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Scandals is a gay bar in West Lima, Ohio. The bar is introduced in the fifth episode of Season Three, The First Time. It is frequented by Sebastian Smythe and David Karofsky.

Not much is known about this bar, but it can be assumed that the age to get in is 21 and older because Kurt is 18 when he goes to the bar, which is the minimum age that gay bars allow people to enter, though not serve them drinks.


Season Three[]

The First Time[]

Sebastian mentions that he met the "man of his dreams" here, but they broke up 20 minutes after they met. He invites Blaine and Kurt to the bar and makes them fake IDs so that they can get in. Kurt runs into Karofsky, who mentions that they accept him there. He also appears to have used a fake ID since he is the same age as Kurt, and he orders a beer at the bar.

On My Way[]

After Karofsky's attempts suicide, Sebastian has a flashback of a night in Scandals (likely after The First Time, judging by the different clothing) showing him standing at a juke box and Karofsky approaching him and asking him how to get a guy to like him, like Sebastian does. Sebastian then responds by telling him he is visually unappealing and to "stay in the closet." Then the scene goes back to The Lima Bean where Sebastian is talking and saying that that comment made him feel responsible for Karofsky's attempted suicide.


  • It is referenced in the last page of the Glee McKinley High Yearbook, released at the end of Season Three. At the final pages of the yearbook are advertisements and comments, one welcoming seniors to come to Scandals.


