Welcome to the Glee Wiki Community page. The Glee Wiki is known to have a very exhuberant family dynamic and this page celebrates just that! This is a page where you can engage in general discussions, make some friends, or just hang around. Feel free to share a story, ask for people's opinions, anything you want - as long as it complies to the rules. New users are encouraged to introduce themselves on this page as it will get attention from many of our current users. Remember to give the new users a warm welcome. Happy commenting!
Around the Glee Wiki
The wiki has a set of rules for all users. These rules can be found here, along with the style guide and the categories guide . Remember to look over these rules before you begin posting comments or blogs on the wiki as they are a good indication of what is permitted and what isn't.
Next, you are recommended to look over the list of Administrators, Spam Team members, and Chat Mods . You can leave a comment on the respective pages if you wish to apply for any positions.
The wiki holds an annual awards ceremony known as the Glee Wiki Awards. Similar to most other awards presentations, these awards are voted on by many of the wiki users to determine the winners. Check out our past winners here. Also remember to check out our Suggestions Box and our Birthdays page.
A big part of the wiki dynamic is the creation and usage of Teams. Team pages are a way to group certain fans together to celebrate the part of the show they most enjoy. Users can feel free to go through teams to sign themselves up. Feel free to ask a member of the Spam Team if you need assistance with this. If you'd like to create your own team page, you must start with a blog and collect the necessary amount of signatures. Here are the rules about teams.
Comment in the section below if you'd like to advertise your team on this page. Post a picture that best describes your team and specifically state which team you'd like to advertise.
Begin discussing, enjoy the community page!