Synopsis |
Volume 11[]
One day in a Japanese-styled room in Belzerg's royal castle, Aqua drunkenly told Kazuma that she had used the flyers from the shopping street to make a copy of Vanir's mask in order to mock the Demon.
Chapter 1[]
- An Awakening for This LoliNEET!
- このロリコンニートの覚醒を!
Chapter 2[]
- Retribution for This Roommate!
- この同居人に人誅を!
Chapter 3[]
- A Goddess's Mercy for This Pious Believer!
- この敬虔な信徒に女神の慈悲を!
Chapter 4[]
- A Score to Settle with This Nasty Monster!
- この悪辣なモンスターと決着を!
Chapter 5[]
- Back to Basics with These Adventurers!
- この冒険者達と共に原点回帰を!
Toranoana Bonus Short[]
- The Strongest Killer Skill is...
- 最強の必殺技は……
Gamers Bonus Short[]
- All for Princess Iris
- アイリス様のために
E-book Bonus Short[]
- That Skill is Dangerous
- そのスキル、危険につき