Harvey Girls Forever! Wiki

Fluffy is Dot Polka's pet rodent that first appears in The Secret Strife of Pets.


At first, Fluffy appeared to be a mysterious critter covered in brown fur with a white face and a tail like squirrel. While both Audrey and Lotta thought she was cute, Dot believed that Fluffy gross, diseased and thought she was really a rat, until she became rather loving with Fluffy. The Harvey girls then soon give her to The Harvey Street Bow, who they later thought wanted to kill Fluffy but were wrong. After the Bow gave her back to Dot, Fluffy is than revealed to a rat after all as she sneezed and all the fur falls off.

Notable Relationships[]

Appearances []

Season 1[]


  • Fluffy later makes a cameo in Pretty in Pinkeye, where Dot is shown taking her for a walk while on a leash. She somehow got all of her brown fur back, Dot also send Fluffy to delivered a letter to Pinkeye.
  • Fluffy is an acronym for "Furry Lost Ugly Flea Farm Yuckiness".