out of the city. Chandra gives Kadru the opportunity to explain himself, but since Kadru remains silent, Chandra launches an attack to kill him.
Much to Chandra's disbelief, Kadru disappears and a Taraka portal opens close by. Taksaka exits the portal and complains about the collar that is stuck on his neck. He then asks Chandra what he is fighting against, as a huge sura form sura materializes behind Chandra.
Episode 3-132[]
Season 3 Episode 132: Separation (12)
In the sky above Atera, a confused Chandra claims that the giant sura was Kadru. Taksaka questions this, saying that he would have recognized Kadru as they were originally from the same clan. Chandra asks Taksaka for help, Taksaka refuses, as the situation in Kalibloom is the only thing that interests him.
Chandra traps Kadru inside a dreamscape of sorts, a transcendental creating an isolated space. Taksaka wonders why Chandra made the landscape resemble the planet of Taitalika from when the Cataclysm started on it.
Taksaka threatens to kill Chandra in order to leave the space, but Chandra exclaims that Agwen, Taksaka's granddaughter, is in Atera, and she will die if Taksaka does not assist him. Taksaka attacks Kadru saying that although the dust that all humans eventually turn into is the same, the memories that remain are different.
The survivors in Atera were watching the fight that unfolded above them until the fighters got hidden by Chandra's transcendental. Some of the humans are injured and asking for help. Haas Lehn answers these pleas and heals people using Hoti Asvins. Urga Ill is directing people to take refuge in the Brimo Department Store. Some people wonder where Agni and Brilith could be and why they hadn't come to help.
Ari and Riche are observing the situation from the Department Store bunker. Riche questions the purity of Chandra's motivations to help and directs Ari to focus on the Taraka suras that are flying out of the Taraka portal above the city.
Ari expresses guilt over leading the sura to the Department Store and then asks why Agni isn't there yet. Riche voices doubt that Agni would come and says that Ari is an idiot for having faith in the gods.
In Mistyshore, Brilith wears a worried expression. Anne suggests Brilith go to Atera, but Lorraine quickly shuts Anne up, stating that there is nothing to worry about. In her thoughts, Lorraine explains that Atera got destroyed in each future she saw and that the soul candidates are in Kalibloom and Mistyshore. For this reason, protecting those two cities is a priority. Agni overhears this conversation and frowns.
Outside Mistyshore, the purple rakshasa asks Sagara whether it wouldn't be better to go to Kalibloom. Sagara rejects the idea, stating that they need only wait, for Brilith will not be able to stand idly by while Atera gets destroyed.
Episode 3-133[]
Season 3 Episode 133: Separation (13)
A flock of Taraka clan suras flies out of the Taraka portal looming over Atera and starts crashing into the city barrier. People below worry at the sight as the barrier begins to crack.
In Mistyshore, a priest candidate is giving a status report suggesting that the city is getting ready to defend itself in case Agni leaves. Anne searches for Eline.
Eline discusses the situation in Atera with Lorraine, both agree to keep the severity of the situation secret from Brilith. Anne overhears their words and, after Eline leaves, she confronts Lorraine about it.
Anne expresses her disappointment with Lorraine for prioritizing her own safety when others are in danger. Lorraine gets annoyed and states that all silent magic users would make the same decision, including Anne's mother, Rana. And including Lorraine's former fianceé, Saha.
Lorraine then speaks of how she used to be different from them before making the mistake of freeing Asha, summarizing by saying that kindness only leads to worse results. A tear drops from Anne's eye and Anne does not understand why.
Brilith is looking out the window in the Temple of Water and worrying about Atera, yet at the same time, she attempts to remind herself that the planet takes precedence. Just as she is about to lose control over her feelings, Agni shows up and asks if she has decided to stop acting. He further inquires if he should go to Atera and about what happened to Brilith when she got attacked.
As he pulls Brilith into an embrace, Brilith thinks back to that night, when a strange girl resembling Asha entered her room and asked how Brilith dare dream of happiness. In her thoughts, Brilith says that this girl stole too much of another's name, could not be the owner of the name or body, and had become something else entirely.
Episode 3-134[]
Season 3 Episode 134: Separation (14)
After Brilith says that the being she met the night she got attacked was not anything, she suddenly cannot speak any more out loud. She quickly tries to brush the whole situation under the table and then asks Agni to go to Kalibloom. Even when Agni implies that a Taraka portal may be endangering Atera, Brilith stands by the decision that the more important city must be protected. Agni says he will follow her wish and teleports.
Above Atera, Taksaka and Chandra are fighting Kadru in a rather unsynchronized manner which finally leads to Chandra's space breaking. Chandra worries that he is too low on vigor to create another, because something seems to be wrong with Laila. Yet if he left, Kadru and Taksaka would probably destroy the planet.
As Chandra starts explaining a plan to lure Kadru up into space, Taksaka notices something and disappears. Only a moment later, Agni appears and attacks Kadru. To Chandra's question as to what he is doing there, Agni replies that he is protecting the most important city. And that city is Atera because Brilith cares about it the most. When Chandra calls him an idiot for this, Agni points out that Chandra's reason for being there is no better.
Outside Mistyshore, upon noticing Agni's departure, the purple rakshasa suggests breaking the city barrier and taking the soul candidate. Sagara refuses, saying that they must not draw Agni's attention and the candidate must be taken alive. Both of them agree to use a psychological transcendental to get a human to get them into the city.
A magician enters Mistyshore while sponsoring two "halfs", the purple rakshasa and Sagara, who had shifted to the age of a little child. He claims they are friends from his hometown.
Episode 3-135[]
Season 3 Episode 135: Separation (15)
In space above Atera, Chandra states that their plan is not going to work because of the superior regenerative abilities Kadru has gained as a Taraka. Agni is surprised to learn that the creature is Kadru. Both gods then speculate what could have happened to Kadru and Agni wonders how come Yuta is not in control of such things. Then they both turn their efforts to getting Kadru away from the planet.
Elsewhere in space, Samphati tells Maruna that cooperating with Sagara is the best way to save the Sura realm, because once Ananta is resurrected, he will make a short process of the Taraka clan.
Suddenly, Maruna embraces her and teleports them both to the planet Halmut. He then explains that the gods would have found them had he not acted and this could be troublesome since Samphati looks like a Taraka.
Samphati's expression darkens as she says that she is ugly, but Maruna tells her that to him, the way she is now is preferable to how she was before, as she is not blinded by revenge anymore.
Samphati says that once she became a Taraka, her hostility towards Yuta subsided and that she is aware that the death of Jatayu was not his fault. Samphati had refused to accept that another culprit could be responsible because that culprit would be too strong for her to defeat.
She then expresses concern about how the Pledge Token may have affected Maruna. He reveals that he did not use the item.
The barriers of Aeroplateau and Eloth finally overlap. The humans in Eloth wonder how come the sura stopped attacking Aeroplateou after doing so much damage, and speculate that it may be the same sura from 7 years ago. They reach the conclusion that this city must not be the true target of the suras.
Near Rindhallow, the two Yaksha rakshasas are searching for the portal back to Sagara, only to see that it had disappeared. They assume that the two beings capable of opening the portal must be busy and there must have been a change in plans.
Near Kalibloom, Cloche, Hura, Riagara and Pingara search for the portal back to Sagara but cannot find it either. They assume Chatan, one of the two who are capable of opening the portal, must have received a new task. But the other person, Taraka, is right before them. Riagara deduces that Taraka must have betrayed them.
The huge Taraka sura is strangling Taraka. Kasak is of the mind to go help her, but Gandharva yells that killing Taraka takes priority, that if she dies, all the other Tarakas will be immobilized. As the Taraka sura smashes Taraka into the Kalibloom city barrier, the barrier begins to crack.
Episode 3-136[]
Season 3 Episode 136: Separation (16)
Outside Kalibloom, despite Gandharva's protests, Kasak attacks the huge Taraka clan sura that was strangling Taraka. He then points out that the Kalibloom barrier is cracking and voices suspicion that Gandharva wants the city destroyed. Gandharva quickly denies this.
Gandharva warns Kasak to get out of the way when the huge Taraka sura turns white. Kasak acknowledges the usefulness of this warning but clarifies that no one trusts Gandharva and they are all accepting him only for Menaka's sake.
The humans inside the barrier are watching the fight. Parr and Clari worry whether the barrier will hold. Zard gets ready to head to the barrier. Parr then suggests that Leez would be perfect for holding the barrier but Clari questions Leez's goodwill, claiming that all Leez cares about is fame. Clari asks Airi to take Zard to the temple. Airi agrees and leaves Clophe with Elwin.
In Mistyshore, thanks to the sponsoring of a magician, Sagara and Chatan got into the city. They control the magician to ask for the locations of the children they are searching for and learn that they would be either with Huan in the barrier room or with Eline in the main building. Although Chatan worries for Sagara's safety, they agree to split up in their search.
As Brilith walks towards the barrier stone room, she notices a few magicians trying to stop a suspicious magician, who is accompanied by a little child, from entering. Brilith frowns at the child.
Episode 3-137[]
Season 3 Episode 137: Separation (17)
Outside of the barrier room in Mistyshore, Brilith asks about the identity of the little child before her. The magician who accompanied the child says it needs to see the twins who are with Huan. When the magician continues to insist even after Brilith refused to let the two of them enter, Brilith smacks the magician so that he falls unconscious.
Brilith repeats that the child is not allowed to enter. Sagara drops the act and refuses to leave. Brilith asks if Sagara was the reason Ran had attacked her. Sagara claims that Ran acted of his own will.
In Kalibloom, Rana is piecing together information about time travel. She explains that the past and future body merge, in other words, instead of existing separately, both consciousnesses inhabit the same body. If the time difference between the two consciousnesses is not too large, the merged personality should be stable. But Rana remains confused why Ran acted as though he had not seen her for a long time although the time he spent on Konchez was short. Just as she was about to go visit Ran and ask, she gets summoned to the barrier stone room.
In Mistyshore, Lorraine is practicing some Brahma magic and reminiscing about the past. She remembers how Saha told her never to learn silent magic and how she reprimanded him for saying that, as he had learned it already. He told her that something about silent magic users scared him, that something about himself scared him, even. And that was why he admired those who had not learned it.
As Lorraine worries that she would no longer deserve Saha's admiration, she notices that Eline is attempting to lead Anne out of the city. She considers this suspicious and confronts Eline. Chatan peaks out from behind the bushes.
Back outside the Mistyshore barrier room, Brilith asks the magicians to stand back and prepares to fight Sagara. Sagara taunts Brilith to call Agni. While Brilith wonders what Sagara stands to gain in each scenario, Sagara changes to male form and interrupts Brilith to reveal that Agni is in Atera fighting Kadru, a powerful nastika who spent time in the Vritra, Ananta and Asura clans. And that if Brilith calls on Agni, she will be bringing about the destruction of her beloved city.
Episode 3-138[]
Season 3 Episode 138: Separation (18)
In the Temple of Water in Mistyshore, Sagara in her male form evades Brilith's attack and proceeds to mock her, saying that Brilith won't call Agni because she has a habit of losing as the result of a foolish choice. Just like she did on Gresvan one thousand years ago.
When Brilith displays surprise that Sagara could know this, Sagara explains that as a side effect of the Hoti Visnu penalty, she was able to read the records written by time. Here she accessed records about Brilith and learned that as the survivor of the destruction of her planet, Brilith's incarnation of 1000 years ago received a chance to fulfill her wish, only to die for being unable to defeat one human. Yet Sagara could not see who it was that killed Brilith and why Brilith did not call Agni. That information was erased.
As Sagara speculates about Brilith's reasons, the panels show a flashback scene in which a woman is sitting with a sack on her head while getting approached by a little girl with long hair, tattered clothes, and a knife. Brilith screams out to silence Sagara and attacks her.
As Taksaka is passing by Mistyshore, he notices a surge in transcendental value but he pays it no mind and heads off to Kalibloom.
Sagara taunts Brilith, saying that such an attack was risky because Agni could have noticed.
The priest candidates who got sent away by Brilith are carrying the unconscious magician and running to find Eline. Then they see that Lorraine and Eline are fighting using magic.
Lorraine knows that Eline is waiting to use her specialty, Bhavati Asvins, when Lorraine uses Bhavati Brahma, and she assesses the speed with which either of them can cast their spells.
In a flashback to a lecture at the Eloth university, a teacher explains that silent creation magic is called Imaginary Correction and that it allows a magician to create things with imperfect designs because it will cover up these flaws. Lorraine makes up her mind to pass the class without Imaginary Correction, by creating perfect designs. She practices with Lutz and soon manages to get close to his level. She then vows to exceed him.
Back in the present, both magicians cast their spells. Lorraine is slightly faster and she manages to distort Eline's location and imprison her in a rock. Then she asks Anne to come with her. Anne is horrified and asks Lorraine to free Eline.
At this moment Chatan comes out, Lorraine realizes he is the sura controlling Eline and that he has come for Anne. She considers that she is unlikely to defeat him and realizes that all she needs to do is ensure he does not get Anne alive.
Episode 3-139[]
Season 3 Episode 139: Separation (19)
In Mistyshore, the priest candidates attempt to help Eline and try to convince Lorraine to undo her spell. Lorraine contemplates whether to kill the children before the suras can get to them, yet the image of Anne voicing her disappointment keeps coming to her mind.
Lorraine tells the magicians that Eline is under Chatan's control. Though the magicians believe this to be possible, they suggest that in such a case, which person is the one under the control is uncertain. They ask Anne who was acting strange among Eline and Lorraine, Anne points out Lorraine with certainty.
At that moment, Chatan proceeds to attack the group. Lorraine makes her choice and casts Hoti Brahma to stop him.
In the Temple of Water, Sagara and Brilith notice the commotion outside. Brilith realizes this means Sagara did not come alone. Sagara further taunts Brilith, asking how she can cope with so many miserable lives and how difficult it must be to tolerate Gandharva when he has killed her twelve times.
Brilith feels that Agni is using powerful skills elsewhere and realizes she does not have enough vigor to fuel both hers and Agni's fight. To Sagara's surprise, Brilith stops using her transcendentals and merely stares at Sagara.
Her expression has a powerful effect on Sagara who loses control over her emotions and rots half of Brilith's body away. In her thoughts, Sagara wishes for Brilith to stop ruining her plans and disappear, and she switches to her female form.
In space, Agni and Chandra are getting ready to attack Kadru.
Episode 3-140[]
Season 3 Episode 140: Separation (20)
In space, Agni and Chandra successfully combine efforts to kill Kadru. Chandra says they were lucky Kadru didn't have Taraka eyes. Agni notices that something is wrong with Brilith.
In Mistyshore, Chatan attempts to break Lorraine's barrier. Lorraine thinks of what Saha would want her to do and uses Bhavati Brahma on Chatan. She quickly realizes that fusing Chatan with a rock won't be enough to kill him and prepares to use another spell.
In the Temple of Water, Sagara notices something outside. While she is distracted, Brilith feels that Agni is done fighting, she uses Hoti Asvins to heal herself and attacks Sagara with the Staff of Agni.
Brilith mocks Sagara for acting predictably and shifting to female form, pointing out that Sagara keeps repeating the same mistakes for tens of millions of years. Sagara is surprised and doubts that Brilith could have predicted her, as she acted on emotion.
Brilith further injures Sagara, but Sagara says it won't be enough to kill her. A giant sura appears outside the temple and smashes the building with its arm.
In space above Atera, Chandra optimistically predicts that they are almost done there. Agni leaves him there alone and teleports to Brilith. At that moment, Kadru rematerializes out of the open Taraka portal, this time with his eyes open, and cancels Chandra's transcendentals. Chandra curses.
Episode 3-141[]
Season 3 Episode 141: Separation (21)
In space above Atera, Chandra gets caught by Kadru and considers his options. He finally decides that rather than avoid getting eaten and return to the god realm without achieving anything, he would use the Taraka fragments he had been gathering to attempt to dismantle the Taraka hivemind from the inside.
In Kalibloom, Rana failed to wake up Teo with regeneration magic. Another magician points out that Laila has become unresponsive.
In the ruins of Atera, magicians state that most students have been evacuated, but the children of Praul Ajes are missing. Despite the objections of Urga III, Praul heads out for find them and Haas Lehn follows him.
In the bunker of the Brimo Department Store, Riche is exhausted from using the turret to fire at suras. Her assistant suggests she should use autopilot mode, but she refuses as bystanders might get injured. When the assistant responds callously, Riche displays surprise at how he had changed. The assistant attributes this change to how she forced him to use creation silent magic to its limits. Ari notices that some of the Taraka clan suras have flown straight through the barrier.
In the Temple of Fire, people worry at the sight of suras passing through the barrier. Tara prepares to head out to fight them with a group of magicians. Natasha attempts to take over the barrier stone from Agwen when suddenly, the Temple begins to crumble.
In the ruins of the Temple of Water in Mistyshore, Agni appears before Brilith. As she returns to her senses, she feels relief that the barrier room was not breached, but worries about the safety of Anne. At this moment, Anne runs to them. Brilith wonders why the suras left the soul candidates alone and voices the assumption, that they were after a much better container all along.
Somewhere on the planet, Taksaka feels another surge in transcendental value from where Atera used to be. A huge red wave surrounds the city.
Episode 3-142[]
Season 3 Episode 142: Separation (22)
A huge red wave stretches to the sky from the planet, from where Atera used to be.
In Mistyshore, Brilith speculates that the suras went after humans because they are easy to catch, but that getting their hands on a god would be far better. Agni refutes this idea and says that Sagara needs an empty container, one that does not have a name of power, in order to resurrect Ananta.
Brilith expresses surprise that a full resurrection of Ananta may be possible and wonders why they are working against Sagara, but Agni refuses to explain. Brilith points out how she believed in Agni even when no one else did, but Agni quiets her by drawing attention to Anne's presence. He then proceeds to comfort the child. When Agni goes put Anne to bed, Brilith says that she feels like it is odd that Agni doesn't seem to be in much of a hurry although people are fighting elsewhere.
Outside Kalibloom, Kasak is battling the giant Taraka clan Sura. The sura is using transcendentals, but Kasak cannot. Gandharva points out that this means Taraka is allowing it to, which proves they are working together.
Taraka attempts to entangle the sura with her tentacles, but they quickly get burned. Kasak states that this behavior would be odd if those two were on the same side, but Gandharva only sees some intricate scheme on Taraka's part behind her actions and repeats that they need to kill her.
Meanwhile, Hura, Cloche, Riagara, and Pingara are observing that the barrier of Earth is cracking. As they discuss whether they should try to sneak into the city, Chatan teleports before them, alone and missing one arm. The group questions him about this, but he does not answer.
Cloche suggests searching for Clophe and Chatan recommends that Hura and Pingara take care to carefully conceal themselves. Just when the group is questioning who could possibly see them, Taksaka appears hovering in the air nearby. The group freezes, Chatan steps in front of them and warns them not to let their guard down because Taksaka may be able to spot them.
Episode 3-143[]
Season 3 Episode 143: Separation (23)
Outside Kalibloom, Taksaka looks down at Riagara, who appears extremely nervous. He then turns around and leaves.
Hura boasts that Taksaka could not see through their cloaking skills, yet Riagara doubts this. She then continues that she wishes to join Sagara, and Pingara decides to accompany her.
Hura, Cloche, and Chatan head towards the city and spot Shess standing frozen in place. Cloche asks if Chatan is worried about Shess since they are brothers. Chatan says he'd prefer if Shess dropped dead on the spot, but since their mother favors him, he will do the bare minimum to help.
Shess recovers his senses and is addressed by Taksaka, who is standing below him. Taksaka orders him to go to the city.
The huge Taraka clan sura is burning Taraka, and Gandharva tries to convince Kasak to go finish her off. To himself, Kasak thinks that Gandharva is terribly annoying and that he admires the chicken head for bearing with him. Out loud, he asks Gandharva if it is not dangerous to go closer. To himself, Gandharva thinks that Kasak could die if he goes, but out loud, he says that there is no danger at all.
Taksaka suddenly appears next to Gandharva and asks Gandharva not to sacrifice sons of other people for his own goals. He then scolds Kasak for not being able to deal with something as weak as that Taraka weapon and demonstrates that the use of transcendentals is no longer restricted. Kasak and Gandharva must have fought for so long that their skills got sealed, which means Taraka will have to die if they ever want them back. Taksaka then smashes the huge Taraka clan sura and tells Kasak to handle the rest on his own.
In his thoughts, Gandharva wonders how come Taksaka is so strong in the human realm. He asks Taksaka how he got there. When Taksaka tells them he went through a portal in Atera and ran from there, Kasak asks about the state of the city. Taksaka tells them it would be destroyed by now.
Episode 3-144[]
Season 3 Episode 144: Separation (24)
Outside Kalibloom, Taksaka and Gandharva both try to get Kasak to attack Taraka, but instead, Kasak makes a grand speech about how he would have no reason to live should his daughter die. Just when he intends to open the Crescent Gate to go check up on Agwen, Taraka opens a portal to Atera. Taksaka tells Kasak not to go anywhere for he will go find Agwen himself.
Gandharva is down that Taksaka won't be helping them kill Taraka and assumes that Taraka manipulated events to this point. He tries to inspire Kasak to continue fighting.
Taksaka exits the portal in Atera, noting that the Tarakas on the way were oddly quiet. He notices Chandra in the whirlwind of red surrounding Atera. On his way over, he notices two children crying for help over the body of their mother. To himself, Taksaka thinks that it would have been better if Chandra had lost control completely and wiped out everyone. Then the survivors would not have to suffer.
Taksaka approaches Chandra and asks if he can do anything. Chandra brokenly asks to get Laila and her weapon, but Taksaka responds that getting all the way to Kalibloom is impossible. He then asks if Chandra knows where Agwen is, to which Chandra responds "below". Chandra loses control again and another shockwave of purple energy runs through the city.
Episode 3-145[]
Season 3 Episode 145: Separation (25)
As Taksaka tries to block Chandra's attack, he thinks back to the words Yuta told him before leaving the sura realm. Power that violates Visnu's rules relies on Kali's powers, and the more of it Taksaka will use, the more he will lose control, until he becomes like the Tarakas. Yuta also told him that although dragons are more immune to Kali's temptations, they often commit suicide because they have no reason to live. In order to hold back, Taksaka must not forget about the person he wishes to protect.
Taksaka considers evading, but he thinks back to Kasak's words about how important Agwen is to him, and continues blocking, taking partial sura form and shifting to adult age in the process. The collar on his neck cracks a bit. He then asks if Chandra has anything he wishes to protect or if he is going to fall apart so easily.
People are calling Laila's name when she opens her eyes and displays surprise at what everyone is doing there. Airi explains that they are standing in line for the barrier stone. Laila asks about Chandra, but the connection with Atera had been cut off after the news of the Taraka clan suras above the city, so no one knew.
At this point, Mirha and Ruche enter, saying that they received news from the Brimo Department Store in Atera. Two thousand people survived in Riche's bunker, other survivors are unknown. Ruche attempts to glorify the foresight of her sister, but Clari question's the purity of Riche's motivations. The two of them throw insults at each other until Airi cuts them off.
Mirha asks about Leez's whereabouts, no one answers. Then Ruche comes out with news that the one attacking Atera is Chandra. The magicians and fighters in the room are shocked. Ruche and Clari both agree that Laila must stop giving Chandra vigor. Airi points out that that would mean Laila's lifespan would get cut. Laila agrees that she must not aid a god who has turned his back on humanity and implies that she know of a way to unsummon the god.
Suddenly, a loud noise shakes the temple, everyone gathers at the window only to see Ran Sairofe holding Leny by the hand and facing Chatan.
Episode 3-146[]
Season 3 Episode 146: Separation (26)
In Kalibloom, Leny tells Ran that Chatan is Shess's younger brother but he is much stronger. Ran questions the claim about strength, but lowers his guard upon hearing that Leny knows the sura. Leny attempts to warn Ran about Chatan's mastery in mental transcendentals, but is unable to finish her sentence, as she falls under the control of one such skill. Chatan approaches Ran and wonders how come Ran did not get controlled also. Ran asks Chatan to speak more loudly, but Chatan ignores him and takes Leny.
The magicians watching from the Temple window comment that the sura resembles the one that showed up in Mistyshore and discuss whether to attack him. Ruche tells them that they should not expose the barrier stone room. Laila takes off her mask and uses Hoti Vayu Hoti Chandra to teleport, the magicians speculate that she might be trying to take Chatan by surprise.
Ran asks Chatan for an explanation, Chatan takes partial sura form and bashes Ran with his hair. Shess shows up and asks Chatan to take a different candidate, not Leny. Chatan says that if Shess brings him another candidate, he will return Leny to Shess, otherwise, she will be used for Ananta's resurrection.
Shess attempts to attack Chatan, but before he can take sura form, Chatan squashes him with a transcendental. Chatan then tells Shess that he went easy on him and warns him that other brothers of theirs also seek to hurt Shess.
As Ran realizes that Chatan wasn't on Shess's side, he uses some transcendental that heals his wounds and begins to surafy, thinking about how Ananta's resurrection must be prevented at all cost. Suddenly, Rana calls out to him, which makes him stop immediately.
The magicians in the Temple are surprised that Laila didn't go help against Chatan and Airi suggests she may have gone much further.
Laila reveals that she used Hoti Vayu multiple times to teleport far from the city. She then thinks back to how Claude told her that a god's highest priority is the safety of their summoner. She stabs herself with her spear, wondering how long it will take for Chandra to appear. Thinking that if she feels guilty that the god she summoned destroyed a city, she will die. In this way, she is testing both herself and her god.
Chandra appears in front of her.
Episode 3-147[]
Season 3 Episode 147: Separation (27)
Above Atera, Taksaka wonders why Chandra disappeared. He reaches the conclusion that a mental battle between Chandra and Kadru must be taking place, and states that he should have said goodbye when he had the chance.
Inside a white area within the Taraka consciousness, Kadru is giving Chandra a beating. He criticizes gods for looking down on nastikas despite being weaker. Chandra responds that power is not all that matters. Kadru says that the mental strength of astikas is nothing much now that he's consumed Chandra.
Chandra states that it is a pity that someone who has been to such places as Kadru will meet his end here. When Kadru attempts to absorb Chandra, at first he feels like it is nothing much, but then he suddenly starts feeling a heavy burden.
Chandra reveals that he just went to the "top". He explains that it is a place where gods give up their desires and that since would be a problem for the universe if they all did that, they must drag themselves down continuously. Kadru thinks there is no way Chandra could have gone to the top at the moment, but Chandra tells him that since the top is a state of mind, it is not bound by the physical. Only very few can understand the fact that the bottom and the top of the universe exist everywhere and in every being at once.
Kadru realizes Chandra let himself get eaten on purpose. Chandra confirms this as Kadru crumbles away. Since the fragment experiment went successfully, Chandra starts to look around. He sees that Kali is in no so state to move. Then he looks at Taraka, and to his surprise, he sees Menaka in her place. But before he can think more deeply on this, he starts losing his desires and fading away.
Suddenly, Yuta calls out to him and tells him that Chandra can't stay there because his body is still moving. Chandra listens and focuses on the little things again to drag himself down once more. He notices that Laila stabbed herself with the spear.
Laila comments that Chandra showed up as expected and that the fragment experiment must have failed. She continues that she has no intention of going down with him or sacrificing herself, she will stay alive as the last Kubera.
Chandra opens his eyes and thinks that the god who gave Laila her spear must have wanted things to go this way, just as Laila lunges the spear through his neck. Laila asks why Chandra did not evade. He answers that he's aware the look in her eyes won't ever change, but he lied when he said he got rotten cards. Laila was a remarkable card and her chances of winning have improved now that she has the backing of a stronger god. He asks her not to lose to the cards of Visnu and Kali, and to summon him again once she obtains the ultimate power. Chandra disappears and Laila states she would do so even if he didn't tell her to.
In Mistyshore, Brilith continues persuading Agni to go to another city. Agni agrees and teleports away. At that moment Sagara in her male form reveals herself hiding in the room and says she was waiting for Agni to leave. Then Agni reappears and looks strictly down at Sagara.
Episode 3-148[]
Season 3 Episode 148: Separation (28)
In Mistyshore, Agni asks Sagara if the records created by time predicted he would be there. Sagara tells him that the records are not absolute and do not offer the answer to everything. Although the past is fixed, the future branches into many choices. All she can do is try to memorize the most probable ones, missing out something would be inevitable. Sagara wonders if a fifth-zen god would have better luck memorizing it all, but concludes that the god would probably just throw it all away at the top, which would make it useless.
Agni threatens to kill Sagara if she has no use since she's a threat to Brilith. Sagara says that she never planned to kill Brilith and that she wants to talk things out, even reprimanding Brilith and Agni for resorting to violence so readily. Brilith stares at her in disbelief.
Sagara then starts offering information. She attempts to tell Agni about how Gandharva killed Brilith multiple times in previous lives, but Brilith stops Sagara before she can finish, and says that all the suras that killed her were different and they were hardly worth remembering. Sagara is surprised but goes with the flow.
She changes the topic and offers to speak about Ananta's resurrection. Agni tries to prevent that topic, but Brilith expresses a wish to hear it, as Agni refused to tell her any of it earlier.
In the ruins of Atera, Taksaka lifts some boulders off of Natasha and asks about Agwen. Natasha looks around and notices Agwen lying under some rubble.
Outside of Kalibloom, Gandharva is attempting to convince Kasak to focus on killing Taraka. Finally, Kasak rips off Taraka's head and holds it up high, saying that no matter if Agwen is dead or alive, Taraka is her enemy. He then prompts Gandharva to do his thing.
Gandharva uses his soul-destruction skill on Taraka and she dissipates. When Kasak asks if it is over, Gandharva realizes he is crying but cannot figure out what for. Instead of the joy he should be feeling, it is as if something had gone horribly wrong.
Inside the Temple of Earth, Teo wakes up.
Episode 3-149[]
Season 3 Episode 149: Separation (29)
The soul of Teo Rakan speaks of how she wandered aimlessly when suddenly Menaka called upon her, urging her to run faster before she is caught. Teo races towards the light despite not knowing what she is running from. The last thing she remembers is Menaka's dissipating body, her smile, and her voice telling her that she will take away all her sins and asking her to live happily and recognize the one who truly loves her.
Teo wakes up in the Temple in Kalibloom, she is confused about what happened and where she is. The magicians around are slightly reluctant to fill her in on the latest happenings, so Clari steps forth and tells Teo about the fight she had with Laila.
It is soon revealed that Teo remembers nothing of the last seven years, the last thing she recalls is getting stabbed through the neck. Airi offers to explain what happened, but Teo callously turns her away. She asks everyone but Clari to leave the room. The magicians note that Teo used to hate Airi strongly seven years ago.
In the temple in Mistyshore, Sagara tells Agni and Brilith that unlike seven years ago, she now knows how important the vessel for Ananta's name will be. In the space where she got to read the records by time, this aspect was emphasized strongly. Ananta's records were extensive, seemingly endless. Sagara could read only a small portion and there were parts that she could not read at all.
Agni asks who was the god that made Sagara so convinced that this would not be the case seven years ago. Sagara says she could not tell him even if she wanted to.
Sagara returns to the topic. In her search for a suitable soul, she first found the soul of Menaka. But she decided not to go with this option because of the ridiculous amount of sins that Menaka carried. Agni gets rather fired up and asks for an explanation. Sagara reveals that Menaka existed until now and she just got annihilated while they were talking. Her thoughts reveal that if Taraka got sent to Kalibloom, the chance she would get annihilated was 90 %. Out loud, Sagara continues that getting annihilated was better for Menaka.
Riagara and Pingara exit Chatan's teleport and find themselves hidden in Chatan's detached arm inside the temple in Mistyshore. They can see Sagara from there.
Episode 3-150[]
Season 3 Episode 150: Separation (30)
As Cloche and Hura return with the godly items of god Kubera, Cloche complains that Clophe ran off again right after they met up with him. Chatan is already waiting at their meeting place, Leny is lying next to him. Chatan's arm recovers and he explains that he used a transcendental available only when he injures himself in order to secure an escape group for Sagara. Hura grins as she recalls how Gandharva used that same transcendental when he was crying over Teo's dead body seven years ago.
In Mistyshore, Sagara continues with her sales pitch. She explains that to her personally, the soul she uses does not matter, but for the humans it would probably be desirable that a weak and useless human be taken. She asks that they give up any one of the children and speaks about how carefully they were chosen as candidates, based on causality and other parameters.
Agni says that he promised to protect the children. Sagara asks if this means Agni would be willing to turn a blind eye if they take a different candidate. Agni falls silent. Sagara laughs at him and tells Brilith to look at what kind of god she serves. After that, she takes her leave.
Agni asks Brilith if she is disappointed. She answers that she is, but for a different reason than Sagara suggested. Then Brilith fires up her weapon and attacks.
Riagara starts to leap out from her hiding place with the goal to protect Sagara, but Pingara stops her and goes instead. Pingara takes sura form and takes the brunt of Brilith's attack. He asks Riagara not to throw around her body so recklessly and then asks Sagara to cherish her cards more. Meanwhile, Sagara grabs Riagara and they both escape. Sagara has tears in her eyes.
When Sagara and Riagara step out of the portal, joining the group waiting near Kalibloom, Sagara tells Chatan to close the portal. She looks around and notes that the minimum conditions are secured. She asks about Clophe, Hura breaks off Cloche's attempt to answer and asks about Pingara. Sagara tells them that Pingara would not be coming back. In disbelief, Cloche asks Riagara for an explanation.
In Kalibloom, a half is telling Parr that the godly items are gone. Parr tells Airi she would report this to Teo. Airi responds that will be for the better.
In her thoughts, Airi says that she believed she could accept whatever choice Teo makes, but now she realizes that the Teo that once understood her is gone, and with this, their chance to form a friendship may be lost.
- The title Separation could refer to:
- Shess and Leny getting separated
- Chandra and Laila getting separated
- Pingara getting separated from Sagara's group
- The gap between Shess and Chatan
- Gandharva and Menaka getting permanently separated
- Teo getting separated from her earlier life
- Airi getting separated from the Teo that understood her
- Brilith getting separated from Atera
- Taksaka getting separated from his future