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Allpa is a quest-exclusive NPC that appears in the Flower-Feather Clan's Tribal Chronicles, Of Fading Flowers and Falling Feathers.


Allpa is an elder of the Flower-Feather Clan. In her youth, she tried to complete the trials to join the Qucusaur Riders, but failed and became a Wingless due to an injury that she sustained while in Ochkanatlan. She left the tribe shortly afterwards and married, having a son named Tepal. Having a child gave Allpa new hope, but her husband disagreed and wanted to give him a sheltered life. Thus, they separated, leaving her embittered as she returned to the tribe, eventually passing the trials and becoming an elder and respected member of the tribe. During one patrol, she would also discover an infant Chasca and bring her to the village.[1]

Tepal would be raised with the Children of Echoes, but he dreamt about soaring the skies and learned of his true birth mother and visited her. Tepal asked to attempt the trials, which pleased Allpa, but he too failed and was deemed a Wingless, leaving her shattered. Tepal, desiring to soar to the skies, decided to rely on technology to do so. However, his attempts in researching Phlogiston-related jetpacks resulted in his death, and Allpa became embittered once more, blaming the qucusaurs for her son's death and seeing them as wild beasts that only cared for themselves.

Believing that her son's dreams would help save others, Allpa took on Tepal's name as her own and continued experimenting with Phlogiston. Deciding that artificial refinement was not making any progress, Allpa discovered that the qucusaurs could produce stable Phlogiston with their glands and began hiring people to capture wild qucusaurs for them. The naturally-produced Phlogiston was discovered to be stable, and with further experimentation, Allpa created the Phlogiston Wings, allowing the Wingless to fly and fulfilling her son's wishes. She also relocated his workshop to be closer to the village. Knowing that the introduction of such technology would cause an upheaval in the tribe, Allpa sought to launch a coup, overthrowing the current chief Mutota, believing that not even the Pyro Archon would interfere.

The Phlogiston Wings were distributed to the clan after the Abyss invasion of Natlan, which Allpa had survived. Her lackeys caught a young qucusaur named Chime, who was the daughter of Coya, Chasca's qucusaur sister. Coya would attack Allpa's lackeys, though Chasca did not understand why until she asked her qucusaur "mother" Chimpu to talk to Coya on her behalf. While investigating Tepal, they managed to reach his workshop in the skies, but soon discovered that Tepal had died long ago and the true mastermind was Allpa herself, who confronted them. Not wanting to fight them, Allpa tried to appeal to the lives that could be saved if they accepted the technology, pledging to only use "unruly" qucusaurs for the extraction process. The group was unconvinced by her appeal and she revealed an encaged Chime, threatening to kill her if they did not comply. She also revealed that she had several subordinates on their way to apprehend Mutota and ordered them into the cages, promising to release them after her people consolidated their power.

Coya proceeded to charge at Allpa, causing her to drop the relic and making it unstable. Not wanting to destroy her tribe and believing that the tribe's safety couldn't be entrusted to a wild saurian, Allpa attempted to sacrifice herself by taking the relic far away, but was knocked out by Coya and Chasca, who managed to get the relic a safe distance away, unwilling to let Allpa be able to die a heroic death after all she had done. As Coya and Chime talked to each other, Chasca asked Allpa if she believed qucusaurs couldn't form bonds, only to be left with silence. Allpa's subordinates failed to capture Mutota (who had been away coaching Coyllur and Zhunan), and the support she anticipated never materialized, resulting in her coup quickly collapsing. Allpa and her lackeys would be imprisoned in part of the flying workshop that Mutota and the others repurposed into a jail.[2]

Quests and Events[]

Story Quests

Tribal Chronicles

Character Mentions[]

Character Stories



Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name

Change History[]


  1. Tribal Chronicles, Of Fading Flowers and Falling Feathers, Act I: The Wingless One of Tlalocan
  2. Tribal Chronicles, Of Fading Flowers and Falling Feathers, Act III - Guns and Wings, Part 3: Time for the Showdown