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Holiday Wishes
Sharing the holiday spirit
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Created on 2009-11-05 20:53:18 (#455591), last updated 2025-01-01 (9 weeks ago)
10,089 comments received
612 Journal Entries, 284 Tags, 0 Memories, 1 Icon Uploaded
Name: | Holiday Wishes |
Membership: | Open |
Posting Access: | All Members, Moderated |
Community Description: | Sharing during the holiday season! |
how does this work? | |
This is the unofficial Dreamwidth version of the Live Journal community Holiday Wishes. Everyone is welcome, regardless of what you celebrate or where in the world you live. This community is all about wishes - and this is how it works: Step One
For 2024, wishlists will be accepted from November 15 through December 31. Fanworks may be posted to the AO3 collection anytime. | |
community rules | |
1. Your wishlist may contain up to 10 wishes You may include less, but please do not include more. We do permit the inclusion of one external wishlist as one of the wishes, i.e. "Wish #7: Anything from my Amazon wishlist," but wishlists with multiple links will be rejected and asked to be revised. Note that an external wishlist counts as one wish by itself, and cannot be combined with other wishes (e.g. suggesting general types of items one would like that are not on the wishlist). Please note that we also monitor for wishlists which try to sneak extra items in, either unintentionally (such as "Wish #2: Books (Interview with the Vampire, Harry Potter 6, The Silmarillion, American Gods, and any of the Dark Tower series).") or intentionally (such as "Wish #5: Any CDs by U2 or REM. Doctor Who Season 2 on DVD.") Moderators reserve the right to make a judgement on what constitutes one wish. (General rule of thumb: If you have to use "and" or "or" in naming what you're wishing for, it's probably two separate wishes and needs to be reworded to remove the extra wish or to make the wish general enough to include both.) Fanart and fanfic (and any other fanwork type) should be requested in separate wishes. (General rule of thumb: A wish may include either multiple fandoms for one medium, or any/all mediums for one fandom, but NOT multiple mediums for multiple fandoms!) If prompting for one fandom, please put prompts under a cut, leaving the fandom name visible outside of the cut. If prompting for more than one fandom, please list ONLY the fandoms in your wishlist, and put all prompts in a post on your own DW and link to it instead of listing them in your wishlist, to make things easier for those reading. We encourage tagging for each fandom requested. If you want to leave things open for someone to write anything they want for you, you may choose to link to a fanfic exchange letter or exchange letter tag instead of a single post, to give them an idea of what you might like. Please limit gift card requests and specific charity donations to three sources max each. Only one gift card request and one specific charity donation request should be posted per wishlist. General charity requests ("please donate to an animal care organization") may be listed separately, one per wish, as many as you want to use spare wishes for. 2. No PayPal begging PayPal buttons and general solicitations for PayPal donations are not allowed. For example, you may not write "I'm broke, send me money," but you may ask for specific help towards buying school textbooks or paying for a pet's surgery. Share your paypal email address only; do not clutter up people's flists with the graphical paypal buttons. 3. Contact information should be posted sensibly While we suggest that you do include contact information with your wishlist (such as an e-mail address that you frequently check), please be cautious about posting your home address on your wishlist. This is a public community, and this is the Internet. We can't ensure that everyone who joins, watches, or just browses this community is a wholesome individual. Home addresses may be posted at your discretion, but we recommend locking your wishlist to make it safer for you if you choose to do so. To avoid your e-mail address being snagged by the spambots (especially if your post is not locked to the community), we suggest you write out your e-mail address (e.g. jane doe AT gmail DOT com). If you choose to use Dreamwidth's private messaging feature, please make sure you have "accept PMs from everyone" enabled. 4. Do not update your wishlist Please do not add new wishes to your wishlist in the event that a wish has been granted. You may strike out a wish that has been granted, but you may NOT replace it with a new one. That's to keep it fair - you got 10 wishes, no more. Accordingly, if you're posting your wishlist on the LiveJournal community as well, please make sure your wishlist is identical on both sites and link to the other so that it's clear you're crossposting. (If you have any questions about whether your list violates any rules which may differ on the two communities, please PM ![]() 5. Please leave fonts, font sizes, and font colors in your wishlist unchanged People may read your wishlist in a variety of themes, and changing these attributes will make it difficult for some. 6. Please restrict the size of images in your post to 400 pixels in either dimension This makes it easier for those on mobile devices or with limited bandwidth to participate. 7. Please leave your entire wishlist uncut, with the exception of fanwork prompts or any portions that contain images or mature content. It is much easier to read wishlists without having to click on cut links every time. For more information on cuts and how to use them, see the FAQ here. Fanwork prompts, images, and mature content must be cut, and you may choose to put just your home address under a cut if you wish. 8. Please use only work/family-safe icons, except if replying to a wishlist that includes requests for explicit content Some participants may need to avoid explicit content when browsing. Your cooperation with this will ensure that more people can participate. 9. Please tag your list! You may find it easiest to do this after it has been approved, using the Edit Tags button. The Guidelines for Tagging Wishlists post gives further information on what sorts of tags are available and what is required (a minimum of one tag from each of the six categories), and you can ask for new tags to be created there. If you're unable to tag your list for whatever reason, you're welcome to ask mods to do it for you. (Just let us know your country and holiday/s and we can do the rest.) | |
the fine print | |
Posts in this community are monitored. If your wishlist does not adhere to the rules, it will not be published and we will tell you the specific rule it violated. Once you modify your wishlist accordingly, we will gladly approve it for you. Any community moderators may also edit or delete any post that violates the rules. If you need to contact one of the mods, please leave a comment on a mod post and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Happy holidays! | |
caring, gift giving, gift making, gifts, holiday spirit, holiday wishes, holidays, kindness, random acts of kindness, seasons greetings, sharing, winter, wishes, wishlists
Members [View Entries]
16jarrah, 2am_limbo, aeris444, alatefeline, alchemia, alchemia_dent, alexcat, alexseanchai, alittleacademe, almach, altamira16, althea_valara, anarchicq, andersenmom, anoyo, argylepiratewd, ariestess, artemis_wandering, arthursknight, asphodelxrose, aur0ra, auralily, auroracloud, autobotscoutriella, babylonhouse, badficbilly, barbaratp, bardicraven, batman, bedes, belleweather, bibliofile, bill_kaulitz, binary_sunset, bitflip, blackvelvetsmile, blahblahblahetcetc, bluebaron, bluegansey, boywhocameback, bring_me_sugar, brithistorian, buonanotte, bustedxflush, cactus_rs, calliopes_pen, callisto, camellie, capsquared, cassie_faith, cat2000, catdetective, cesarecross, cesy, chanter1944, chase_acow, chasethecat, chasing_silver, chokolattejedi, cirque, cloudsinvenice, cocosmileyboo, coffinliqueur, conuly, cookiegirl, crazyaboutyou, crdatema, crownedwithholly, culber, curiosity, d0g, dahliablue, darkmarcy, delight, dementedlilpsychogirl, desert_dragon, dhampyresa, dianafortyseven, diet_poison, dine, disney_dark, doeeyedbecky, doranwen, dreamingjewel64, dreamkist, dreamwriteremmy, dreamwriters, dreamy_red, dunderklumpen, duskpeterson, dylan_mx, electric_butterfly, elf, eller, embraceyourinnerdork, emmatheslayer, enemytosleep, enviropony, ephemera, esoterix, etherwhere, ex_jalerie949, f1rabbit, facethestrange, fadedwings, fallleaves, fandomonymous, fangirlkitten, fauxfox, feathered_dreams, fhionnuisce, firefly99, firewhispers, flirtable, flowerdeluce, fluxpress, flybirds, flyingharmony, foliedemars, forests_of_fire, fred_mouse, frith_in_thorns, froodle, fullupwithfire, galaxyofroses, gatheringrivers, gingicat, glitteryv, grayswandir, green_wing, greycoupon, guiltyred, hako_aiko, hakvrei, handmaid, haunted_cherries, hebethen, hellkitty, highlander_ii, honigfrosch, hyperfocused, iambickilometer, icestar, illariy, imhilien, immortalsarcasm, impala_chick, indijayde, innitmarvelous, inquisitorlily, iomixit, ireneadonovan, itsamellama, itsanonyx, jackalibis, jadelennox, jaimistoryteller, jambosana, james, jassanja, jenab, jenniology, jensi, jjhunter, joeflanigan, jolubabes2016, journeys_end, jtthomas, juliet316, kaebe, kalloway, karanguni, kate, killing_rose, kingstoken, kissapentu, kissed, krait, kreakiwi, ksarasara, kshandra, kuwdora, ladyiapetus, ladyjax, laraflame, larissabernstein, later_tuesday, lavenderhaze, lemonsharks, letsjustbreathe, lewa, lilalanor, lilliane, lilysea, lindahoyland, linky, lirin_lirilla, littlestclouds, loganberrybunny, logans_girl2001, lokifan, lone_lilly, lordhellebore, loribarett, luculia, luvbarryfefe, magid, mahmfic, mallow_is_mellow, marina, marinathena, matsushima, med_cat, medie, meilan_firaga, meltinglight, meningioma, michaelmyers, midnight21, minoanmiss, mintrose, misspinkman, missvivisx, mixtapestar, mkrobinson, mlravenwrites, mo_love_99, mocha, monkiainen, moonblossom, moosette, morrow, mrbumblepants, mulhollands, musekicker, musings1931, mxcatmoon, mythicmistress, naughtyanne, nerakrose, ninety6tears, nrgburst, obliviousally, octahedrite, oldtoadwoman, omnia_mutantur, omnicat, omnipotent, originalpuck, oriolegirl, ororo, osprey_archer, overmore, padraigen, pasta, pattrose, paynesgrey, peaked, peasina, penaltywaltz, pensnest, peppermintpuppet, petit_elan, pinesandmaples, pipilj, piscaria, pitchblackrenegade, poorunfortunatesoul, potofsoup, prettyarbitrary, primalmusic, prosodiical, quailfence, rafqa, randomling, reeby10, remiel, retsuko, rhodanum, ride_4ever, risal_soran, rodo, rootsofthestories, rosefox, roselynnthornwood, rosevalleynb, rosied, royal_heart, rugessnome, ruuger, ruvolea, sabethea, sagemessalina, santacarlagypsy, sareini, sasha_feather, scissorsevered, scripsi, sea_myst, seerofrage, sewn, sexycazzy, shadowcat, shanaqui, sheyla, sidewinder, skjam, sl_walker, slayer_bon, sleepyfairy, slipjig3, smallrobot, smilingslightly, snickfic, snoopdawg, soc_puppet, sofiaviolet, somariel, soundandvision, soundofsunlight, southernmedicine, speedyboi116, sperrywink, spikedluv, spiralicious, still_intrepid, stopongreen, stripeykitty, subukunojess, suikazura, sulfuriclights, summerstorm, svnsettia, swingandswirl, taichara, talkingtothesky, tamsin, tarlos, telophase, the_kellephant, thedivinegoat, thehermit, thejennster, themeparks, theoryoferin, thewizardofoz, thirteenie, tielan, tigrkittn, tjs_whatnot, toaster_hacker, tomakeanoffer, toothpastecandy, tralfamadore, travastila, tree_talking, triflingtiefling, unsettledink, used_songs, valveillen, venturous, verdande_mi, vex_verlain, vexed_wench, volkameria, wanderlustlover, we_are_spc, weedpizza, wendelah1, wendymypooh, winterhart, witchofthebough, worlds_of_smoke, wyrdkat, xancredible, xeena, xfinally_free, ynrethi_an, yohjideranged, yosiasing, ysay, yuuago, zarabithia, zeldaophelia, zenigotchas, zhelana, zimena, zing_och
16jarrah, 2am_limbo, aeris444, alatefeline, alexcat, alexseanchai, alittleacademe, almach, altamira16, althea_valara, anagrrl, andersenmom, anoyo, arafretya, argylepiratewd, ariestess, artemis_wandering, arthursknight, ashelterofpages, asphodelxrose, auroracloud, autobotscoutriella, badficbilly, barbaratp, bardicraven, bedes, belleweather, bibliofile, bill_kaulitz, binary_sunset, blackvelvetsmile, blahblahblahetcetc, bluebaron, blueswan, bring_me_sugar, brithistorian, buonanotte, cactus_rs, calliopes_pen, callisto, camellie, capsquared, cassie_faith, cat2000, catdetective, cesy, chase_acow, chasethecat, cirque, cleoderse, cloudsinvenice, cocosmileyboo, conuly, cookiegirl, crdatema, crownedwithholly, culber, curiosity, dahliablue, darkmarcy, dementedlilpsychogirl, derwent_f, desert_dragon, dhampyresa, dianafortyseven, dickinsons, dine, disney_dark, doeeyedbecky, doranwen, dreamingjewel64, dreamkist, dreamwriteremmy, dreamwriters, dreamy_red, dunderklumpen, duskpeterson, dylan_mx, electric_butterfly, elf, eller, embraceyourinnerdork, emmatheslayer, endlesstwanted, enviropony, esoterix, etherwhere, f1rabbit, fallleaves, fangirlkitten, fannishenergy, fauxfox, fhionnuisce, firefly99, firewhispers, flirtable, flockofcrows, flowerdeluce, flyingharmony, foliedemars, forests_of_fire, fred_mouse, froodle, gatheringrivers, gingicat, glitteryv, gloss, grayswandir, green_wing, guiltyred, hako_aiko, haunted_cherries, hebethen, hellkitty, highlander_ii, hobbitdragon, honigfrosch, hyperfocused, iambickilometer, illariy, immortalsarcasm, impala_chick, indijayde, innitmarvelous, inquisitorlily, iomixit, itsanonyx, jackalibis, jaimistoryteller, jambosana, jenab, jenniology, jensi, jjhunter, joeflanigan, jolubabes2016, journeys_end, juliet316, kaebe, kalloway, karanguni, kate, killing_rose, kingstoken, kissapentu, kissed, kreakiwi, kshandra, kuwdora, ladyiapetus, ladyjax, laraflame, later_tuesday, lavenderhaze, lemonsharks, lilalanor, lilliane, lilysea, linky, loganberrybunny, logans_girl2001, lokifan, luculia, mahmfic, mallow_is_mellow, marinathena, matsushima, medie, meilan_firaga, merisunshine36, michaelmyers, midnight21, mintrose, missizzy, missvivisx, mkrobinson, mo_love_99, mocha, monkiainen, mulhollands, musekicker, musings1931, mxcatmoon, mythicmistress, naughtyanne, nerakrose, ninety6tears, nrgburst, oldtoadwoman, omnia_mutantur, omnipotent, oneinist, onthecyberseas, oriolegirl, ororo, overmore, pattrose, paynesgrey, peaked, peasina, penaltywaltz, pensnest, peppermintpuppet, pessi_mista, petit_elan, piscaria, pitchblackrenegade, poorunfortunatesoul, prettyarbitrary, primalmusic, prosodiical, quailfence, quillpunk, r_tt_n, rafqa, randomling, reeby10, relentlessckie, remiel, retsuko, rhodanum, ride_4ever, risal_soran, rodo, rollcake, rootsofthestories, roselynnthornwood, rosevalleynb, rosied, royal_heart, ruuger, ruvolea, sagemessalina, santacarlagypsy, sareini, sasha_feather, scissorsevered, scripsi, seerofrage, sexycazzy, shadowcat, shanaqui, sheyla, shopfront, sidewinder, skjam, sl_walker, sleepyfairy, smilebackwards, smilingslightly, soc_puppet, sofiaviolet, somariel, soundofsunlight, southernmedicine, speedyboi116, sperrywink, spiralicious, sporky_rat, still_intrepid, stopongreen, stripeykitty, subukunojess, suikazura, sulfuriclights, summerstorm, svnsettia, swingandswirl, tamsin, teigh_corvus, templemarker, the_kellephant, thedivinegoat, thehermit, thejennster, themeparks, thewizardofoz, thirteenie, tigrkittn, tjs_whatnot, toaster_hacker, tomakeanoffer, too_funny, toothpastecandy, travastila, trillingstar, trouble, unavee, unsettledink, used_songs, venturous, verdande_mi, vex_verlain, vexed_wench, vindoletta, volkameria, wallflowering, wanderlustlover, we_are_spc, weedpizza, wildfireblossom, winterhart, witchofthebough, worlds_of_smoke, xancredible, xfinally_free, yohjideranged, ysay, zeldaophelia, zenigotchas, zhelana
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