gRegor Morrill
Pronouns: he/him/his
gRegor Morrill is a software developer living in San Diego, California.
Chat Nickname: gRegor
My name is gRegor Morrill and I have been blogging on since about 2002. By day I am a software developer, primarily using PHP, MySQL, and open source CMS software like ProcessWire.
I first encountered the IndieWeb in 2013 when I came across federated commenting.[1] Since then, I've attended several IndieWebCamps; helped organize Homebrew Website Club in Chicago, Bellingham, and San Diego; and helped organize IndieWebCamp Bellingham 2017.
- ProcessWire Webmention module
- ProcessWire IndieAuth module
- indiebookclub
- Webmention plugin for Nucleus CMS
- As of 2015-07-12 I am no longer using Nucleus CMS on my site or maintaining this plugin.
My site
I was using Nucleus CMS on my site from 2002 until 2015. The extensibility of it attracted me and served me well for a long time. I contributed to the Nucleus core code and several plugins over the years. I implemented a webmention plugin [2] and a plugin for posting notes. Unfortunately, official development has stopped. After using the ProcessWire framework professionally for several sites, I migrated my site to that in 2015.
Here are some notes on my implementations:
IndieWeb Projects
- Improve php-mf2 test coverage, especially mf1 backcompat
- Migrate to a modern framework:
Personal Site
This list is not prioritized.
- set up on this day
- improve microformats nesting in posts, e.g. ideally u-photo should not be inside e-content
- Update archive page to include all post types
- Add back posting activity visualization
- Strip EXIF from photos posted on my site. Reference
- Consider option to filter silo responses from fully-IndieWeb responses on
- Consider additional notification options for these responses as well; I've overlooked some recently like
Colin Devroe's response to
- Consider additional notification options for these responses as well; I've overlooked some recently like
- Improve reply-contexts when avatar (or other parts) missing from source URL. e.g.
- Fallback to <title> when no mf2
- Default avatar when replying to someone that doesn't have a photo/logo in their h-card
- Bug fix:
Chris Aldrich original link doesn't show up for this mention:
- Bug fix: ProcessWire Webmention extractURLs() method trimming trailing slash on URLs, causing problems with webmentioning
Martijn van der Ven
- Work on non-JS support of "and X others" link for collapsed likes.
- 2023-06 Fix utf8 => utf8mb4 mysql encoding for the rest of the site database
- 2023-01 Update homepage
- Highlight recent notes/photos. exclude unlisted posts and probably replies, likes.
- Highlight latest article when it's still new (1-3 months?). Still show it after that time, but not as prominent and indicate it's a bit older. I'm not writing articles as often lately.
- 2022-11-23 Add unlisted support to posts
- ...
- 2018-01-21 Fixed utf8 => utf8mb4 encoding for webmention parsing
- 2017-06-23 Migrating pages to SSL-only.
- 2017-06-07 Add rsvp responses to event posts
- 2017-05 Add syndication links to event posts
- 2017-04-29 Fix my authorship parsing for reply-contexts; use aaronpk for example.
- 2017-04-05 Set up ISBN links on my site that redirect to external book source, e.g. Amazon.
- Use h-cite markup on read and read later posts.
- 2017-01-01 Improve my style-guide and clean up CSS.
- 2016-11-20 Added user-friendly endpoints and
- 2016-10 Fix cache-clearing on Atom feed after publishing articles
- 2016-08-25 Added visualization of posting activity. [3]
- 2016-08-21 Changed header logo from PNG to SVG with PNG fallback.
- 2016-08-?? Cache reply-context photos, one of the last items before going SSL-only.
- 2016-06-15 Switch from StartSSL to LetsEncrypt https cert
- 2016-06-05 Added local search (IndieWeb Summit project).
- 2016-05-31 Import legacy Nucleus comments into current ProcessWire site.
- 2016-04-21: Caching author images locally, similar to ca3db [4]
- 2016-03-17: Set up IndieAuth sign in for my site.
- 2016-02-25: Better logging of incoming webmentions, including: request headers, webmentions originating from the form on my site.
- 2015-11-10: Setting up PGP securely. Again, Damn the Man.
- 2015-09-30: Post events on my own site
- 2015-08-17: Cache article/note permalinks and /archives page
- 2015-07-27: Displaying webmention replies on notes like I do on articles.
- 2015-07-12:
- Migrated my site from Nucleus to ProcessWire. See Changing permalinks
- Update site layout to be responsive.
- Add note content/summary to <title> on note permalinks.
- Queue sending webmentions so the posting UI does not hang
- 2015-03-22:
- Added character count to notes interface to gauge Twitter limit, using CASSIS
- Added query parameter support for in-reply-to URL, so now I can reply to tweets from Android more easily using
- 2015-02-11: Migrate RSS feed away from FeedBurner
- 2015-??: Adding a "notes" stream to my site distinct from the articles.
- 2015-??: Syndicating notes/articles to Twitter and Facebook (POSSE)
- 2014-07-08: Added https suport. Content is still available on both http and https
- 2014-06-29: Help Amanda MacLean get set up posting on her own domain at IndieWebCamp West 2014
- Set up a basic, custom CMS using ProcessWire at
These have been on the list for a while and I'm not likely to do them at this point. :)
- Work on a simple HWC graphic for use on event posts (specifically on Facebook)
- Work on upgrading with mf2 support.
- Brainstorm calendar on my own site, including private events.
- Brainstorm a "when is good" page that let's people inquire if I might be available at a certain datetime.
- Set up more WebSub buttons for article feeds.
- Work on a ProcessWire "IndieWeb Site Profile" that can be easily installed.
See also: Archived Interests