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james: (zen rocks)

Tracks in the Sand

and tracking the sand all over the carpet

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Created on 2009-04-11 19:52:38 (#38291), last updated 2024-12-10 (2 days ago)

33,812 comments received, 19,998 comments posted

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Location:Eugene, Oregon, United States
Website:Gila's Cave
Knitter, quilter, writer. Not necessarily in that order, depending on what day it is. My fic journal imported from LJ can be found at [personal profile] gilascave.

I could probably use a nap.

For those wandering over from LJ, I was zortified over there. I also go by gilafied or gilascave in various places. I am still me. Even when I am not me.


September 2017 moved to E Oregon
October 2005 moved to Sacto (1st time)
(not a complete list, two dates I keep forgetting though)
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Open Mutual Access (187):

adina, alexdraven, angrboda, arduinna, ariadnes_string, aris_tgd, asecretchord, askye, askygoneonfire, banishedfaith, beccaelizabeth, bethbethbeth, blue_raven, brynwulf, byrne, cali, calligrafiti, calliopes_pen, camobscura, camshaft22, cathrowan, cereta, chefxh, cj, conuly, crimsonquills, cupidsbow, cybel, damoyre, darchildre, darthneko, destina, digitalwave, dine, dmarley, drglam, dubhartach, echoscometorest, edgeofcenter, elebridith, elistaire, ellia, embroiderama, ephemera, erynn, fadedwings, fleurrochard, foofaraw, fred_mouse, fullupwithfire, gatheringrivers, gchick, gem225, gilarecs, gilascave, giogio, glasmalerei, gozer, halfeatenmoon, hazard, heuradys, hope, iamshadow, icarus, idiosyncratic, ignipes, ionthesparrow, ioplokon, isis, jaciem, jadelennox, jamethiel, janedavitt, jedibuttercup, jenna_thorn, jiltanith, jmtorres, just_ann_now, justhuman, kaethe, kayim, keelywolfe, keenquing, kellifer, kendermaus, killing_rose, kitsune_tsuki, konsectatrix, laceymcbain, ladyjanelly, ladyjax, ladyvyola, lannamichaels, lapislaz, lazydwarf, lenores_raven, lianneb, lillian13, linaerys, loreleif, mabiana, mamadeb, melrae, merripestin, merryish, miniera, mishaday, mlyn, mollyamory, moonlettuce, moonpuppy, mpoetess, mutantenemy, nafs, ngaio, nomelon, nonniemous, norah, omorka, opusculasedfera, outsideth3box, peoriapeoriawhereart, perspi, platypus, poisontaster, prillalar, purple_crocus, quiet000001, raec123, ramblin_broad, ratherastory, reginagiraffe, resonant, retrofit, rhi, ride_4ever, rosefox, rosewildeirish, rubygirl29, ruric, sanj, seakirsten, shinetheway, shipperslist, shotboxer, skripka, smilingslightly, solarcat, somehowunbroken, southerncontinentskies, spearoflonginus, spikedluv, st_aurafina, staranise, starlurker, stasha2g, storm_petrel, strina, sweettartheart, swingandswirl, teigh_corvus, templemarker, the_rck, the_wanlorn, thebratqueen, thedeadcat, thefourthvine, theladyscribe, theninth, therienne, tjoel2, umadoshi, undeadrobins, urbanoceanix, used_songs, vanessarama, venivincere, vic_ramsey, vickita, waldo, wildcard_sej, wolfling, wordwitch, wpadmirer, wyomingnot, ysobel, zillah975

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Open Mutual Subscriptions (191):

alexdraven, angelangel3, angrboda, arduinna, ariadne83, ariadnes_string, asecretchord, askye, askygoneonfire, balsamandash, banishedfaith, bethbethbeth, blue_raven, brynwulf, byrne, cali, camobscura, camshaft22, cathrowan, cereta, chefxh, cherrypixel, cj, conuly, crimsonquills, cupidsbow, cybel, damoyre, darchildre, darthneko, destina, dine, dmarley, drglam, dubhartach, echoscometorest, edgeofcenter, elebridith, elistaire, elke_tanzer, eller, ellia, ephemera, erynn, fadedwings, fleurrochard, foofaraw, frahulettaes, fred_mouse, fullupwithfire, gatheringrivers, gchick, gem225, gilarecs, gilascave, giogio, glasmalerei, gozer, halfeatenmoon, havocthecat, hawk_soaring, hazard, heuradys, iamshadow, ignipes, ionthesparrow, ioplokon, isabellerecs, isis, jaciem, jadelennox, jamethiel, janedavitt, jedibuttercup, jenab, jenna_thorn, jiltanith, jmtorres, just_ann_now, justhuman, kaethe, karanguni, kayim, keelywolfe, keenquing, kendermaus, killing_rose, kitsune_tsuki, konsectatrix, laceymcbain, ladyjanelly, ladyjax, ladyvyola, lannamichaels, lapislaz, laridian, lazydwarf, lenores_raven, lianneb, lillian13, linaerys, litalex, loreleif, luzula, mabiana, mamadeb, melrae, merripestin, miniera, mishaday, mollyamory, montanaharper, moonlettuce, moonpuppy, mpoetess, mutantenemy, mxcatmoon, nafs, nephir, ngaio, nonniemous, offcntr, omorka, opusculasedfera, outsideth3box, pandarus, peoriapeoriawhereart, perspi, petra, platypus, poisontaster, princessofgeeks, purple_crocus, quiet000001, quiet1, raec123, ramblin_broad, ranunculus, ratherastory, reginagiraffe, retrofit, ride_4ever, rosefox, rosewildeirish, rubygirl29, ruric, sanj, sara, schneefink, seakirsten, shinetheway, shipperslist, shotboxer, skripka, smilingslightly, solarcat, somehowunbroken, southerncontinentskies, spearoflonginus, spikedluv, st_aurafina, staranise, starlurker, stasha2g, storm_petrel, strina, sweettartheart, swingandswirl, teigh_corvus, templemarker, thebratqueen, thedeadcat, theninth, therienne, tielan, tygermama, umadoshi, undeadrobins, urbanoceanix, used_songs, vanessarama, venivincere, vic_ramsey, vickita, waldo, wildcard_sej, wolfling, wordwitch, wpadmirer, wyomingnot, zillah975

Open Other Subscriptions (35):

Open Other Subscribers (137):

a_natural_beauty, abeautifultyrant, adina, aetherseer, alteredzed, amedia, amethyst_lilac, amkave, ammonite22, anais_pf, anonymousfour, aralintheobsessive, aris_tgd, avidrosette, badfalcon, badly_knitted, barbaratp, bardicraven, beccaelizabeth, bettina, binary_sunset, bluapapilio, blue_spruce, blythely, cala_jane, calligrafiti, calliopes_pen, captainlove, cat63, celtprincess13, chrysalis1975, cittasette,, clayr, cloudtrader, copracat, crazywritinfool, danyellaskyler,, darthhellokitty, deerang2002, denig37, devilc, digitalwave, dirtyzucchini,, dragonbait, driseog, duck, edgebot, eemilyvr1, elbomac, eliabrith, elisane, epistrophia, evildrem, fandomthennow, fathomlessspite, fauxfox, flowright, glamourbombfairy, greyart, grrlpup, hamsterwoman, hyperfocused, iadorespike, icarus, iiyo,, iphignia939,, jassanja, jazzybabe56,,, karen, kate, kdsburneraccount, kellifer, kitewithfish, knitmeapony, ktnb, ladyjamielynne,, lorem_ipsum, lqc, makamu, mangosmoothie_xx, merrily, merryish, o_contrary,, othercat, owl, paean, paradox18, phoenix4, pkoceres, prillalar, radiantfracture, rafiwinters, ragdoll, rakan, rayenseen, rian_aphasia, riyukco, rustnroses, saguaro_soliloquies, saraid, sarapod, satyathetruth, scaramouch81, scriggle, seleneheart, silveradept, skipperdahl, skyeisfalling, skylark_cee, smc1225, sometimessunny, soundingsea, sparrowhawk17, summerstorm, sura, tartary_lamb, thady, thebestcourtney, thedivinegoat, thedormouse, trcunning, tucker620, twd_princess, villeinage, violsva, wolffe, yarngeek, ysobel
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