Jul. 5th, 2012

troisroyaumes: Painting of a duck, with the hanzi for "summer" in the top left (Default)
[personal profile] troisroyaumes
User name: [personal profile] troisroyaumes

Email address: tarigwaemir at gmail dot com

I'm offering: One handknit item (take your pick from hat, dishcloth, scarf or cowl)

Examples of my work (optional): my Ravelry projects page or Tumblr knitting tag (scroll down to get to my actual projects rather than links to patterns) (replaced with link to a tag that just has my actual projects)

Additional info (optional): I'll knit to your specifications, including size and color. I'm not offering gloves/mittens or socks this time, but I'll consider any other knitted object that can be reasonably finished with ~100 grams of yarn.

Starting bid (in USD): 20 USD
terajk: Ryoga, grabbing Ranma by his pajama-top and shouting: "Do you remember where my house is?!" (Default)
[personal profile] terajk
User name:[personal profile] terajk 

Email address: [email protected]

I'm offering: One fanfic of at least 500 words

Examples of my work: Most of my fic is archived at [archiveofourown.org profile] terajk; some Soul Eater ficlets can be found at my manga: soul eater tag.

Fandoms: Avatar: The Last Airbender, Ouran High School Host Club, Ranma 1/2, Soul Eater

Additional info: My fic is usually very short--the longest thing I've written was 1460-odd words--and tends to be character- and dialogue-driven rather than plotty. I'm especially fond of characters with disabilities (and also, genderqueer!Ranma), and like putting characters together just to see what would happen, especially if they end up triggering each other just by existing but are friends anyway. (Crossovers are a thing of joy and beauty.) I'm happy to discuss things with you before and after you bid.

Fandom-specific things:

AtLA: If you want Azula/Toph, I can write that for you! (It's not the only ship I write, but it's the rarest.)

Ouran: I'm most familiar with the anime.

Ranma 1/2: 

Boy: A Ranma 1/2 Picspam (for my "gender play" square for kink_bingo in 2011)

You are Here: Why Ryoga Hibiki is Awesome (An analysis of Ryoga's character in general and his navigational disability in particular)

Also, I'm most familiar with the manga.

Soul Eater:

An ongoing "Disability in Soul Eater" series:

Asura and Crona

OCD Goth Cowboy Jesus For Great Justice

The Mad Scientist and his Assistive Device

Familiar with both the anime and the manga.

Starting bid (in USD) $5
littlebutfierce: (kimi ni todoke question mark)
[personal profile] littlebutfierce

Below the cut please find (hopefully!) all the information you need about this fundraiser. If there is something unclear, please contact the mods by leaving a comment or sending a PM (to [personal profile] littlebutfierce, [personal profile] troisroyaumes, or [personal profile] vi).

Read more... )
via_ostiense: Eun Chan eating, yellow background (Default)
[personal profile] via_ostiense
User name: [personal profile] via_ostiense
Email address: purplejaebi at gmail
I'm offering: audiofic of up to 5,000 words
Examples of my work (optional): audiofic archive page
Fandoms (if appropriate): St. Trinian's, The Avengers, White Collar, Vorkosigan, Coffee Prince, Sherlock Holmes (ACD, BBC, movieverse), Doctor Who, Big Bang Theory, or Harry Potter. If you want another fandom, PM me or comment here. I read mostly gen or femmeslash these days and prefer stories focusing on female and/or POC characters.
Additional info (optional): Can read fics in English, Latin, or Spanish (I have an Argentinian-estadounidense accent)
Starting bid (in USD) $5
littlebutfierce: (oofuri manga hands blue)
[personal profile] littlebutfierce
This is a fundraiser to benefit [personal profile] ephemere, with the aim of supporting her in the wake of her losing her job, home, and good relations with her family due to homophobia. The idea of this fundraiser was conceived by friends of [personal profile] ephemere, and is being run with her permission. Funds will go to rent, utilities, food, and medical bills.

We are accepting donations (please contact the mods via PM for more details) & are also running an auction as follows:

  • The auction will open for offers on Thursday, July 5.
  • All auctions will open for bids on Thursday, July 12.
  • Bidding will be open from Thursday, July 12 at 21:00 GMT to Saturday, July 21 at 21:00 GMT (time zone converter).

Please see our FAQ for more details.

& here is a list of auctions that could use more love! Find yourself a possible bargain! :D

We'd love to see as much activity here as possible, so please signal-boost freely!
littlebutfierce: (natsume yuujinchou ot3 school)
[personal profile] littlebutfierce
User name: [personal profile] littlebutfierce

Email address: paperwarfic at gmail dot com

Examples of my work: All my fic is at [archiveofourown.org profile] paperwar on AO3; specifically for fundraisers I've written A Warmth, A Light, A Power (Natsume Yuujinchou) & You've Got A Lot to Answer For (K-On!).

I'm offering: One fanfic of at least 1000 words.

Fandoms: Antique Bakery, K-On!, Kimi ni Todoke, Moshidora, Natsume Yuujinchou, Otome Youkai Zakuro, Princess Nine, Tumbling, Yozakura Quartet.

Additional info: Please check out my fic at AO3 (link above) to get an idea of the sorts of things I write. That doesn't mean I won't write something I haven't written before, of course! Though if you're bidding for a Natsume fic, please note I won't write Matoba/Natsume. I'm happy to discuss things with you before you bid (& after, obviously!).

Starting bid (in USD): $10
owlectomy: A panda in a barrel, reading a book (reading)
[personal profile] owlectomy
User name: owlectomy

Email address: [email protected]

Examples of my work: Emily's shoujo manga translations (Note: It's been quite a long time since I've done fan translations, but both my prose style and my Japanese have gotten much better in the interim).

I'm offering: 1 small translation and 1 medium-sized translation from Japanese to English. A "small" translation is about the size of 2 song lyrics or a page of prose (for example, a short magazine interview). A "medium-sized" translation is up to approximately 20 pages of prose or 50 pages of manga. (I don't mind if it goes over slightly if needed to finish up a story or chapter.) I'll translate songs, poems, manga, doujinshi, fiction, celebrity interviews -- no restrictions on content except that I can't translate anything in calligraphy or anything written before the 19th century.

Additional info: I'm not particularly good at Photoshop, but I can do a scanlation if you want -- it just won't necessarily be pretty.

You can send me clear, high-resolution scans of the original text or send the text to me through the mail. I'll pay for shipping one way.

Once completed, the translation will be yours to do with as you wish; you can distribute it or keep it for personal use, as long as you keep the authorship anonymized.

Starting bid (in USD): $5 for a small translation, $40 for a medium-sized translation. Please specify which one you're bidding on.



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