sailwithoutwind: (Cherry Blossoms)
[personal profile] sailwithoutwind
User name: [personal profile] sailwithoutwind
Email address: [email protected]
YM/AIM/Gtalk/ICQ (optional): ask! GTalk, Skype, and AIM are available.
I'm offering: minimum 1000 words of either fanfic or original fiction
Examples of my work (optional): [community profile] one_final_dream // [community profile] bookofthesaved // [community profile] upended_hourglass (original fiction)*
Fandoms & Genres: includes, but is not limited to... )
Additional info (optional): I cannot provide a timeframe for delivery, but I do guarantee you will be happy with what you receive--rewrites and new ideas are fair game if you find yourself displeased. In order to ensure these get written, however, I do reserve the right to request a new prompt/pairing if it's something I genuinely feel I cannot do justice.
Starting bid (in USD): $14

*This community is locked, but if you'd like to take a look just leave a comment at the comm's public post that you're coming from this auction.
lilalanor: (DW (Martha))
[personal profile] lilalanor
User name: lilalanor/melliyna (on LJ)
Email address: mellisha19 at gmail dot com
I'm offering: At least one fic of a thousand words
Examples of my work (optional): My fic can be found here on A03
Fandoms (if appropriate): Sherlock BBC, Criminal Minds, The Tudors, Law & Order UK, Pundit RPF and various others as covered on AO3 (I'm pretty familiar with a lot of British shows)
Additional info (optional): I'm probably better at gen-fic and absolutely love AUs but I'm pretty much flexible as to what you, the bidder would want.
Starting bid (in USD) $5
via_ostiense: Eun Chan eating, yellow background (Default)
[personal profile] via_ostiense
User name: [personal profile] via_ostiense
Email address: purplejaebi at gmail
I'm offering: audiofic of up to 5,000 words
Examples of my work (optional): audiofic archive page
Fandoms (if appropriate): St. Trinian's, The Avengers, White Collar, Vorkosigan, Coffee Prince, Sherlock Holmes (ACD, BBC, movieverse), Doctor Who, Big Bang Theory, or Harry Potter. If you want another fandom, PM me or comment here. I read mostly gen or femmeslash these days and prefer stories focusing on female and/or POC characters.
Additional info (optional): Can read fics in English, Latin, or Spanish (I have an Argentinian-estadounidense accent)
Starting bid (in USD) $5



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