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The Wingless One of Tlalocan is the first act of Flower-Feather Clan's Tribal Chronicles, Of Fading Flowers and Falling Feathers.

Start Location[]

Start the quest by talking to Coyllur west of the Quahuacan Cliff Statue of the Seven.


  1. Head to the area near the Flower-Feather Clan
  2. Indwell a Qucusaurus to get close to Coyllur
  3. Perform an indwelling and then talk to Coyllur
  4. Go to check on Coyllur
  5. Head to the Flower-Feather Clan
  6. Talk to Chasca
  7. Coordinate with Chasca by splitting up
  8. Talk to Cusco
  9. Go to the Obsidian Totem Pole
  10. Talk to Allpa
  11. Talk to the Wingless (0/3)

Gameplay Notes[]


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UI Quest Quest Description

There seems to be a crestfallen person near the Flower-Feather Clan...
(Approach Coyllur)
Media:vo qsklq001 1 coyllur 01.ogg ???: ...♪
Media:vo qsklq001 1 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Huh? What's that sound? Seems like it's coming from that bridge.
(Talk to Coyllur)
???: ...♪
Media:vo qsklq001 2 coyllur 01.ogg ???: *sob*... *sob*...
Media:vo qsklq001 2 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Oh no, why's she crying? Should we go check on her? Y'know, just in case she's... thinking of doing something stupid...
Media:vo qsklq001 2 chasca 01.ogg Chasca: I'd leave her be.
Media:vo qsklq001 2 chasca 02.ogg Chasca: The warriors of the Flower-Feather Clan are a proud bunch, who never show their vulnerability in public... Even if they've gone wingless.
(Before completing The Rainbow Destined to Burn)‍[ver­i­fi­ca­tion need­ed]
Media:Vo qsklq001 2 paimon 02.oggPaimon: Oh, you're that fan favorite from the Stadium of the Sacred Flame! Ch... Ch...
Media:Vo qsklq001 2 chasca 03.ogg Chasca: I'm flattered that you remember my name. Your reputations precede you too, Travelers.
Media:Vo qsklq001 2 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: So what are you doing here? Paimon figured you'd all be off fighting in the Night Warden Wars by now.
Media:Vo qsklq001 2 chasca 04.ogg Chasca: I'll be heading there shortly. But there are some things I want to get taken care of before I go.
(After completing The Rainbow Destined to Burn)
Media:vo qsklq001 2 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Oh! ...Chasca?
Media:vo qsklq001 2 chasca 05.ogg Chasca: Good to see you again, (TravelerTraveler) and Paimon.
Media:vo qsklq001 2 chasca 06.ogg Chasca: Before we carry on — let's get a little further away before Coyllur notices us.
Media:vo qsklq001 2 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: So that girl on the bridge — Coyllur, you said? Should she really be on her own right now? With the mental state she's in, it just seems risky...
Media:vo qsklq001 2 chasca 07.ogg Chasca: Don't worry, that's exactly why I'm here. Elder Allpa sent me to keep an eye on her. If she does attempt the unthinkable, I'll swoop in and catch her.
Media:vo qsklq001 2 chasca 08.ogg Chasca: I doubt it'll come to that, though. She's a fighter — a warrior, in fact. One who aimed for the sky. However despondent she might feel now, I'm confident she'll get through it.
Icon Dialogue Talk What do you mean, "aimed for the sky"?
Media:vo qsklq001 2 chasca 09.ogg Chasca: Well, in the Flower-Feather Clan there's an elite flying squad made up of qucusaur riders.
Media:vo qsklq001 2 chasca 10.ogg Chasca: But it's an extremely selective squad. To become a rider, you need to undergo a trial where you not only demonstrate mastery of the relevant skills, but also win the approval of the qucusaurs. Very few candidates make it through the process.
Media:vo qsklq001 2 chasca 11.ogg Chasca: Coyllur has spent years training for her most recent attempt, but unfortunately she didn't pass... So it's not hard to see why she's so upset.
Icon Dialogue Talk And when you mentioned "going wingless," what does that mean?
Media:vo qsklq001 2 chasca 12.ogg Chasca: Sometimes, after multiple failed attempts to pass the flying test and win the qucusaurs' approval, people get so disheartened that they give up on their dream to soar the skies.
Media:vo qsklq001 2 chasca 13.ogg Chasca: They resolve to quit trying for good. We call those people the "Wingless."
Media:vo qsklq001 2 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: *gasp* Do they get expelled from the tribe!?
Media:vo qsklq001 2 chasca 14.ogg Chasca: What? No, of course not. They're still prized warriors.
Media:vo qsklq001 2 chasca 15.ogg Chasca: We have a saying: "Just as the qucusaur treasures every feather on its body, so the tribe treasures each one of its children."
(If the player has completed The Rainbow Destined to Burn)‍[ver­i­fi­ca­tion need­ed]
Media:vo qsklq001 2 chasca 16.ogg Chasca: This hits even harder in the wake of the war... All of our young warriors carry the future of our tribe on their shoulders.
Media:vo qsklq001 2 chasca 17.ogg Chasca: Besides, every qucusaur falls from its nest before it learns to fly. It's practically a rite of passage. Likewise, for the Wingless, we always hold out hope that one day when they're ready, they'll rekindle their dreams and keep trying.
Media:vo qsklq001 2 chasca 18.ogg Chasca: Until then, all we can do is quietly watch over them from a distance... just like I'm doing now.
Media:vo qsklq001 2 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: Aw, okay... Paimon hopes she'll get back on her feet soon!
Media:vo qsklq001 2 chasca 19.ogg Chasca: ...Well, from the sound of her whistling, her confidence has been seriously shaken. No qucusaur is gonna respond to a call that sounds like that.
Icon Dialogue Talk Whistling?
Icon Dialogue Talk Call?
Media:vo qsklq001 2 chasca 20.ogg Chasca: Yeah, people from my tribe call to their saurian companions by whistling or blowing a horn. So it sounds like Coyllur was trying to summon a qucusaur to practice her flying.
Media:vo qsklq001 2 chasca 21.ogg Chasca: But the qucusaurs are an even prouder bunch than our warriors... They would never respond to a lackluster whistle like that.
Media:vo qsklq001 2 chasca 22.ogg Chasca: First she failed the trial, and now she's struggling to even summon a qucusaur. That's only gonna hurt her confidence further... And getting trapped in that vicious circle is the kind of thing that'll make people go wingless.
Media:vo qsklq001 2 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: Surely, there must be something we can do to help?
Media:vo qsklq001 2 chasca 23.ogg Chasca: That's very kind of you. Coyllur's flying skills are up to par, but mentally, she's stuck in a rut. If she wants to return to the sky, she has to overcome that for herself.
Media:vo qsklq001 2 chasca 24.ogg Chasca: I'm going to lay low nearby, just in case she takes a turn for the worse. Let me give you a tour around the tribe once this is all over.
Coyllur: ...♪
Media:vo qsklq001 2 paimon 09.ogg Paimon: Coyllur still isn't giving up! Even though Chasca said that she has to do this by herself, Paimon can't help feeling like maybe we can nudge her in the right direction...
Media:vo qsklq001 2 paimon 10.ogg Paimon: Hmm... What if we could get a qucusaur to fly up to her? That might give her the confidence boost she needs.
(TravelerTraveler): (Actually, that sounds like a plan...)
(Approach Coyllur while indwelling a Qucusaur)
Media:vo qsklq001 3 coyllur 01.ogg Coyllur: It's... It's a qu-qucusaur! Oh my gosh, is this really happening? I did it, I summoned one!
Media:vo qsklq001 3 coyllur 02.ogg Coyllur: I was beginning to think you'd all given up on me completely... Thank you! Oh, thank you...
(TravelerTraveler): (Looks like her mood's lifted. Now to wait till she's not looking, and fly outta here...)
Media:vo qsklq001 3 coyllur 03.ogg Coyllur: Excuse me... would you mind if we did some flying practice together right now?
(TravelerTraveler): (...!)
Media:vo qsklq001 3 coyllur 04.ogg Coyllur: I think I know where I went wrong in the test now — I need to maintain a higher speed on my turns! So I just gotta practice my Bell Tailslides and Split S maneuvers...
(TravelerTraveler): (Yikes, those sound complicated... I'm out of my depth. This is too dangerous.)
Media:vo qsklq001 3 coyllur 05.ogg Coyllur: ...Also, I really wanna try some stall turns and cobra maneuvers...
(TravelerTraveler): (Crikey. I've never even carried a passenger, let alone while doing all that... I need to get out of here!)
???: ...♪
Media:vo qsklq001 3 coyllur 06.ogg Coyllur: Huh? That sounded like a whistle... Is someone else trying to summon a qucusaur?
(TravelerTraveler): (Now's my chance!)
Media:vo qsklq001 3 coyllur 07.ogg Coyllur: Hey! Wait! Wait...
With the whistle providing the perfect cover, you make your escape...
(After the cutscene)
Media:vo qsklq001 4 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Do you think Coyllur's feeling better now? Let's go back to that bridge and check!
(Approach Chasca and Coyllur)
Media:vo qsklq001 5 coyllur 01.ogg Coyllur: Chasca! I summoned a qucusaur! They do still respond to me after all!
Media:vo qsklq001 5 coyllur 02.ogg Coyllur: ...Although unfortunately, someone else summoned it away again before I had a chance to go for a flight...
Media:vo qsklq001 5 chasca 01.ogg Chasca: Oh really? That is unfortunate... But if you can do it once, you can it again. Keep at it, and you'll pass the trial eventually.
Media:vo qsklq001 5 coyllur 03.ogg Coyllur: You're right! You know, I almost thought about giving up, but I'm glad I didn't.
Media:vo qsklq001 5 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Hey, Chasca! How's Coyllur doing?
Media:vo qsklq001 5 coyllur 04.ogg Coyllur: Huh? Who are you? And how do you know my name...?
Media:vo qsklq001 5 chasca 02.ogg Chasca: Ahem, these are, uh... my friends. (TravelerTraveler) and Paimon.
Media:vo qsklq001 5 chasca 03a.ogg Chasca: You came up in conversation the other day, because... I was telling them about up-and-coming warriors in our tribe.
Media:vo qsklq001 5 coyllur 05.ogg Coyllur: Oh, (TravelerTraveler), huh? So that's you? ...Uh, what do you mean up-and-coming? *sigh* I'm closer to being wingless than I am to passing the trial...
Media:vo qsklq001 5 coyllur 06.ogg Coyllur: Anyway... We haven't met before, have we? You look so familiar somehow...
Media:vo qsklq001 5 chasca 04a.ogg Media:vo qsklq001 5 chasca 04b.ogg Chasca: Hmm... Maybe you saw (‍himhim/herher‍) in the stadium? Or anywhere, really. (‍HeHe/SheShe‍)'s been all over Natlan lately, so it's not surprising that you've seen (‍himhim/herher‍) around.
Media:vo qsklq001 5 coyllur 07.ogg Coyllur: ...If you say so...
Icon Dialogue Talk ...Yeah, that must be it.
Media:vo qsklq001 5 allpa 01.ogg Allpa: Coyllur! Chasca!
Media:vo qsklq001 5 allpa 02.ogg Allpa: Here you are. I've been looking everywhere for you two.
Media:vo qsklq001 5 coyllur 08.ogg Coyllur: Oh, Elder Allpa! What's the matter?
Media:vo qsklq001 5 allpa 03.ogg Allpa: I thought I should tell you myself... We're going to redo the flying trials.
Media:vo qsklq001 5 coyllur 09.ogg Coyllur: Redo them? How come? This is so unexpected... and I can't believe you came out here just to tell us that in person...
Media:vo qsklq001 5 allpa 04.ogg Allpa: It's embarrassing to admit, but... due to time constraints, we didn't do a proper inspection of the arena before the last round of trials began. Then we started to notice many candidates performing worse than expected...
Media:vo qsklq001 5 allpa 05.ogg Allpa: So we redid the inspection afterwards, and found a number of issues which likely impacted candidate performance.
Media:vo qsklq001 5 allpa 06.ogg Allpa: This was entirely our mistake, and I apologize unreservedly. I know it doesn't make up for it, but I thought bringing you this message in person was the least I could do.
Media:vo qsklq001 5 coyllur 10.ogg Coyllur: Oh, okay...
Media:vo qsklq001 5 allpa 07.ogg Allpa: Chasca, these people you're with... Are they (TravelerTraveler) and Paimon?
Media:vo qsklq001 5 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Huh? You've heard of us?
Media:vo qsklq001 5 allpa 08.ogg Allpa: I have indeed. Gathering intel is an essential part of being a warrior — plus, you've already made quite a name for yourself in Natlan. Actually, I've been meaning to invite you to enjoy our tribe's hospitality for some time.
Media:vo qsklq001 5 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Hospitality? Ooh! That includes food, right?
Media:vo qsklq001 5 allpa 09.ogg Allpa: Of course it does. If you'll let us host you, you'll be treated quite lavishly. Mighty warriors are highly revered in our tribe.
(If the player has completed The Rainbow Destined to Burn)‍[ver­i­fi­ca­tion need­ed]
Media:vo qsklq001 5 allpa 10.ogg Allpa: Besides, we still owe you for your help during the war. Without you, we would have suffered far worse at the hands of the Abyss... So I'd like the chance to show you our gratitude, on behalf of the whole tribe.
Media:vo qsklq001 5 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Mighty warriors, plural? So Paimon counts, too...? Hehe, Paimon's starting to like you a lot!
Media:vo qsklq001 5 allpa 11.ogg Allpa: That should go without saying. Your flying skills are the envy of our tribe.
Icon Dialogue Talk That's a good point...
Media:vo qsklq001 5 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: The Flower-Feather Clan seems like a really nice bunch of people! We definitely need to take her up on this offer!
(If the player has completed All Fires Fuel the Flame)
Icon Dialogue Talk Last time was just a... flying visit...
Icon Dialogue Talk We never got to check the place out properly.
Media:vo qsklq001 5 allpa 12.ogg Allpa: Well, I'd love to stay, but I'm afraid I still have to inform the other candidates about the retrials. With our younger generation's future on the line, there's no time to lose.
Media:vo qsklq001 5 coyllur 11.ogg Coyllur: Wait, Elder Allpa! ...Lemme help. The sooner everyone gets the news, the better.
Media:vo qsklq001 5 allpa 13.ogg Allpa: Very well... In that case, Chasca, could I leave you to entertain our guests?
Media:vo qsklq001 5 chasca 05.ogg Chasca: Sure thing.
Media:vo qsklq001 5 allpa 14.ogg Allpa: Okay, let's meet by the obsidian totem pole later. Coyllur, let's get going.
Media:vo qsklq001 5 coyllur 12.ogg Coyllur: Okay!
Allpa and Coyllur fly away, riding a qucusaur....
Media:vo qsklq001 5 chasca 06.ogg Chasca: ...Alright, they're out of earshot. I'm just gonna come out and ask:
Media:vo qsklq001 5 chasca 07.ogg Chasca: ...That qucusaur who responded to Coyllur's call — that was your doing, wasn't it?
Icon Dialogue Talk ...!
Media:vo qsklq001 5 chasca 08.ogg Chasca: I grew up with these creatures. I could tell something was off the second I saw it.
Media:vo qsklq001 5 chasca 09a.ogg Media:vo qsklq001 5 chasca 09b.ogg Chasca: (‍HisHis/HerHer‍) whole demeanor seemed less like a qucusaur and more like... well, you. So I figure you must have been pulling the strings somehow.
Icon Dialogue Talk I can't believe you saw through it...
Media:vo qsklq001 5 chasca 10a.ogg Media:vo qsklq001 5 chasca 10b.ogg Chasca: (‍HeHe/SheShe‍) looked very flustered when Coyllur asked for a ride. So I whistled to give (‍himhim/herher‍) a chance to escape.
Media:vo qsklq001 5 chasca 11.ogg Chasca: ...And judging by the look on your face, that was a welcome intervention, huh?
Media:vo qsklq001 5 chasca 12.ogg Chasca: It's alright, if you'd rather your hidden talents remain hidden, I respect that. I won't press you for answers, and I'll keep my speculations to myself.
Media:vo qsklq001 5 chasca 13.ogg Chasca: You're the kind of person I'd still trust even if you had superpowers. I know you'd use them for good.
Icon Dialogue Talk Technically, I deceived Coyllur... Does that count as "for good"?
Media:vo qsklq001 5 chasca 14.ogg Chasca: I think the ends justify the means in this case. She just lacked confidence, and you helped her resolve her internal conflict.
Media:vo qsklq001 5 chasca 15.ogg Chasca: If you hadn't intervened, I likely would have gotten my "mom" to help out instead... Although, having said that, there's a small chance she might've recognized her and seen through the whole thing... that would've done more harm than good...
Icon Dialogue Talk Well, luckily no harm was done in the end.
Media:vo qsklq001 5 chasca 16.ogg Chasca: Yeah. Anyway, if you're free now, how about I give you that tour I promised?
Icon Quest Step Step Description

After the issue is temporarily resolved, Allpa from the flying squad invites everyone to visit the Flower-Feather Clan...
(Approach the Flower-Feather Clan)
Media:vo qsklq001 6 kotimy 01.ogg Kotimy: Hmph! Hah!
Media:vo qsklq001 6 yatlan 01.ogg Yatlan: Hyah!
Media:vo qsklq001 6 capac 01.ogg Capac: Ready? I'm gonna get you!
Media:vo qsklq001 6 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Uh-oh... are they fighting? Should we try and break them up?
Media:vo qsklq001 6 chasca 01.ogg Chasca: They're fine, just doing their daily combat training.
Media:vo qsklq001 6 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Combat training? A little young for that, aren't they?
Media:vo qsklq001 6 chasca 02.ogg Chasca: Not to us, we're a tribe of warriors. In ancient times, we were the most elite troops in the nation, responsible for patrolling and defending all of Natlan.
Media:vo qsklq001 6 chasca 03.ogg Chasca: And even though times have changed, we've kept our martial spirit alive.
Media:vo qsklq001 6 kotimy 02.ogg Kotimy: Hey, is that Chasca?
Media:vo qsklq001 6 yatlan 02.ogg Yatlan: Chasca, you're back!
Media:vo qsklq001 6 capac 02.ogg Capac: Can you come train with us?
Media:vo qsklq001 6 chasca 04.ogg Chasca: Now's not a good time, I'm afraid. I'm showing (TravelerTraveler) and Paimon around. Maybe next time.
Media:vo qsklq001 6 kotimy 03.ogg Kotimy: (TravelerTraveler) and Paimon...? Wait! You mean that legendary warrior, and legendary flying expert?
Media:vo qsklq001 6 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Legendary? Uh, yep! That's us, alright!
Media:vo qsklq001 6 kotimy 04.ogg Kotimy: Awesome... It's so cool that you can fly without having to ride a qucusaur. Even Chasca can only do that for short distances!
Media:vo qsklq001 6 capac 03a.ogg Media:vo qsklq001 6 capac 03b.ogg Capac: Um, (‍Mr.Mr./MissMiss‍) (TravelerTraveler)! Can you teach me some cool sword tricks?
Media:vo qsklq001 6 yatlan 03a.ogg Media:vo qsklq001 6 yatlan 03b.ogg Yatlan: (‍Mr.Mr./MissMiss‍) (TravelerTraveler)! My family's shop makes the best Volcano Cake, you gotta try it!
Media:vo qsklq001 6 chasca 05.ogg Chasca: Ahem! Let's behave ourselves, everyone. These people are here as our guests. They're going to meet Elder Allpa in a few minutes, anyway.
Media:vo qsklq001 6 chasca 06.ogg Chasca: Kotimy, instead of being jealous of other people's talents, why not work on developing your own?
Media:vo qsklq001 6 chasca 07.ogg Chasca: Capac, there's no point trying any "cool sword tricks" until you've mastered the basics. Have you done all your sword drills today?
Media:vo qsklq001 6 chasca 08.ogg Chasca: And Yatlan... Easy does it, okay? Not every conversation has to turn into you plugging the family business.
Media:vo qsklq001 6 together 01.ogg Kotimy & Yatlan & Capac: Okay...
Chasca's mini-lecture calms the children down, and they stop crowding you.
Media:vo qsklq001 6 chasca 09.ogg Chasca: Sorry about those kids, they just got overexcited when they heard your name. Hope it didn't bother you too much.
Media:vo qsklq001 6 chasca 10.ogg Chasca: This is a Volcano Cake that Yatlan forced into my hands. She said to think of it as an apology gift.
Media:vo qsklq001 6 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Whoa... it smells amazing! (TravelerTraveler), you want some?
Icon Dialogue Talk It does smell pretty good.
Icon Dialogue Talk Tastes nice, too.
Media:vo qsklq001 6 chasca 11.ogg Chasca: That's good. Yatlan will be thrilled.
Media:vo qsklq001 6 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: By the way, Chasca, those kids really adore you! You're way better with them than Paimon expected. Paimon figured you'd be more... um... aloof, maybe?
Media:vo qsklq001 6 chasca 12.ogg Chasca: Aloof, huh? Well, to be fair, there was a period when I was like that. Around the time when I first joined the tribe.
Media:vo qsklq001 6 chasca 13.ogg Chasca: ...But it's a terrible attitude to have as a peacemaker. It tends to turn situations that could've had a peaceful resolution into a stalemate that can only be resolved by force...
Icon Dialogue Talk "Resolved by force" meaning, beating both parties into submission?
Media:vo qsklq001 6 chasca 14.ogg Chasca: Yep, exactly. As long as other options are available, I try to avoid that at all costs.
Media:vo qsklq001 6 chasca 15.ogg Chasca: Someone once told me that peace imposed by force will crumble in a matter of days, but peace achieved through genuine dialogue actually benefits both sides.
Media:vo qsklq001 6 chasca 16.ogg Chasca: Even if sometimes, the parties are only willing to negotiate because they're both armed to the teeth.
Media:vo qsklq001 6 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: That's true...
Media:vo qsklq001 6 yatlan 05.ogg Yatlan: Hey, Chasca!
Media:vo qsklq001 6 kotimy 06.ogg Kotimy: Uncle Cusco knows you're back, and he's coming to get you!
Media:vo qsklq001 6 chasca 17.ogg Chasca: Hmm? Oh... Thanks.
Media:vo qsklq001 6 chasca 18.ogg Chasca: (TravelerTraveler), Paimon, gotta dash. I'll meet you at the totem pole up ahead. You can't miss it, it sticks out like a sore thumb.
Media:vo qsklq001 6 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: Wait, are you running away!?
Media:vo qsklq001 6 chasca 19.ogg Chasca: First rule of conflict resolution: Grab the fan and run before the you-know-what hits.
Media:vo qsklq001 6 capac 05.ogg Capac: Hehe, trust Chasca to make even running away sound cool!
Media:vo qsklq001 6 chasca 20.ogg Chasca: Sorry about this... Just stall him for me, okay? I'll explain everything later.
(Approach the marked location)
Media:vo qsklq001 7 cusco 01.ogg Cusco: Hmm... A golden-haired outlander, and a white flying object... You must be (TravelerTraveler) and Paimon?
Media:vo qsklq001 7 cusco 02.ogg Cusco: I heard Chasca was with you, but I suppose she's run away again, has she...
Media:vo qsklq001 7 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Um... sorry, who are you?
Media:vo qsklq001 7 cusco 03.ogg Cusco: Who am I? Tsk, only her father!
Media:vo qsklq001 7 cusco 04.ogg Cusco: She's supposed to go for a checkup every three months to see how her Abyss condition is doing. We both agreed on it... But she's already missed three checkups this year! That's three out of four!
Icon Dialogue Talk Abyss condition?
Media:vo qsklq001 7 cusco 05.ogg Cusco: *sigh* Yes, she got exposed to Abyssal energy as a young child... Then her birth parents abandoned her. It's lucky those wild qucusaurs found her when they did, or she wouldn't have made it. They took her under their wing and raised her as one of their one.
Media:vo qsklq001 7 cusco 06.ogg Cusco: Eventually, some riders out on patrol spotted her, and brought her back to the tribe... But she was practically feral at that point!
Media:vo qsklq001 7 cusco 07.ogg Cusco: The moment you took your eyes off her, she'd be getting herself into a fight. Or she'd run away to be with the saurians. She seemed to prefer them to her own kind... She might as well have been a saurian in human form!
Media:vo qsklq001 7 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: ...That must be the aloof period she mentioned, right?
Icon Dialogue Talk Sounds like there was more going on than just being aloof...
Media:vo qsklq001 7 cusco 08.ogg Cusco: We later discovered that her exposure to the Abyss had planted seeds of conflict in her heart. So, we started trying to bring it under control...
Media:vo qsklq001 7 cusco 09.ogg Cusco: But ultimately, she's the only one who can control it. Anyway, she's much more human these days.
Media:vo qsklq001 7 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Yeah, uh... Don't worry about her, she seems pretty stable to Paimon. Uh, she's probably only avoiding the checkups because she thinks it'll stop you guys from worrying about her.
Media:vo qsklq001 7 cusco 10.ogg Cusco: ...Yes, I'm well aware of that. She knows she needs to be careful. If her condition ever took a turn for the worse, she wouldn't be brushing it aside like this.
Icon Dialogue Talk Then what's there to worry about?
Media:vo qsklq001 7 cusco 11.ogg Cusco: It's just, every checkup she's been to, they find new cuts and bruises. Nothing to do with the Abyss, of course, oh no — that's all fine. The problem with her is, she's her own worst enemy!
Media:vo qsklq001 7 cusco 12.ogg Cusco: She's been living dangerously again, I'm sure of it! That's why she's avoiding the checkups, she wants to hide it from us!
Media:vo qsklq001 7 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Ah... Yeah... Paimon can see her doing that....
(Before completing The Rainbow Destined to Burn)
Media:vo qsklq001 7 cusco 13.ogg Cusco: *sigh* It's not just Chasca, either. Chuychu's out there every day on the front lines too, following her big sister around... They're asking for trouble, both of them.
Media:vo qsklq001 7 cusco 14.ogg Cusco: Next time you see them, please tell them to be careful for me. Even if they don't want to hear it.
(After completing The Rainbow Destined to Burn)
Media:vo qsklq001 7 cusco 15.ogg Cusco: *sigh* ...In the past, she always had Chuychu to keep an eye on her. Now Chuychu's gone, and I just... I don't want to lose another daughter.
Media:vo qsklq001 7 cusco 16.ogg Cusco: Chasca's been increasingly reckless since Chuychu passed. It's like she's trying to make up for it somehow...
Media:vo qsklq001 7 cusco 17.ogg Cusco: Next time you see her, please tell her to be careful for me. Even if she doesn't want to hear it.
Media:vo qsklq001 7 cusco 18.ogg Cusco: If she doesn't want to do these checkups anymore, that's fine. I just want her to stop putting herself in harm's way.
Media:vo qsklq001 7 chasca 02.ogg Chasca: ...
Cusco rambles on about Chasca and Chuychu.
You patiently listen until the bitter end...
(After the cutscene)
Media:vo qsklq001 8 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Whoa, where did the time go? We should meet back up with Chasca before it gets any later. To get to the totem pole, we need to head north, right?
(Talk to Cusco again, optional)
Media:vo dialog qsklq001 cusco 01.ogg Cusco: *sigh* I'm sorry, I didn't mean to keep you so long... I don't get to talk about my daughters much, and once I got going, I lost track of time.
Media:vo dialog qsklq001 cusco 02.ogg Cusco: I should be getting back to work now, so... Ah, Chasca. Help me talk some sense into her, won't you?
(Talk to Allpa or Chasca)
Media:vo qsklq001 10 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Hey, Chasca! Hey, Allpa!
Icon Dialogue Talk Sorry to keep you waiting.
Media:vo qsklq001 10 chasca 01.ogg Chasca: It's alright. I bet my dad talked your heads off, huh? What did he say?
Icon Dialogue Talk That you used to run away from home nearly every other day...
Icon Dialogue Talk And that nearly half of your peers got beaten up by you as a kid...
Media:vo qsklq001 10 chasca 02.ogg Chasca: Heh... I was sometimes a little impulsive back then.
Media:vo qsklq001 10 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Hah! That's putting it mildly!
Media:vo qsklq001 10 allpa 01.ogg Allpa: Haha, the memories... It feels like it was only yesterday when we brought you back and had Cusco and his family take you in.
Media:vo qsklq001 10 allpa 02.ogg Allpa: ...Back then, no one imagined this feral child would grow up to be the strongest warrior of the Flower-Feather Clan.
Media:vo qsklq001 10 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Huh? You were the one that brought Chasca back to the tribe?
Media:vo qsklq001 10 chasca 03.ogg Chasca: That's right. Elder Allpa was already a veteran rider by then. She spotted me while patrolling from the skies, and tracked down my qucusaur "mom."
Media:vo qsklq001 10 chasca 04.ogg Chasca: "Mom" agreed that it was time I tried to re-enter human society... But I didn't know the first thing about being civilized. I clashed with everyone who had to deal with me.
Media:vo qsklq001 10 allpa 03.ogg Allpa: And look at you now, renowned throughout the land as a peacemaker... How time flies.
Media:vo qsklq001 10 allpa 04.ogg Allpa: When the day comes that I can't fly anymore, it'll be up to you to look after our tribe and our flying squad.
Media:vo qsklq001 10 chasca 05.ogg Chasca: Mm... You know me, though. I'm not a natural commander, I'm better off as a lone wolf on the front line.
Media:vo qsklq001 10 chasca 06.ogg Chasca: ...So stick it out for at least a few more years, okay? Give Coyllur and the others time to come into their own.
Media:vo qsklq001 10 allpa 05.ogg Allpa: Oh, stop...
Media:vo qsklq001 10 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Wait so...Isn't the leader just the strongest warrior in the tribe? At least, Paimon figured that's how your tribe would work.
Media:vo qsklq001 10 chasca 07.ogg Chasca: Strength is certainly a core tenet in the Flower-Feather Clan. But strength means far more than martial prowess alone.
Media:vo qsklq001 10 allpa 06.ogg Allpa: Heh, if it all came down to individual strength, I'd struggle to call myself a warrior, let alone a member of the flying squad. Any fighter in the tribe could take me down.
Icon Dialogue Talk Really? I had you down as an elite warrior like Chasca...
Media:vo qsklq001 10 allpa 07.ogg Allpa: Well, sorry to disappoint you. It was something I aspired to at one point, so much so that I went adventuring in the Cinder City, Ochkanatlan, to try and prove myself... But it was foolish of me. I wasn't ready.
Media:vo qsklq001 10 allpa 08.ogg Allpa: I came back empty handed and seriously injured. The fact that I survived was something, I suppose, but after that I never seriously considered myself a strong fighter.
Media:vo qsklq001 10 chasca 08.ogg Chasca: And yet, you still managed to become the leader of the flying squad, thanks to your experience and determination. All while battling those old injuries. Don't you think that's a display of strength in its own right?
Media:vo qsklq001 10 allpa 09.ogg Allpa: Hah... Let's shelve this discussion for now. (TravelerTraveler), Paimon, there are some simple refreshments on the table, please help yourselves.
Media:vo qsklq001 10 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Yesss! Paimon was waiting for that part!
Icon Dialogue Talk Didn't you just gorge yourself on a whole bunch of Volcano Cakes?
Media:vo qsklq001 10 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Hehe, they were for the snack stomach! The refreshments stomach still has plenty of space!
(After they finish eating)
Media:vo qsklq001 10 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: Whew! Paimon is soooooo full...
Media:vo qsklq001 10 allpa 10.ogg Allpa: Well, if you're enjoying our hospitality, feel free to stay with us as long as you like...
Media:vo qsklq001 10 warmi 01.ogg Warmi: Um... Elder Allpa! There's uh... Something's come up!
(Warmi whispers to Allpa)
Media:vo qsklq001 10 allpa 11.ogg Allpa: ...Hmm?
Media:vo qsklq001 10 chasca 09.ogg Chasca: What happened? Is it serious? Shall I deal with it?
Media:vo qsklq001 10 allpa 12.ogg Allpa: Um, it's... Some merchants showed up, not from our tribe. They said they're here to discuss some potential collaboration with us.
Media:vo qsklq001 10 allpa 13.ogg Allpa: Why now, this is terrible timing... There are a few Wingless that we haven't managed to reach yet, and we still haven't inspected the retrial arena...
Icon Dialogue Talk Wow, what a busy schedule...
Icon Dialogue Talk Guess that comes with being an elder, huh?
Media:vo qsklq001 10 chasca 10.ogg Chasca: Let me handle the other errands while you meet with the merchants. You shouldn't be trying to do everything at your age.
Media:vo qsklq001 10 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: We should help too! Seems only fair after all that food we ate...
Icon Dialogue Talk It'll help the digestion process.
Icon Dialogue Talk We're not here for a free lunch.
Media:vo qsklq001 10 allpa 14.ogg Allpa: Huh... Well, much obliged. Chasca, the remaining Wingless are all people you know. Let's see... Pixica now manages the Floating Target Balloons...
Media:vo qsklq001 10 allpa 15.ogg Allpa: Huascar's probably still addicted to "Eyes on the Feathered Prize," and Zhunan spends her days up on the flying platform, staring at the Cinder City... I'll leave you to tell them the news.

(Talk to Huascar)
Media:vo qsklq001 14 huascar 01.ogg Huascar: A retrial? What's the point? I pretty much treat life like it's a game, haha... no qucusaur's ever going to approve of that, no matter how many times I try.
Media:vo qsklq001 14 chasca 01.ogg Chasca: Huascar... I can assure you, qucusaurs wouldn't judge you for something like that.
Media:vo qsklq001 14 huascar 02.ogg Huascar: Well, they must be judging me for something. Maybe I lack fighting spirit, or just don't have the talent... Not everyone's a natural like you.
Media:vo qsklq001 14 huascar 03.ogg Huascar: Don't waste your time on me. You'll have better luck with the ones who still have their heads in the clouds.
Media:vo qsklq001 14 huascar 04.ogg Huascar: In the meantime... Hehe, I think I'm gonna treat myself to a few more games of "Eyes on the Feathered Prize"!
Media:vo qsklq001 14 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Yeesh. There's Wingless, then there's being a total lost cause...
Media:vo qsklq001 14 chasca 02.ogg Chasca: He used to be a fierce warrior, actually. But fighting spirit alone won't win you the qucusaurs' approval.
Media:vo qsklq001 14 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Are all qucusaurs so strict? The ones in Floating Target Balloons and Eyes on the Feathered Prize seem pretty chilled out.
Media:vo qsklq001 14 chasca 03.ogg Chasca: It's one thing to hang out and have fun, but quite another to take to the skies with a human life on your back.
Media:vo qsklq001 14 chasca 04.ogg Chasca: Giving a ride to someone who's unqualified endangers not only the Rider, but also the qucusaur themselves. If the Rider makes a mistake, they both suffer the consequences.
Media:vo qsklq001 14 chasca 05.ogg Chasca: So we have a mutual understanding with the qucusaurs: if someone isn't up to standard, we have to reject them... even if it means breaking their hearts.
(Talk to Huascar again, optional)
Media:vo dialog qsklq001 huascar 01.ogg Huascar: Tsk... Next time! I'll definitely hit the jackpot next time!
(Talk to Pixica)
Media:vo qsklq001 11 mutota 01.ogg Mutota: ...Are you sure you don't want to reconsider, Pixica?
Media:vo qsklq001 11 pixica 01.ogg Pixica: I appreciate it, Boss. But honestly, I'm pretty happy with my life nowadays...
Media:vo qsklq001 11 chasca 01.ogg Chasca: Pixica, they're redoing the flying trials... Huh? Mutota?
Media:vo qsklq001 11 mutota 02.ogg Mutota: Ah, did Allpa send you? I was just telling Pixica the news, actually.
Media:vo qsklq001 11 mutota 03.ogg Mutota: The way things are in the tribe these days... I mean, you don't need me to tell you. This here is no future for a seasoned warrior like you.
Media:vo qsklq001 11 pixica 02.ogg Pixica: Come on, Boss, do you have any idea how long it's been? I've been Wingless for years now. I'm not cut out for that anymore.
Media:vo qsklq001 11 pixica 03.ogg Pixica: Of course I'll do my part if we ever need to defend the tribe, but there's really no point in me trying out for the flying squad now.
Media:vo qsklq001 11 pixica 04.ogg Pixica: I've already made my peace with it. Not everyone has what it takes to return to the sky after going Wingless... Elder Allpa's perseverance is something else.
Media:vo qsklq001 11 pixica 05.ogg Pixica: And like... it's okay if I'm not destined for greatness. I might not have the qucusaurs' approval, but with my hot air balloons, I can still reach the skies...
Media:vo qsklq001 11 pixica 06.ogg Pixica: Handling these balloons every day, seeing how the customers react, the looks on their faces... That's enough for me.
Media:vo qsklq001 11 chasca 02.ogg Chasca: Finding something you love doing can be just as hard as passing the flying trial. It's worth holding onto.
Media:vo qsklq001 11 mutota 04.ogg Mutota: *sigh* Fair enough... It's your choice, I won't force you.
Media:vo qsklq001 11 pixica 07.ogg Pixica: Oh, by the way, you should try taking a balloon ride if you've got the time! Once you've been up there for yourself, you'll see why I love it so much!
Icon Dialogue Talk I'm a little busy at the moment.
Icon Dialogue Talk But next time, for sure.
Media:vo qsklq001 11 pixica 08.ogg Pixica: No problem! If you ever wanna give it a try, you know where to find me!
(Talk to Mutota, optional)
Media:vo dialog qsklq001 mutota 01.ogg Mutota: I didn't realize Chasca was out delivering the news... Looks like Allpa's finally learning how to delegate.
(After completing the "Floating Target Balloon" Challenge once, optional)
Media:vo qsklq001 13 chasca 01.ogg Chasca: I can see where Pixica's coming from. The view from up high really is spectacular. I don't usually notice, because I tend to just zoom along without taking in the scenery...
(Talk to Zhunan)
Media:vo qsklq001 17 zhunan 01.ogg Zhunan: *sigh*...
Media:vo qsklq001 17 chasca 01.ogg Chasca: Hey, Zhunan. Gazing out at Ochkanatlan again, huh?
Media:vo qsklq001 17 zhunan 02.ogg Zhunan: ...Chasca? What are you doing here, is something up?
Media:vo qsklq001 17 chasca 02.ogg Chasca: The flying squad is hosting retrials again soon. Wanna give it another try?
Media:vo qsklq001 17 zhunan 03.ogg Zhunan: Heh, maybe you're forgetting the definition of "Wingless." I've failed so many times already that I've decided to call it quits for good. I'm done.
Media:vo qsklq001 17 zhunan 04.ogg Zhunan: Elder Allpa always goes out of her way to come and tell me when a new trial is coming up, and it's nice of her to think of me... but nothing's gonna change. I'm not going to suddenly pass just because they're holding another trial.
Media:vo qsklq001 17 chasca 03.ogg Chasca: They're making some big changes to the arena this time, so the flying experience should be smoother than before. Coyllur's gonna try again.
Media:vo qsklq001 17 zhunan 05.ogg Zhunan: ...!
Media:vo qsklq001 17 zhunan 06.ogg Zhunan: Ehh... No, forget it. If I was genuinely good enough to make the squad, the location shouldn't affect my chances.
Media:vo qsklq001 17 zhunan 07.ogg Zhunan: A true Rider can fly confidently whatever the conditions... Like you and Elder Allpa.
Media:vo qsklq001 17 coyllur 01.ogg Coyllur: Zhunan! They're redoing the— Huh? Chasca and (TravelerTraveler)? You're already here...
Media:vo qsklq001 17 coyllur 02.ogg Coyllur: Guess they already told you then, huh? Come on, let's go train together!
Media:vo qsklq001 17 zhunan 08.ogg Zhunan: Um... I'm gonna sit this one out.
Media:vo qsklq001 17 coyllur 03.ogg Coyllur: What? Why? But you've always looked up to Elder Allpa...
Media:vo qsklq001 17 coyllur 04.ogg Coyllur: She went wingless after her injury, and spent years drifting... but even she came back and made it in the end. If she can do it, why can't you?
Media:vo qsklq001 17 zhunan 09.ogg Zhunan: I mean... I don't have that kind of perseverance. And besides, the last thing I wanna do is fail in front of her yet again...
Media:vo qsklq001 17 coyllur 05.ogg Coyllur: *sigh* Come on, you know you don't need to worry about that... Alright, well... how about we just treat this as you being my mentor? Then will you train with me?
Media:vo qsklq001 17 zhunan 10.ogg Zhunan: Um... I mean...
Media:vo qsklq001 17 coyllur 06.ogg Coyllur: Enough umming and ahhing! Let's just get up in the air and figure it out as we go!
Media:vo qsklq001 17 zhunan 11.ogg Zhunan: Wait... Hold on! Slow down! I can't keep up!
Media:vo qsklq001 17 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: ...Well that's one way to do it...
Icon Dialogue Talk Yeah... Zhunan unwittingly chose the hard way.
Media:vo qsklq001 17 chasca 04.ogg Chasca: Heh, they've been best friends since they were kids. If anyone knows how to get Zhunan out of a rut, it's Coyllur.
Media:vo qsklq001 17 chasca 05.ogg Chasca: You helped Coyllur deal with her internal conflict, and now, she's done the same for someone else... You know, people often talk about how one conflict leads to another, and so on.
Media:vo qsklq001 17 chasca 06.ogg Chasca: But sometimes in life, things spiral in a good direction instead.
(After quest ends)
Media:vo qsklq001 18 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: We've notified all the Wingless on the list now, right? Where to next?
Media:vo qsklq001 18 chasca 01.ogg Chasca: The trial arena. It's not far from the tribe.

Unsorted Voice-Over[]

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishThe Wingless One of Tlalocan
Korean틀라로칸의 날개 잃은
Teullarokanui Nalgae Ireun Ja
SpanishLos sin alas de TlalocánThe “Wingless” of Tlalocan
FrenchLes sans-ailes des TlalocansThe Wingless Ones of Tlalocan
RussianБескрылая в Тлалокане
Beskrylaya v Tlalokane
The Wingless in Tlalocan
Thaiผู้ไร้ปีกแห่ง Tlalocan
VietnameseNgười Mất Cánh Của Tlalocan
GermanDer Flügellose von Tlalocan
IndonesianTlalocan Tanpa Sayap
PortugueseA Desalada de Tlalocan
TurkishTlalocan'ın Kanatsızı
ItalianLa Senza Ali di Tlalocan

Change History[]
