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The Boss or Don is the leader of a mafia or gang who makes the important decisions for their gang or organisation, with some decisions made on the advice of their Consigliere, or adviser. This word doesn't always mean a mafia boss, but also other bosses from criminal families, gangs and other criminal organizations.

Notable bosses in the 3D Universe and the HD Universe[]

The list is categorized by the ethnicity most of the members have, although some of the gangs are not mono-ethnic and are put under mixed. Associates of gangs that are not full members do not count.

African-American gangs[]

3D Universe[]

HD Universe[]

Albanian crime families[]

Bolivian gangs[]

Chinese gangs[]

3D Universe[]

HD Universe[]

Colombian gangs[]

3D Universe[]

HD Universe[]

Cuban gangs[]

Dominican gangs[]

3D Universe[]

HD Universe[]

Haitian gangs[]

Irish-American crime families[]

Italian-American crime familes[]

3D Universe[]

HD Universe[]

Jamaican Posses[]

3D Universe[]

HD Universe[]

Japanese gangs[]

Jewish crime families[]

Mexican gangs[]

3D Universe[]

HD Universe[]

Mixed ancestry gangs[]

3D Universe[]

HD Universe[]

Outlaw Motorcycle Clubs[]

3D Universe[]

HD Universe[]

Russian Mafia[]

Vietnamese gangs[]

Note that two other gangs, the Butterfly Children and Shining Razors are mentioned by The Truth and on Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas's now-defunct website, but they do not appear in the game. As a result of this, they also have no named leaders mentioned.

White American gangs[]

3D Universe[]

HD Universe[]