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Tracks in the Sand
and tracking the sand all over the carpet
This journal should be viewed with discretion.
Seed Account
Created on 2009-04-11 19:52:38 (#38291), last updated 2024-12-10 (2 days ago)
33,812 comments received, 19,998 comments posted
6,053 Journal Entries, 138 Tags, 2 Memories, 135 Icons Uploaded
Name: | James |
Location: | Eugene, Oregon, United States |
Website: | Gila's Cave |
Knitter, quilter, writer. Not necessarily in that order, depending on what day it is. My fic journal imported from LJ can be found at gilascave.
I could probably use a nap.
For those wandering over from LJ, I was zortified over there. I also go by gilafied or gilascave in various places. I am still me. Even when I am not me.
September 2017 moved to E Oregon
October 2005 moved to Sacto (1st time)
(not a complete list, two dates I keep forgetting though)
I could probably use a nap.
For those wandering over from LJ, I was zortified over there. I also go by gilafied or gilascave in various places. I am still me. Even when I am not me.
September 2017 moved to E Oregon
October 2005 moved to Sacto (1st time)
(not a complete list, two dates I keep forgetting though)
avengers, brian o'conner, brian/dom, centaurs, cfl, clint barton, cooking, dallas cowboys, diabetes, doctor who, dominic toretto, fan fiction, fanfic, fast & furious, fastpitch softball, football, gay fiction, gregor vorbarra, hades the video game, hawai'i five-0, hawkeye, hockey, ianto jones, ironman/captain america, ivan vorpatril, jesse cook, knitting, lord of the rings, mission impossible, napping, nfl, phil coulson, pretzels, quilting, rps, san jose sharks, seaquest, sewing, slash, sock knitting, the fast and the furious, tony stark, tony stark/bucky barnes, tony stark/bucky barnes/steve rogers, tony stark/clint barton, tony stark/steve rogers, vin diesel, vorkosigan series, werewolves, witcher, writing
People [View Entries]
adina, alexdraven, angrboda, arduinna, ariadnes_string, aris_tgd, asecretchord, askye, askygoneonfire, banishedfaith, beccaelizabeth, bethbethbeth, blue_raven, brynwulf, byrne, cali, calligrafiti, calliopes_pen, camobscura, camshaft22, cathrowan, cereta, chefxh, cj, conuly, crimsonquills, cupidsbow, cybel, damoyre, darchildre, darthneko, destina, digitalwave, dine, dmarley, drglam, dubhartach, echoscometorest, edgeofcenter, elebridith, elistaire, ellia, embroiderama, ephemera, erynn, fadedwings, fleurrochard, foofaraw, fred_mouse, fullupwithfire, gatheringrivers, gchick, gem225, gilarecs, gilascave, giogio, glasmalerei, gozer, halfeatenmoon, hazard, heuradys, hope, iamshadow, icarus, idiosyncratic, ignipes, ionthesparrow, ioplokon, isis, jaciem, jadelennox, jamethiel, janedavitt, jedibuttercup, jenna_thorn, jiltanith, jmtorres, just_ann_now, justhuman, kaethe, kayim, keelywolfe, keenquing, kellifer, kendermaus, killing_rose, kitsune_tsuki, konsectatrix, laceymcbain, ladyjanelly, ladyjax, ladyvyola, lannamichaels, lapislaz, lazydwarf, lenores_raven, lianneb, lillian13, linaerys, loreleif, mabiana, mamadeb, melrae, merripestin, merryish, miniera, mishaday, mlyn, mollyamory, moonlettuce, moonpuppy, mpoetess, mutantenemy, nafs, ngaio, nomelon, nonniemous, norah, omorka, opusculasedfera, outsideth3box, peoriapeoriawhereart, perspi, platypus, poisontaster, prillalar, purple_crocus, quiet000001, raec123, ramblin_broad, ratherastory, reginagiraffe, resonant, retrofit, rhi, ride_4ever, rosefox, rosewildeirish, rubygirl29, ruric, sanj, seakirsten, shinetheway, shipperslist, shotboxer, skripka, smilingslightly, solarcat, somehowunbroken, southerncontinentskies, spearoflonginus, spikedluv, st_aurafina, staranise, starlurker, stasha2g, storm_petrel, strina, sweettartheart, swingandswirl, teigh_corvus, templemarker, the_rck, the_wanlorn, thebratqueen, thedeadcat, thefourthvine, theladyscribe, theninth, therienne, tjoel2, umadoshi, undeadrobins, urbanoceanix, used_songs, vanessarama, venivincere, vic_ramsey, vickita, waldo, wildcard_sej, wolfling, wordwitch, wpadmirer, wyomingnot, ysobel, zillah975
amethystfirefly, amireal, aquaprofunda, ariadne83, cesperanza, daegaer, deannie, elke_tanzer, frahulettaes, hawk_soaring, hhunt, j00j, jadesfire, khaiell, liviapenn, marycrawford, merrily, misbegotten, missmollyetc, montanaharper, nephir, princessofgeeks, sara, silveradept
a_natural_beauty, abeautifultyrant, amedia, amkave, anais_pf, angelangel3, badfalcon, balsamandash, barbaratp, blue_spruce, cala_jane, captainlove, carbonel, cherrypixel, chloes_mom, chrysalis1975, clayr, danyellaskyler, darthhellokitty, deerang2002, denig37, devilc,, edgebot, eemilyvr1, elbomac, eliabrith, elisane, epistrophia, fandomthennow, fathomlessspite, fauxfox, glamourbombfairy, greyart, grrlpup, hamsterwoman, hyperfocused, iiyo,, iphignia939,, karen, knitmeapony, ktnb, ladyjamielynne,, makamu, mangosmoothie_xx, owl, paean, paulacas, phoenix4, pkoceres, quiet1, rafiwinters, ragdoll, rayenseen, rian_aphasia, riyukco, saguaro_soliloquies, satyathetruth, somethingdarker, summerstorm, tartary_lamb, that_mireille, thedivinegoat, thedormouse, tielan, tigs, tonystarkbingo, trcunning, tsumego, tucker620, twd_princess, viklikesfic, villeinage, yarngeek
alexdraven, angelangel3, angrboda, arduinna, ariadne83, ariadnes_string, asecretchord, askye, askygoneonfire, balsamandash, banishedfaith, bethbethbeth, blue_raven, brynwulf, byrne, cali, camobscura, camshaft22, cathrowan, cereta, chefxh, cherrypixel, cj, conuly, crimsonquills, cupidsbow, cybel, damoyre, darchildre, darthneko, destina, dine, dmarley, drglam, dubhartach, echoscometorest, edgeofcenter, elebridith, elistaire, elke_tanzer, eller, ellia, ephemera, erynn, fadedwings, fleurrochard, foofaraw, frahulettaes, fred_mouse, fullupwithfire, gatheringrivers, gchick, gem225, gilarecs, gilascave, giogio, glasmalerei, gozer, halfeatenmoon, havocthecat, hawk_soaring, hazard, heuradys, iamshadow, ignipes, ionthesparrow, ioplokon, isabellerecs, isis, jaciem, jadelennox, jamethiel, janedavitt, jedibuttercup, jenab, jenna_thorn, jiltanith, jmtorres, just_ann_now, justhuman, kaethe, karanguni, kayim, keelywolfe, keenquing, kendermaus, killing_rose, kitsune_tsuki, konsectatrix, laceymcbain, ladyjanelly, ladyjax, ladyvyola, lannamichaels, lapislaz, laridian, lazydwarf, lenores_raven, lianneb, lillian13, linaerys, litalex, loreleif, luzula, mabiana, mamadeb, melrae, merripestin, miniera, mishaday, mollyamory, montanaharper, moonlettuce, moonpuppy, mpoetess, mutantenemy, mxcatmoon, nafs, nephir, ngaio, nonniemous, offcntr, omorka, opusculasedfera, outsideth3box, pandarus, peoriapeoriawhereart, perspi, petra, platypus, poisontaster, princessofgeeks, purple_crocus, quiet000001, quiet1, raec123, ramblin_broad, ranunculus, ratherastory, reginagiraffe, retrofit, ride_4ever, rosefox, rosewildeirish, rubygirl29, ruric, sanj, sara, schneefink, seakirsten, shinetheway, shipperslist, shotboxer, skripka, smilingslightly, solarcat, somehowunbroken, southerncontinentskies, spearoflonginus, spikedluv, st_aurafina, staranise, starlurker, stasha2g, storm_petrel, strina, sweettartheart, swingandswirl, teigh_corvus, templemarker, thebratqueen, thedeadcat, theninth, therienne, tielan, tygermama, umadoshi, undeadrobins, urbanoceanix, used_songs, vanessarama, venivincere, vic_ramsey, vickita, waldo, wildcard_sej, wolfling, wordwitch, wpadmirer, wyomingnot, zillah975
7iris, afuna, amireal, aquaprofunda, candyheartsex, cesperanza, cimorene, daegaer, daisysusan, deannie, hhunt, hope, idiosyncratic, j00j, jadesfire, khaiell, liviapenn, marycrawford, misbegotten, missmollyetc, mlyn, nomelon, norah, olivermoss, rachelmanija, resonant, rhi, the_wanlorn, thefourthvine, theladyscribe, tonystarkbingo, twentysomething, vintagewitch, yhlee, zvi
a_natural_beauty, abeautifultyrant, adina, aetherseer, alteredzed, amedia, amethyst_lilac, amkave, ammonite22, anais_pf, anonymousfour, aralintheobsessive, aris_tgd, avidrosette, badfalcon, badly_knitted, barbaratp, bardicraven, beccaelizabeth, bettina, binary_sunset, bluapapilio, blue_spruce, blythely, cala_jane, calligrafiti, calliopes_pen, captainlove, cat63, celtprincess13, chrysalis1975, cittasette,, clayr, cloudtrader, copracat, crazywritinfool, danyellaskyler,, darthhellokitty, deerang2002, denig37, devilc, digitalwave, dirtyzucchini,, dragonbait, driseog, duck, edgebot, eemilyvr1, elbomac, eliabrith, elisane, epistrophia, evildrem, fandomthennow, fathomlessspite, fauxfox, flowright, glamourbombfairy, greyart, grrlpup, hamsterwoman, hyperfocused, iadorespike, icarus, iiyo,, iphignia939,, jassanja, jazzybabe56,,, karen, kate, kdsburneraccount, kellifer, kitewithfish, knitmeapony, ktnb, ladyjamielynne,, lorem_ipsum, lqc, makamu, mangosmoothie_xx, merrily, merryish, o_contrary,, othercat, owl, paean, paradox18, phoenix4, pkoceres, prillalar, radiantfracture, rafiwinters, ragdoll, rakan, rayenseen, rian_aphasia, riyukco, rustnroses, saguaro_soliloquies, saraid, sarapod, satyathetruth, scaramouch81, scriggle, seleneheart, silveradept, skipperdahl, skyeisfalling, skylark_cee, smc1225, sometimessunny, soundingsea, sparrowhawk17, summerstorm, sura, tartary_lamb, thady, thebestcourtney, thedivinegoat, thedormouse, trcunning, tucker620, twd_princess, villeinage, violsva, wolffe, yarngeek, ysobel
Communities [View Entries]
bestthingever, fandomgiftbox, fenopause, holiday_wishes, holidayfluff_exchange, homemade2homemade, kink_finders, knitting, leverage, leverageinternational, sewing, the_losers_2010, vorkosigan, wishlist, womenshockey
ante_up_losers, bestthingever, beth_h, dw_maintenance, dw_news, fandomforoz, fandomgiftbox, fenopause, holidayfluff_exchange, homemade2homemade, kink_finders, knitting, leverage, leverageinternational, npt_admin, oraclegreen, sewing, shipoween, the_losers_2010, trickortreatex, vorkosigan, wishlist, womenshockey, yuletide_pinch_hits
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