Yahoo! UI Library:: UI Controls :: Slider


Yahoo! UI Library: Slider

The Slider component is a UI control that enables the user to adjust values in a finite range along one or two axes. Typically, the Slider Control is used in a web application as a rich, visual replacement for an input box that takes a number as input. The Slider component can also easily accommodate a second dimension, providing x,y output for a selection point chosen from a rectangular region.

This page describes the Slider component and provides examples of its use. It contains these sections:



Getting Started


<!-- Namespace source file --> 
<script src = "" ></script>

<!-- Dependency source files --> 
<script src = "" ></script>
<script src = "" ></script>
<script src = "" ></script>

<!-- Slider source file --> 
<script src = "" ></script> 

Sliderコンポーネントは YAHOO.widget.Slider. で定義されます

Basic HTML/CSS Setup

To create a slider you will need ID references to two page elements: one for the slider background and one for the thumb. The thumb should be a child of the background element.

<div id="sliderbg">
   <div id="sliderthumb"><img src="sliderthumbimg" /></div>

The elements can be styled as desired, but both elements should be positioned. Since the background area is clickable, the size of the elements matter. In typical implementations you will need to make the background width(for horizontal sliders) or height(for vertical sliders) the total number of pixels you want the slider to be able to move plus the width or height of the thumb element:

Here is a Slider layout example (Note: not to scale, and the dimensions are just an example, not a recommendation):


1つ目はスライダーの背景となる要素、2つ目はサムネイルです。サムネイルは背景要素の子供(child node?)でなければいけません。

<div id="sliderbg">
   <div id="sliderthumb"><img src="sliderthumbimg" /></div>

2つの要素が勝手に希望どおりの配置になってくれるかもしれませんが、しっかりと位置づけておいた方がいいでしょう。背景の領域はクリック可能なので、要素のサイズが重要になってきます。水平軸のスライダーを作る場合は背景のwidthを、もしくは垂直軸のスライダーを作る場合はheightの値を、全体の幅(スライドさせる幅)+サムネイル分の値を追加した値 にするのが一般的なやり方です。

背景のwidth(or height) = スライドする幅 + サムネイル分の幅


Initializing the Slider

The following example creates a horizontal slider object.

var slider;
function sliderInit() {
   slider = YAHOO.widget.Slider.getHorizSlider("sliderbg", "sliderthumb", 0, 200);

The getHorizSlider method produces a horizontal slider. The getVertSlider method produces a vertical slider. The full constructor for both looks like this:

YAHOO.widget.Slider.getHorizSlider(string bgid, string thumbid, int leftup, int rightdown, [int tick]) 


  • bgid is the id of the slider background
  • thumbid is the id of the slider thumb
  • leftup is the number of pixels the slider can move left or up (depending on orientation)
  • rightdown the number of pixels the slider can move right or down (depending on orientation)
  • tick is the optional tick interval (see Setting up Tick Marks for more information)

The Slider component in the example above is created so that it can be moved 200 pixels to the right, and 0 pixels to the left. It is also possible to configure the slider thumb to start in the center of the background, which would make sense if your default landing zone or zero value is in the middle of the range.

See the additional topics below in Using Slider or under Examples for functional examples.



var slider;
function sliderInit() {
   slider = YAHOO.widget.Slider.getHorizSlider("sliderbg", "sliderthumb", 0, 200);


YAHOO.widget.Slider.getHorizSlider(string bgid, string thumbid, int leftup, int rightdown, [int tick]) 
  • bgid はスライダーの背景のIDです
  • thumbid は スライダーサムネイル(ボタン?取っ手?)のIDです
  • leftupは左方向、もしくは上方向に動かせるピクセル幅です
  • righdown は右方向、もしくは下方向に動かせるピクセル幅です
  • tickはチックの間隔です(ある一定の間隔をおいてスライドすること 詳しいことは後述)



Using Slider
This section describes customizations to the Slider.

  1. Setting Up Tick Marks
  2. Creating Slider Animation
  3. Customizing Events



  1. チックの設定
  2. スライダーのアニメーションをつくる
  3. イベントのカスタマイズ


1.Setting Up Tick Marks

Sometimes you may want your slider to move in fixed pixel increments instead of pixel by pixel. The slider component supports this with an optional fifth parameter to the getHorizSlider and getVertSlider methods for the tick interval. The following will produce a vertical slider with tick positions every 20 pixels:

var slider;
   function sliderInit() {
   slider = YAHOO.widget.Slider.getVertSlider("sliderbg", "sliderthumb", 0, 200, 20);

When the background is clicked, or the thumb dragged, the slider automatically snaps to the nearest tick position.


一ピクセルずつ動かすのではなく、移動幅を固定して飛ばし飛ばしにスライダーを動かしたい時があるかもしれません。sliderコンポーネントは getHorizSlider()とgetVertSlider()にチックをセットできるよう、五つめの追加パラメータをサポートします。次のサンプルは、20pxごとにチックをセットした垂直スライダーを作り出します。

var slider;
   function sliderInit() {
   slider = YAHOO.widget.Slider.getVertSlider("sliderbg", "sliderthumb", 0, 200, 20);




2.Creating Slider Animation

If you include the Yahoo! Animation component in your web page, the slider animates when its background is clicked. The animation is a smooth "ease-in" transition unless you define tick marks for the slider. In that case the slider snaps to all tick marks on its way to the final destination.

Animation may not be desirable in some implementations. Some slider animations, for example using an image as a CSS background image for the slider thumb, may cause performance issues for some browsers (notably IE). In the case of the thumb performance can be improved by using a slider image <img src="..."> rather than a CSS background on the slider HTML element.

If you prefer not to use animation, you can disable animation either by omitting the reference to the Animation class, or by turning it off explicitly:

var slider;
function sliderInit() {
   slider = YAHOO.widget.Slider.getHorizSlider("sliderbg", "sliderthumb", 100, 100);
   slider.animate = false;



【ease-in サンプル】

アニメーションを使わない方がいい場合もあります。いくかのスライダー・アニメーションはブラウザに強い負荷をかけます。例えばCSSのbackground-imageを使ったスライダー・サムネイルを使ったような場合です。(IEの場合は特に)このようなケースでは、HTML要素のCSS backgroundを使わないで、スライダーを画像&lt;img src="">するとパフォーマンスが改善されることがあります。


var slider;
function sliderInit() {
   slider = YAHOO.widget.Slider.getHorizSlider("sliderbg", "sliderthumb", 100, 100);
   slider.animate = false;

3.Customizing Events

The Slider component has an onChange event that is triggered when the slider thumb is moved. The onChange event provides the number of pixels the thumb has moved from the position it was in when the component was initialized.

var slider;
function sliderInit() {
   slider = YAHOO.widget.Slider.getHorizSlider("sliderbg", "sliderthumb", 100, 100);
   slider.onChange = displayNewValue;

function displayNewValue(offsetFromStart) {
   // determine the actual value from the offset
   var newVal = (offsetFromStart + myStartVal * myScale);



var slider;
function sliderInit() {
   slider = YAHOO.widget.Slider.getHorizSlider("sliderbg", "sliderthumb", 100, 100);
   slider.onChange = displayNewValue;

function displayNewValue(offsetFromStart) {
   // 差分?を実数で代入
   var newVal = (offsetFromStart + myStartVal * myScale);
