
We are built as gene machines and cultured as meme machines, but we have the power to turn against our creators. We, alone on earth, can rebel against the tyranny of the selfish replicators. - Richard Dawkins "Selfish Gene"

We are built as gene machines and cultured as meme machines, but we have the power to turn against our creators.
We, alone on earth, can rebel against the tyranny of the selfish replicators.
- Richard Dawkins "Selfish Gene"


はてダをMovable TypeでExportすると日付が1970年になってしまう件

はてなダイアリーをWT形式でexport(管理画面の「データ管理」から可能)したデータをWordpressでMovableType形式として読み込むと、だいたいOKでコメントもちゃんと移行できる。 「-----」5本で項目区切り、「--------」8本でエントリの区切りになっている…