Sue's Quotations are quotations made by Sue Sylvester, portrayed by Jane Lynch.
Season One[]
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Sue: You think this is hard? Try being waterboarded...that's hard! |
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Sue: You think that's hard? I'm living with hepatitis...that's hard! |
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Emma: Since when are cheerleaders performers? |
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Sue: These students are like a caste system. All the popular kids are in the penthouse. All the nerds playing wizards and trolls in the forest, bottom floor. |
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Sue: So here's the deal. You do with your depressing little group of kids what I did with my wealthy elderly mother: Euthanize it. It's their time. |
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Sue: Iron tablet? Keeps your strength up when you're menstruating. |
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Well, I'm not sure anyone's going to want to swim over to your island of misfit toys. |
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I resent to be told to hold on to anything, William. I will not be treated like a second class citizen because of my gender. |
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Lady Justice wept today. |
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Let me be the one to break the silence. That was the most offensive thing I've seen in twenty years of teaching. And that includes an elementary school production of "Hair." |
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—Sue about the New Directions' performance, Showmance |
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You know, Q, when I first laid eyes on you, I was reminded of a young Sue Sylvester, though you don't have my bone structure. |
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Sue: Let me get this straight. The Glee Club got rid of Dakota Stanley, Mr Schuester's back and they're busy at work on a new number more confident than ever. |
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Will: You have always been out to get me. |
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I'd love to stay and chat but I got a satellite interview. That's lingo again, for an interview... via satellite. |
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Hey, how's that homelessness working out for you? Give not being homeless a try! |
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You know, when I heard Sandy wanted to write himself into a scene as Queen Cleopatra, I was aroused…then furious. |
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—Sue about Sandy, The Rhodes Not Taken |
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I hereby grant you complete artistic control. You now have everything you could possibly want. Isn't it a great feeling? |
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Terri: But I'm not a nurse. I work at Sheets 'n' Things. |
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You have to remember something: we're dealing with children. They need to be terrified. It's like mother's milk to them. Without it, their bones won't grow properly. |
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Feeling listless again today. It began at dawn when I tried to make a smoothie out of beef bones, breaking my juicer. And then, at Cheerios practice: DISASTER! It was unmistakable. It was like spotting the first spark on the Hindenburg. A quiver! That quiver will lose us Nationals, and without a championship, I'll lose my endorsements, and without those endorsements, I won't be able to buy my hovercraft. |
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Sue: Let me put it to you this way. If it's not a full blown affair, well it's certainly heading in that direction. You need a machete to cut through the haze of lust that surrounds them. |
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Ellen, that blouse is just insane. |
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Let me be frank. Your husband is hiding his kielbasa in a Hickory Farms gift basket that doesn't belong to you. |
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Look at me, even in the heat of battle, I am so elegant, regal. I am Ajax, mighty Greek warrior. |
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Figgins: And Sue, no pitting the kids against one another. |
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Sue: When you hear your name called, cross over to this side of this black shiny thing. |
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Santana: That's how Sue sees it! |
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In fact, I like minorities so much, I'm thinking of moving to California to become one. |
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I can't help picturing small birds laying sulphurous eggs in there and I find it disgusting. |
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I empower my Cheerios to be champions. Do they go to college? I don't know. I don't care. Should they learn Spanish? Sure, if they wanna become dishwashers and gardeners. |
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Will: Sue... hey, Sylvester!! I'm talking to you!! |
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Will: I will destroy you. |
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Sue: All right, let's go. |
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Your psychosexual derangement would be fascinating if it weren't so terrifying! |
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You sunk my battleship, Rod, and you sunk it hard. |
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—Sue to Rod Remington, Mash-Up |
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Schuester! Yeah, I'll need to see that set list for Sectionals after all, and I want it on my desk, warm from the laminator at 5:00 p.m. And if it is one minute late, I will go to the animal shelter and get you a kitty cat. I will let you fall in love with that kitty cat. And then, on some dark, cold night, I will steal away into your home and punch you in the face! |
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Never let anything distract you from winning. Ever. |
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—Sue to Dalton Rumba and Grace Hitchens, Hairography |
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Emma: Sue? Did someone finally punch you? |
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Will: I didn't even know this was going on. |
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It's like looking at a porno star in a nun's habit. |
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Quinn: The Cheerios photo is tomorrow; I want back on that squad. |
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There's a stack of mattresses in the choir room piled as high as the empty hair gel bottles in the dumpster outside your apartment. |
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Will: It was an innocent mistake. |
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Is there any reason you have a soiled mattress in your office, Will? Have you and the redhead become so sexually depraved that you have to commit your craven acts of adultery in between classes? |
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Get ready for the ride of your life, Will Schuester. You are about to board the Sue Sylvester Express. Destination... Horror! |
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—Sue and Will, Sectionals |
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Figgins: Sue, the directors, both from the Jane Addams Academy and Haverbrook School for the Deaf, have informed me that you gave them the New Directions' set list. |
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—Figgins and Sue, Sectionals |
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I'm engorged with venom and triumph. |
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Hey, buddy, got a haircut? Looks awful. |
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If I were't ignoring what these ladies were saying, due to my deep repulsion, I'd encourage you to go for it. |
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You need to become even more narcissistic than ever before. |
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You two should be wetting yourselves with shame. |
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I won't be buying any hatchets, William, unless I get a clear shot to your groin. |
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I would've gotten [a drink] for you, Will, but I don't like you. |
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It's my understanding you've been given the heave-ho by that terribly uncoordinated Finn Hudson. |
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You may be two of the stupidest teens I've ever encountered - and that's saying something. I once taught a cheerleading seminar to a young Sarah Palin. |
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Will: Bring it. Sue: Oh I will bring it, William. You know what else I'm gonna to bring? I'm gonna bring some Asian cookery to wipe your head with. Cause right now you've got enough product in your hair to season a wok. |
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Will (watching Cheerios practice): Wow Sue. I'm really impressed. |
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—Will and Sue, The Power of Madonna |
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Do you not understand the blackmail process and how it works? I have your wife's phone number on speed dial. To recap, you will be playing those Madonna hits throughout the day at an earsplitting volume. Understood? |
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Also, Á la Madonna, I will no longer be acknowledging that you have last names. Becky Jackson, from now on you're just Becky. |
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—Sue to the Cheerios, The Power of Madonna |
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It's like Madonna once said, "I'm tough, I'm ambitious and I know what I want, if that makes me a bitch, okay." I'm pretty sure she stole that line from one Sue Sylvester. No, really, she stole it from me. I said it first. Palladium... '87. |
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—Sue to the Cheerios, The Power of Madonna |
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Sue: Santana, what does your bracelet say? |
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—Sue to the Cheerios, The Power of Madonna |
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You think this is hard?! I'm passing a gallstone as we speak! That's hard! |
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My parents were famous Nazi hunters so they weren't around a lot. |
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“Madonna.” Simply saying the word aloud makes me feel powerful. Even in voice-over. How I have worshipped her ever since I was a little girl. Sorry, Angie Jolie, Catherine the Great. Madonna is the most powerful woman to ever walk the face of the Earth. |
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Oh, hey William. I thought I smelled cookies wafting from the ovens of the little elves who live in your hair. |
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I just lost my train of thought because you have so much margarine in your hair. |
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—Sue to Will, The Power of Madonna |
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Sloppy freak show babies! |
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Figgins: You're an original, just like Madonna. Don't lose that quality. |
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—Figgins and Sue, The Power of Madonna |
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Emma: I was just wondering why Madonna's playing everywhere except my office. |
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—Emma and Sue, The Power of Madonna |
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Somewhere in the English countryside, in a stately manor home, Madonna is weeping. |
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—Sue about a performance by the Cheerios, The Power of Madonna |
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Madonna belongs to me and I will not be copied. It's in my contract. |
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—Sue to Will, The Power of Madonna |
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I make fun of Will's hair because I'm jealous. There. I said it. |
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—Sue to Mercedes and Kurt, The Power of Madonna |
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You know, I was down at the pharmacy today, and they are having a monster sale on Dep. Dep is a hair gel. And once again I am making fun of your incredibly stupid hairdo. |
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—Sue to Will, The Power of Madonna |
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Water, maple syrup for glucose, lemons for acid, cayenne pepper to irritate the bowels and a dash of Ipecac, to induce vomiting. I haven't had a solid meal since 1987. |
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Mercedes, your vocal chords have had more fantastic runs than a Kenyan track team. |
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On assembly days, I arrange for the rest of the school to be fumigated, so the gym is the only place with clean air. |
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How do you two not have a show on Bravo? |
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"Splits" magazine, after much campaigning by one Sue Sylvester, has named me cheerleading coach of the last two thousand years. |
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Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got to put a call into the Ohio Secretary of State informing him that I will no longer carry identification. Know why? Because people should know who I am. |
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Mercedes: Well, what am I gonna do? |
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Well, Becky, you are assimilating beautifully. Instead of being different and an outcast, you're just like every other teenage girl in America, sadly obsessed with vanity. Hey, before you know it, you'll be leaving little baggies of upchuck in your parents’ linen closet. |
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Some people like to film themselves getting physical with their partner. I happen to enjoy revisiting the impeccable form of my jazzercise routines. |
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Principal Figgins: Last year a list of the Ten Ugliest Gingers in the school was passed around. The perpetrator would have been expelled had it not turned out to be a MEMBER OF THE FACULTY! |
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I bribed Will Schuester's landlord to bug his apartment with baby monitors under his couch. And in his bedroom. |
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—Sue to Emma, Bad Reputation |
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Karofsky: Hey, Ms. Sylvester, let's get physical. |
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—Karofsky and Sue, Bad Reputation |
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That Glee Club stole my private property and as soon as I figure out the difference between Slander and Libel, I'm suing you. |
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—Sue to Will, Bad Reputation |
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I never understood how hard it is to get laughed at, especially in slow motion. |
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—Sue to Jean, Bad Reputation |
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Wait, what's that smell? Dear God, that's coffee! It's usually masked by the smell of fear! |
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Will, I may buy a small diaper for your chin because it looks like a baby's ass! |
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—Sue to Will, Bad Reputation |
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What's that?! Oh, look!! Sue Sylvester is a top 700 recording artist, people! Who's laughing now! Hah! |
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Nobody quits the Cheerios. You either die or I kick you off. |
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—Sue to Mercedes, Laryngitis |
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I'm gonna make it a habit to not stop and talk to students because this has been a colossal waste of my time. |
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—Sue to Kurt, Laryngitis |
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So you like show tunes. It doesn't mean you're gay. It just means you're awful. |
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—Sue to Kurt, Laryngitis |
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Sue: There's only one person who can tell you who you are. |
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—Sue and Kurt, Laryngitis |
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Bryan: Sue, you're an impressive woman. I can't tell you how much you turn me on right now. You ever heard of the term, "anger sex"? |
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—Bryan Ryan and Sue, Dream On |
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Is it a tad over-the-top to bill the district for skydiving lessons to have the Cheerios parachuted onto the football field? Perhaps. |
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Will: Look, nobody got hurt. It was a harmless prank! |
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I'm all about finding a freakish depressed kid and showing them what winning's all about. |
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Will, I'm not going to do this. Even your breath stinks of mediocrity. |
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I want it to look like Elvis' gold record room at Graceland, except I'll be wanting far few morbidly obese women wandering around. |
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You know for me, trophies are like Herpes. You try to get rid of them but they just keep coming. Sue Sylvester has hourly flair ups of burning itchy highly contagious talent. |
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something strange happened yesterday. I felt something below the neck. Dare I admit it? I have feelings for one Will Schuester. Sexy, non-murdering feelings. … True love always springs from true hate. I'll admit in the past I've fantasized about waking up with Will's head on the pillow next to me, except now I picture it attached to the rest of his body. |
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It's as barren as me in here, Will. |
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From Fort Wayne, Indiana, the not-at-all stupidly named, Aural Intensity! |
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Kiss my ass, Josh Groban! I'm an internationally-ranked cheerleading coach! |
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—Sue to Josh Groban, Journey |
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I realize my cultural ascendance only serves to illuminate your own banality. But, face it, I'm legend. It's happened. |
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I spend large segments of each day picturing you choking on food, and I recently contacted an exotic animal dealer because I had a very satisfying dream that I once shoved your face into one of those pink-inflamed monkey butts that weep lymph. |
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Will: Inside, you're a really good person. I appreciate what you're doing for these kids. I won't forget it. |
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Your hair looks like a briar patch. I keep expecting racist animated Disney characters to pop up and start singing songs about living on the Bayou. |
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Season Two[]
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Sue: Cut my budget? You can't cut my budget without express permission of the President of the Federal Reserve! It's in my contract! |
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—Sue and Principal Figgins, Audition |
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I don't want you anywhere near my squad. You'll deafen them with the sound of your stretch marks rubbing together. |
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Beiste: This seat taken? |
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See this? It's a court summons-child endangerment-'cause there's been a line of would-be Cheerios out there since late July. I guess they lost their humanity a little bit. One girl ate a pigeon, several others started worshiping a possum carcass as their lord... Well, that's how much they want to be Cheerios. |
” |
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Sue: First of all, a female football coach, is like a male nurse - sin against nature. Number two, I'm sure you're used to Hillbilly parents yelping adulation at you as they attempt to impregnate the tailpipes of various off-road vehicles, but you're in my house now, Beiste. No one comes into my house and steals from me. |
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—Sue and Shannon Beiste, Audition |
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Should have gone with poop cookies, Will. |
” |
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Oh, and Boobs McGee? You're demoted to the bottom of the pyramid, so when it collapses, your exploding sand bags will protect the squad from injury. Now take your juicy, vine-ripened chest fruit and get the hell out of my office. |
” |
“ |
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Will: Those kids went out there and put their hearts into that performance! And how does the school repay them? By defacing the signup sheet! Buttface McBallnuts? Assbraham Lincolon? They're not even funny! |
” |
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Don’t go soft on me, Will. I realize you’re mourning the loss of that boney little redhead you’re in love with, and I understand, it’s not just a loss for you. As she appears to be the link between early hominids and man, it’s also a loss for science |
” |
“ |
The two of you are making a very serious mistake today, the likes of which have not been seen since the Mexican Indians sold Manhattan to George Washington for an upskirt photo of Betsy Ross. |
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It's a Britney Spears sex riot! |
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—Sue, -Britney/Brittany |
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William, I realize you're still mourning the loss of that bony, red-headed hominid you're in love with, I understand that. |
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—Sue to Will, Britney/Brittany |
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Now, I'm secretly hoping it's a mid-life crisis, which means you're halfway to an early death, affording me a blissful, demented convalescence spent peeing on your grave. |
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—Sue to Will, Britney/Brittany |
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I'm gonna sue the pants off of you, Will. I'm going to take your house, your car, your extensive collection of vests ─ I mean, seriously, you wear more vests than the cast of "Blossom." |
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—Sue to Will, -Britney/Brittany |
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You know what, William? That's what one Hubert Humphrey said back in 1968 at the start of the Democratic National Convention. But then hippies put acid in everyone's bourbon. And when an updraft revealed Lady Bird Johnson's tramp-stamp, and tattoos above her ovaries, Mayor Richard J. Daley became so incensed with sexual rage that he punched his own wife in the face. And spent the next hour screaming "Sex Party!" into the microphones of all three major networks. |
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—Sue to Will, -Britney/Brittany |
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In my office I have a chair with a naked butt sweat stain to prove it. It's like an ink blot test, that butt sweat stain. Stare into it long enough, and you will see the light of all that is good go out of the world. |
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—Sue to Will, Britney/Brittany |
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Is your Glee Club doing BRITNEY SPEARS??? |
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—Sue to Will, Britney/Brittany |
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Becky, you're on Red Alert. If you see any awkward teenage frittage, you perform that Citizen's Arrest we practiced. |
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—Sue to Becky, Britney/Brittany |
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Emma: What happened to you, Sue? What horrible, horrible thing happened to you that made you such a miserable tyrant? |
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—Sue and Emma, Grilled Cheesus |
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I'm sorry for what you're going through, Lady. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy, and I guess I don't have to--I think Mary Lou Retton is like an orphan or something. |
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—Sue to Kurt, -Grilled Cheesus |
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People who dress like librarians? All sex addicts. |
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Are you ready for a chilling statistic? 70% of all teeth in this school are wooden. |
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We've lost the true meaning of Halloween: Fear. |
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Children must know fear. Without it, they'll try Frenching grizzly bears or trying to live in Florida. |
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Show him who's the boss. Great, now I'm picturing the two of them making out during an episode of 'Who's the Boss.' |
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—Sue to Quinn, Never Been Kissed |
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This may be the opportunity I’ve been waiting for. A way to get Beiste out of the school and your Macaulay Culkin stunt double back in your arms. |
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—Sue to Quinn, Never Been Kissed |
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Take a good look William, because Sue Sylvester's got two things to show you. To my left I have one confetti cannon. To my right you'll find another confetti cannon. |
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It finally occurred to them to stop singing all that nonsense about how awesome it is to be alive, or ugly, or whatever the point is you guys are always trying to make. And instead they just got mean. |
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—Sue to Will, Never Been Kissed |
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Will: Coach Beiste quit? |
” |
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Quinn: ...I'm dating the hottest guy in school- |
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—Sue to Quinn, Never Been Kissed |
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Why don't you go home, rest, die? It doesn't matter. Because as my first official act as principal, you are fired. |
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—Sue to Will, The Substitute |
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I suggest selling yourself on Craigslist under the heading of 'Men seeking Men with Butt Chins.' |
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—Sue to Will, The Substitute |
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You make the underflaps of my breasts burn, like when I used to rub them with poison sumac. |
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Rest assured that I, and my attorney, Gloria Allred, will be pressing charges. |
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—Sue to Will, The Substitute |
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Will: I thought we were friends. |
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[On a piece of broccoli]: When I showed this to Brittany, she whimpered and thought I cut down a small tree where a family of gummy bears lived. |
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My years-long quest for power has finally bore fruit. |
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—Sue to Will, The Substitute |
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Humiliation. Bested by the Beiste less than 24 hours after my plan to replace all chairs in the school with sharp poles was thwarted, a resounding defeat in my war against sitting... I need a new cause. |
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There's no reason for you to be here... really, there's no reason for you to be here. |
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—Sue to Will, The Substitute |
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This room feels weird. I can't shake the feeling that I'm inhaling a lot of dead skin. |
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You're welcome to sing The Sound of Silence in your hotel room. Right now. |
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Sue:As an apology I'll allow you to choose from the following nicknames: Gelfling, Porcelain, or Tickle Me Doughface. |
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I just prefer to think of the homeless as outdoorsy. So shine on urban campers! |
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By the power invested in me by a website, I hereby pronounce you Sue and Sue. You may kiss yourself. |
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Kurt: You know when you call me lady, that's bullying. And it's really hurtful. |
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Lady, if this kid lays a finger on you, I will expel him faster than a Thai take-out place can read back your order. |
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William, Elmo, You. Get the hell out of my office. |
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—Sue to Will, Emma, and Coach Beiste, A Very Glee Christmas |
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You're not the only person at this school that consumes protein powder by the tubful. |
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Will: I thought you hated the holidays. |
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It's okay, it's not going to explode. |
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I thought you might wanna put all of out of our misery and shave off that Chia Pet. |
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—Sue to Will, A Very Glee Christmas |
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Will: How did you get in here? |
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You're a regular Agatha Christie. Except even more sexless. |
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—Sue to Emma, A Very Glee Christmas |
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I'm everybody's Secret Santa. Yeah, you can just drop those anywhere. |
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—Sue to Will, A Very Glee Christmas |
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Becky, go into the glove box of my Le Car and bring me my tear gas, then get me Gloria Allred. |
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As satisfying as it is to have been gifted enough rotisserie ovens to roast an entire hobo, for me the real joy of Christmas was breaking the collective heart of the Glee Club. |
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And yet I am still so very bored! Even things I used to think were hilarious. Case in point: Sandbags, slap yourself with a chicken cutlet. [Santana slaps herself] Now slap Brittany. See, not even a chuckle. |
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I am in crisis. Not even the can’t-lose combination of boobs and fire can get me going anymore. Is it the raccoon hormones my new doctor gave me? Maybe. |
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Carnie: If you wanted to go for more than 50 yards, you’re looking at about a 70 percent chance of catastrophic failure. Sue: Which is a 30 percent chance of catastrophic success. |
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—Sue buys a canon, The Sue Sylvester Bowl Shuffle |
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Quinn: What are you doing in here? |
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You don’t climb in that cannon and that routine will be all ‘Boom, Boom’ and no ‘Pow.’ And that, Brittany, is so two-thousand and late. |
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Oh and Brittany? This is for you. It's a card handwritten in crayon from the Canon. I ask that you remember that that cannon has two little baby twin cannons at home and one more on the way. And if you refuse to sign this, well, those little baby cannons might just go hungry. And the mama cannon has fibromyalgia, so she can’t work. |
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—Sue tries to convince Brittany, The Sue Sylvester Bowl Shuffle |
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Figgins: But the danger isn't to you! |
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I hate you, Diane Sawyer. |
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—Sue to Katie Couric, The Sue Sylvester Bowl Shuffle |
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You will each enhance your bust with an additional pair of chicken cutlets in an attempt to add some jiggle to what is the most boring routine I have ever witnessed. |
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—Sue to The Cheerios, The Sue Sylvester Bowl Shuffle |
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Sweet Porcelain. |
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Let the girl speak. |
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I should have that girl on the cheerios. |
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Will Schuester, you've just been publicly humiliated. And on the road to recovery is the very first step. |
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Oh, just picking up some coffee. I like my enemas piping hot. |
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Sue: As you no doubt have heard, I've take over for the coach of Aural Intensity. |
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Mercedes: What are you doing?! |
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—Mercedes and Sue, Original Song |
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Well if it isn't Tweedle-Dumb and Tweedle-Fake Boobs! |
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—Sue to Brittany & Santana, Original Song |
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Sue: Hey, buddy, you getting ready to load up the bus and head off to Regionals? Awesome |
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—Sue and Will, Original Song |
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The Muckraker motto? If I heard it, it’s probably true, or something. |
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Now we can get all HMO up in your Glee hole or you can tell me who put you up to spiking the punch bowl. |
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—Sue to Artie, Prom Queen |
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Your the WORST P O W EVER! John McCain is rolling in his grave! |
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—Sue to Artie, Prom Queen |
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Honey-Badger, I am lactating with rage! |
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Sue: Your nickname is Panda Express. |
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—Sue to Howard Bamboo, Funeral |
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I’m allergic to pansies, and I don’t mean that as a swipe at either of you. |
” |
“ |
I spend all this time hating you, hating that glee club. I do this thing where I sort of alternate which one of those kids I hate the most. Right now it’s the dancing Asian. |
” |
“ |
They volunteered, and I only agreed on the condition that Frankenteen and Lady Trousers help me clean out Jean’s room at the nursing home. They look like they could use the exercise and I like the idea of using your glee club as unpaid labor. |
” |
“ |
Because if I was being honest with you, Eddie Munster and Herman Munster, I don’t know how to deal with this. |
” |
“ |
Will: I just want you to know, you can lean on me right now. |
” |
“ |
Kurt: I know what it's like to lose someone. When someone dies, it hurts. |
” |
“ |
I miss my sister. Every night at 10 or so, she used to call me on the phone, and when I asked her why, she'd tell me that her body told her… she wanted to hear my voice. I miss my sister. The smell of her shampoo. The way she could always convince me to read her another book. When you love someone like I loved her, they're a part of you; it’s like you’re attached by this invisible tether and no matter how far away you are, you can always feel them. And now every time I reach for that tether I know there’s no one on the other end and I feel like I’m falling into nothingness. Then I remember Jean. I remember a life led with no enemies, no resentments, no regrets and I’m inspired to get up out of bed and go on. I miss my sister so much it feels like piece of me has been ripped off. Just one more time I want to hold her. Ten more seconds— is that too much to ask? For ten more seconds to hold her? But I can’t and I won’t and the only thing keeping me from being swallowed whole by sadness is that Jean would kill me if I did. So for now I’m just going to miss her. I love you, Jean. Rest in peace. |
” |
—Sue Sylvester's speech about her late sister, Funeral |
Season Three[]
“ |
Sue: You know, when you were in my grasp you were at the top of the pyramid. But then you joined the glee club and became lost, forced to sway in the background. Will Schuester never did appreciate the gentle tremble of your thin, forgettable alto. |
” |
—Sue to Quinn, I Am Unicorn |
“ |
Sue: First, smoking kills. Second, it really does make you look cooler, doesn't it? |
” |
—Sue to Quinn, I Am Unicorn |
“ |
Sue: Well hello, She-Hulk, Weepy the vest clown, and Little Miss Golden marmoset. It's a Brazilian monkey, and seriously, it's your spittin' image. I'm gonna send you a photo. Are you still "a freakish bony ginger @gmail?" |
” |
—Sue to Beiste, Will, and Emma, I Am Unicorn |
“ |
Will: Sue's pom-pom budget is $4,000/month. Sue: You can't put a price on cheer, William. |
” |
—Sue and Will, Pot o' Gold |
“ |
Sue: I heard. And I am literally horny with fear. |
” |
“ |
Sue: It's not personal Porcelain, it's politics. |
” |
“ |
Sue: If I wanna win this race, I need 20 cc's of man. Stat! |
” |
—Sue to her journal, I Kissed a Girl |
“ |
Sue: Why would someone assume I'm a friend of Ellen just because I'm mannish and highly aggressive and have short hair and I only wear track suits and I coach a girl's sport and I married myself? |
” |
—Sue to her journal, I Kissed a Girl |
“ |
Sue: Truth is, journal, I'm attracted to men. Sure, I can't stand watching them eat or talk, but when it comes to getting sexy, this gal's got a hole in her heart that only a fella can fill. |
” |
—Sue to her journal, I Kissed a Girl |
“ |
Sue: Why don't you hurry on to your next face-widening session at the John Travolta Institute for Head Thickening and Facial Weight Gain? |
” |
—Sue to Shannon, I Kissed a Girl |
“ |
Sue: My iPhone 5 is vibrating. That's a new feature of the iPhone 5, they vibrate now. |
” |
—Sue to Emma, I Kissed a Girl |
“ |
Sue: It's a reporter from USA Today. The newspaper for people who can't read. |
” |
—Sue to Cooter and Shannon, I Kissed a Girl |
“ |
Wheels, Porcelain, Other Gay: the Yuletide is upon us. |
” |
—Sue to Artie, Kurt and Blaine, Extraordinary Merry Christmas |
“ |
Sue: I made plans to shoot reindeer from my helicopter with Sarah Palin, but she canceled. Apparently Todd gets fussy when she misses his dance recitals. |
” |
—Sue to Artie, Kurt and Blaine, Extraordinary Merry Christmas |
“ |
Sue: For God's sake, Amelia, it's 2012. If you want to marry Will Schuester, ask him. |
” |
“ |
Sue: You can maybe go one day without the driving gloves. It's a wheelchair Artie, not a Porsche. |
” |
“ |
Sue: I doubt your avian frame could withstand the rigors of childhood. |
” |
—Sue to Emma, The Spanish Teacher |
“ |
Sue: Oh, stop with the lies, sweater meat, or you'll be hawking nude glossies of yourself behind the dumpster of Hooters by the weekend. |
” |
“ |
Sue: In the last week, you either enjoyed a delicious curry or a hug from Principal Figgins. |
” |
“ |
Sue: Quinn, thank you for coming. I know you must be exhausted from singing all those "oohs" and background "aahs." |
” |
“ |
Sue: You proved that it's never too late to turn your life around. |
” |
“ |
I always admired you, Quinn. |
” |
“ |
Will: Sue, we need to talk about what happened at Booty Camp. |
” |
—Will and Sue, Big Brother |
“ |
Will: I got this e-mail from Kurt, "Schue save us, Coach Sue is meaner than Tabatha!" |
” |
—Will and Sue, Big Brother |
“ |
Emma: Maybe you should talk to your doctor about adjusting your medication. |
” |
—Emma and Sue, Big Brother |
“ |
Sue: Excuse me, but I was wondering if I could pull you away from these ladies for just a moment. |
” |
—Sue and Cooper about Blaine and Kurt, Big Brother |
“ |
Sue: Brittany thought of it. She gets an idea once every couple years and, lucky for us, this was a good one' |
” |
—Sue about Brittany, Saturday Night Glee-ver |
“ |
Sue: Shannon, listen. You're gonna stay with me tonight, okay? If you don't have a change of clothes, I have a tent you can wear. |
” |
“ |
Sue: Shannon, I'm very upset with you. You promised to stay the night at my house. I made up my sofa bed for you. I ruined my tent, fashioning a neckhole in it. And what am I supposed to do with those nine whole chickens in my fridge? |
” |
“ |
Sue: Commercials aren’t real life. Advertisers are manipulative alcoholics who use images to play on our emotions. Haven’t you seen Mad Men? |
” |
—Sue to Becky, Prom-asaurus |
“ |
What are you looking at, Jar Jar Binks? |
” |
—Sue to Joe, Prom-asaurus |
“ |
Isn't she the one who used to stutter? |
” |
“ |
Porcelain, you will wear this flapper dress and perform at Nationals as Porcelaina. You already have the lady gait and lady voice, and you’ll have to start smoking though, because this dress is a size 2. |
” |
“ |
Look at him/her. Poised. Confident. Pretty as a picture with a booty that won’t quit. |
” |
“ |
Puckerman I respect your commitment to winning, but without a doubt you are the ugliest woman I have ever seen. For a second there I thought you were Beiste's sister. |
” |
“ |
With Mo'nique down for the count we are entering the Hunger Games of show choir competition without one of our most powerful voices |
” |
“ |
It’s amazing what a little TLC, some Cortisone and a witch doctor will do. |
” |
—Sue to New Directions about curing Mercedes, Nationals |
“ |
Sue: Dick Butkis, I beg of you, chew your cud with your mouth closed. |
” |
“ |
My source, and when I say ‘my source,’ I mean Becky Jackson hiding in a dummy filing cabinet that I put in Figgins’ office… |
” |
“ |
You're nothing like me. You're better. Sure I'm as smart as you are and every bit as pretty, but somehow you're slightly less evil, and I admire that. I admire you Quinn Fabray. |
” |
Season Four[]
“ |
She's like a young Quinn Fabray, except she's not pregnant, manic-depressive, or in and out of the wheelchair. |
” |
—Sue to Kurt about Kitty, The New Rachel |
“ |
You know, it used to be that just straight ex-football players would lurk the halls of high school after graduation, but you've proven gay ex-show choir champs can also be depressive sad sacks desperately clinging to the past. |
” |
—Sue to Kurt, The New Rachel |
“ |
Will: What happened to all my good ideas? |
” |
“ |
We've become somewhat of a progressive bubble here at McKinley High, and I think that's due to the fact that the Glee club is being run by a strange, weepy man-child who has lotion in his hair, but no adult friends. |
” |
“ |
William, maybe you need to remind Chubby-Wan Kenobi of the daily nightmare that is borne of being my enemy. |
” |
“ |
For the past year, I've shown the Glee club mercy and the school has enjoyed an unprecedented era of peace. But if Bloaty, the gravy clown is allowed to take over glee club, my détente with the arts in this school is over!!! |
” |
“ |
If I timed this right, Robin will wake up just as the New Directions hit the stage. She's a very fussy baby, so she'll be wailing through their entire performance. |
” |
—Sue to Emma about Robin, Thanksgiving |
“ |
America is thrilled. |
” |
—Sue to Will and Emma about their reunion at Sectionals, Thanksgiving |
“ |
Yeah, it's a rule. One of the bylaws actually. As all of you were spiraling into a self-created K-hole of crazy, the judges by unanimous vote have declared the Warblers victorious. Hey. Congratulations, Finn Hudson. For the first time in this charm yet pitiful existence, the New Directions has lost Sectionals. But here's the good news. Christmas came early for one Sue Sylvester. |
” |
—Sue to Finn and other members of New Directions, Swan Song |
“ |
I could use a handsome, non-flammable gay to articulate how my defeating the Glee Club once and for all and absorbing its budget was actually the best thing that ever happened to him. |
” |
“ |
My squad's looking a little pale these days. Wouldn't hurt to add a dash of yellow #4 to my championship cheer batter. |
” |
“ |
Dear Journal, it's Christmas again. That time of the year when parents aren't arrested for forcing their children to sit on an old man's weirdly hot lap. That magical season when five seemingly separate storylines are cleverly sandwiched between commercial breaks and then tied together at the end like a beautiful bow. Like that movie Love, Actually, which I don't think anyone really cares for, and yet it's constantly on cable. |
” |
“ |
In fact, I feel like taking a gander at that glorious taco right now. |
” |
“ |
My Penthouse centerfold, so groundbreaking that it completely redefined the term ‘hirsute’ and gave birth unto these United States a pose so limber they named it the Regal American Not-So-Bald Spread Eagle. |
” |
“ |
What is with you glee club ex-pats? Don't you have jobs. You have to have some source of income so you can pay the staff of scientists who service your teleporters that you all clearly on since you're constantly showing up here. |
” |
“ |
Emma: Uh, Sue...I feel really scared. I feel really overwhelmed. I feel like I can't think straight and I'm just really, really worried that this isn't going to work. |
” |
“ |
Today's the day we honor Saint Valentine! A man publicly beheaded for defying his government by exchanging candies and chocolates to nonsensically render the objects of our affection more fat and less attractive. And in other nonsensical traditions, Emma left behind her bouquet as she fled the scene, leaving it to somebody else to toss these soon-to-be dead flowers under the mythical belief that the person who catches them will magically be the next one who gets married. Or, more than likely, sprint from the alter. So gather around, ladies, and allow me to be the one to enable your false dreams and ridiculous expectations. |
” |
“ |
Thanks, buddy. |
” |
—Sue to Will, Shooting Star |
“ |
Cheerios! Regionals is fast approaching, and I need a shiny,sexually non-threatening gay to hoist up some of the most gorgeous girls in America over his head, have a bird's-eye view of their baby oven, and not be even remotely interested. And that would be you. |
” |
“ |
Oh, a little trick of the trade... from now on, wear a thong to avoid visible panty lines. |
” |
Season Five[]
“ |
America, your prayers have been answered. Sue Sylvester is back at McKinley. |
” |
“ |
The glee club needs an enemy. The only time they were any good was when I was hell-bent on destroying them. Plus, I once sang on stage with them in plaid pajamas and ever since I don’t think they find me quite so scary. |
” |
“ |
I want you to pull something so psychotic that they can’t help but start crying when they think about it in the middle of the inevitable Journey song they’ll sing to win at Nationals after deciding on it at the very last minute. |
” |
“ |
I was horrible to that kid. And I'm utterly destroyed that he died thinking I didn't like him. |
” |
“ |
He was such a good guy. I'll never get to tell him. There's no less here. There's no happy ending. There's just nothing. He's just gone. He would have made an excellent teacher. |
” |
“ |
Oh, please let it be another Journey song! There's got to be another one left! |
” |
“ |
Unique: "The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards justice." Do you know who said that? |
” |
—Sue and Unique, The End of Twerk |
“ |
Artie Abrams, wheel your butt into my office now. |
” |
“ |
Becky: I don't want to hurt your feelings, Coach. |
” |
—Sue and Becky, Movin' Out (Episode) |
“ |
Sue: Okay, well, you can't say that. And you can't say that. (pointing on a sheet) Sue: Even if you're talking about Graydon Carter. |
” |
—Sue and Becky, Movin' Out (Episode) |
“ |
Oh, no. No, no, no. Don't you dare. Over my dead body will you inexplicably shoehorn in another Billy Joel song just to punctuate one of your weekly lessons that inevitably veers off into a saccharine barrage of angst and affirmation. |
” |
“ |
You know, the way you clean these floors is a perfect metaphor for the way you ran this school. You did your best, but your best just wasn't good enough. Look, I know you're upset that the school board is coming today to evaluate McKinley, and to determine if I'm worthy to be instated as full-time principal. And do you realize in my short time as acting principal, test scores have risen 42%. And my new caning policy has dropped both absences and tardiness down to zero. So, the truth is you should be cleaning floors and I should be running schools. And if you would like to continue cleaning floors and feeding your family, I suggest you do everything you can to make sure this place looks just amazing for this evaluation. |
” |
—Sue to Figgins, Puppet Master |
“ |
And the winner of the tacky plastic angel made in the Philippines by a 12-year-old child slave is...bah, humbug... the glee club. |
” |
“ |
Stumbles, Tina warrior princess, graduation is fast approaching, and it's time to award the title of the senior class valedictorian. Now, as you are respectively a loner Asian who has trouble making friends, and a nasal muppety disabled kid in a wheelchair, it should come as no surprise to you both that you are the head of your class. In fact, you are tied for number 1. Identical GPAs, extra curriculars, and you both have perfect attendance. Now, unlike some members of the glee club who come and go for months at a time with no explanation, you two losers are always in that choir room even if for an entire week the only thing you have to do is say something inconsequential like "Kitty is right" or "Blaine, are you serious?!." |
” |
—Sue to Artie and Tina, Frenemies |
“ |
Let this stand as a warning to you both. If, during the middle of your speeches, you decide to abandon your prepared text in favour of a musical number because the emotions you are feeling are just so complex they can only be expressed in song, I promise you I will dedicate my life to making sure that every beverage you drink until the day you die will have just a tiny little bit of my pee in it. |
” |
—Sue to Tina and Artie, Frenemies |
“ |
In the words of ex-Principal Figgins, my hands are tied. |
” |
—Sue to Will, City of Angels |
“ |
Will: Should I make a speech about the arts or... or how much this club means to me personally? |
” |
—Sue and Will, City of Angels |
“ |
Butt chin up, Schuester. Look where you were four years ago when you started this thing. You've got a national championship trophy from last year in that case and a bunch of other loser trophies standing with it. You and your team have done phenomenally well, and you did it with the world's greatest nemesis playing her best game against you. |
” |
—Sue to Will, City of Angels |
“ |
You didn't lose, William. The game is just over. |
” |
—Sue to Will, City of Angels |
“ |
After the unpleasantness of our last encounter, I decided to do some deep background to investigate your claims, and conducted in an intensive Wikipedia search that took all of 25 seconds. |
” |
“ |
If it isn’t April Rhodes, America’s favorite alcoholic dwarf whore. |
” |
—Sue to April, New Directions |
“ |
One Million Moms, although in actuality there aren’t a million of them, there’s really only 100,000. But each and every one of them is an uptight bitch. |
” |
—Sue to Will and Holly, New Directions |
“ |
The best thing about your dad and that horrible perm of his is that no matter how talentless, misshapen, ugly, miserable or sexually ambiguous you are, he will still love you unconditionally. |
” |
—Sue to Daniel Schuester (in a video), New Directions |
“ |
Arthur Abrams. Blaine Anderson. Tina Cohen-Chang. Sam Evans. Rebecca Jackson. And finally, Britney S. Pierce. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the William McKinley high graduating class of 2013. |
” |
“ |
Will: [About he and Sue's room] I-I thought I asked them to change it to two twin beds. |
” |
—Sue and Will, Opening Night |
“ |
I suddenly don't feel very welcome here, anymore. |
” |
Season Six[]
“ |
Uh-uh. Step up. Into the pigpen. |
” |
—Sue to the Overweight Student, Loser Like Me |
“ |
Sue: Wait, wait. I'm very confused. I had it on good authority that Dave Karofsky was attracted to bears. |
” |
—Sue and Kurt, The Hurt Locker, Part One |
“ |
Unnamed Warbler#1: Wait, this is a three day competition? |
” |
—Sue and two unnamed Dalton Academy Warblers, The Hurt Locker, Part Two |