
From IndieWeb

Atom is an XML format and protocol for publishing feeds that was developed as a more formally specified alternative to RSS.

Looking for some other Atom? See: Other Things Called Atom

h-entry and h-feed are microformats2 vocabularies based on Atom, which supersede the classic hAtom microformat.

Atom is defined in RFC 5023 (format) and RFC 4287 (protocol). was the canonical web site, but it died.

IndieWeb Examples


Tantek Çelik generates (using Falcon) a minimal subset Atom+ActivityStreams feed on from storage. Due to bandwidth inefficiency of XML formats (and apparent bandwidth abuse of XML consuming code/servers), his Atom feed file only has the most recent 1 item(s), whereas his h-feed on his home page has the latest 64 items (as of 2015-265). See also feed file: Criticism and in particular feed: Criticism.

Barnaby Walters

Barnaby publishes auto-discoverable ATOM feeds on all feed pages using Taproot on e.g. the homepage since ????-??-??.

  • The feeds are automatically generated from the h-entry microformats on the page, so I only have to maintain the HTML which works for humans and machines rather than two copies. The endpoint I use for converting is open for anyone to use: microformats to ATOM --Barnaby Walters 10:17, 10 February 2015 (PST)

Christian Weiske

Christian Weiske's blog natively generates full-text atom feeds for tag-filtered and all posts

gRegor Morrill

gRegor Morrill publishes an Atom feed for articles as of 2015-02-11

  • Previously I was publishing an RSS 2.0 feed that was delivered by FeedBurner. I migrated back to a self-hosted feed due to the unsure future of FeedBurner, plus having more control of the feed since it is on my own domain again.

As of 2016-03-08, I'm experimenting with Granary to convert my notes h-feed into an Atom feed.

Anthony Ciccarello

Anthony Ciccarello publishes an Atom feed of all posts (article, recipe, and photo).

David Foley

David Foley (dsofeir)'s site uses the Grav CMS Feed plugin to publish an Atom feed of all his blog posts.

Past Examples

Sandeep Shetty (now redirects to a Blogger blog) previously generated an Atom feed from h-feed (using an h-feed to atom proxy). See DRY: h-feed enabled = Atom enabled (was at 14:06, 30 June 2013 (PDT)

Kyle Mahan

⚠️ Kyle's site is now unfortunately a zombie site, so links have been replaced with archived versions

Kyle Mahan published an Atom feed for all post feeds (most recent iteration since 2014-09-13).



Ryan Barrett's granary fetches and converts Facebook, Flickr, Twitter, Instagram, and Google+ data to and from Atom, as well as other formats like ActivityStreams and microformats2 HTML/JSON.


hfeed2atom converts h-feeds to atom feeds.


Main article: unmung
  • unmung generates an h-feed from any Atom or RSS one


Atom feeds can be automatically discovered by feed readers if the homepage contains a link to it in its <head> tag:

<link rel="alternate" type="application/atom+xml" title="Feed" href="atomfeed.xml" />

The title is important if there are multiple feeds linked, e.g. category and comment feeds.


The Atom Threading Extensions RFC 4685 extends the Atom XML format to allow direct embedding of comments for posts/entries in the atom feed, as well as linking to comment feed files for single posts.

Software generating Atom feeds with comments:

readers supporting atom comments:

  • (?)


 <link rel="replies" type="text/html" href="" thr:count="11"/>
 <link rel="replies" type="application/atom+xml" href="" thr:count="11"/>


See: Feeds: Shutdowns


See: Criticism of legacy feed formats


This section is a stub. For additional history see Wikipedia: Atom Development History (though it may not have all the details present here).


  • 2003-06-16 The effort to define a "conceptual data model of what constitutes a well formed log entry" blogged by Sam Ruby in Anatomy of a Well Formed Log Entry was the start of what became Atom.


  • 2003-06-23 the effort that became Atom was more formerly launched, with various supporting blog posts in the following days. A small sample from the launch roadmap:


Pie was the original name given the to the syndication format project that became Atom. Early posts/pages that mention Pie and its use as a starting point


Echo was the second name given the to syndication format project that became Atom. Early pages/posts that mention Echo:

Atom named

RSS Atom wars

Main article: RSS Atom wars

From 2003-2007 (at least) there was significant energy put into debating the merits of using Atom vs RSS. This quite heated ongoing debate earned the name of "RSS Atom Wars" or "syndication wars".

See: RSS Atom wars for citations and quotes from articles during this time period that illustrate the tensions and conflicts.

Other Things Called Atom was a code editor from GitHub, discontinued on 2022-12-15.

See Also