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Birds in a Cage is the third part of Arlecchino's Story Quest, Ignis Purgatorius Chapter: Act I - When the Hearth-Flame Goes Out.


  1. Continue executing the plan
  2. Go to the seaside to look for The Knave
  3. Follow The Knave to the Court of Fontaine
  4. Follow The Knave to complete the negotiations
  5. Leave the Palais Mermonia


UI Quest Quest Description

After hearing some "secrets" of the House of the Hearth from Clervie, the conflicts between the children have begun to surface... A new day brings a new battle. Head to the seaside to look for The Knave.
The night passes...
Media:vo arlq003 1 lyney 01.ogg Lyney: Alright, looks like we're all here. Let's go ahead with the plan.
Icon Dialogue Talk Before we do that...
Icon Dialogue Talk I have a question.
Media:vo arlq003 1 freminet 01.ogg Freminet: Oh? What is it?
Icon Dialogue Talk Have The Knave and The Doctor ever worked together?
Media:vo arlq003 1 lyney 02.ogg Lyney: What makes you ask that?
Media:vo arlq003 1 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Well, we kinda ran into Clervie last night... and that's what she told us.
Media:vo arlq003 1 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: We met The Doctor back in Sumeru. He's super dangerous! And he's done all sorts of bad things!
Media:vo arlq003 1 lyney 03.ogg Lyney: ...It's possible that "Father" and The Doctor have had certain dealings, but I don't think "Father" would work with him.
Media:vo arlq003 1 lyney 04.ogg Lyney: We're not really on the same side, so there's not a lot of trust between them. That doesn't exactly set the stage for a successful partnership.
Media:vo arlq003 1 lyney 05.ogg Lyney: I did hear, though, that when "Father" first became a Harbinger, The Doctor offered to work with the House of the Hearth.
Media:vo arlq003 1 lyney 06.ogg Lyney: "Father" rejected most of his proposals, except for one... It had to do with some sort of secret experiment.
Media:vo arlq003 1 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Secret experiment? Could that be what Clervie was talking about?
Media:vo arlq003 1 lynette 01.ogg Lynette: I don't think so...
Media:vo arlq003 1 lyney 07.ogg Lyney: I don't know any details about the experiment itself, but I do know it's an entirely independent operation. The Doctor only proposed a direction for the research. That was the extent of his involvement. I still don't think that counts as working together.
Media:vo arlq003 1 lyney 08.ogg Lyney: The details of the experiment are confidential, but complete records are kept on all participants. That doesn't seem to be the case with the situation Clervie referred to.
Media:vo arlq003 1 lyney 09.ogg Lyney: I know you don't agree with some of the Fatui's methods, and I'm not asking you to. But, I am asking you to trust us on this. The House of the Hearth has its own principles. There are certain lines we're not willing to cross.
Media:vo arlq003 1 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: *sigh* Alright. That's good to hear at least.
Media:vo arlq003 1 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Clervie seems to think The Knave and The Doctor worked together to do something horrible. If that turned out to be true... Paimon doesn't know how we would even face you guys.
Media:vo arlq003 1 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: It's just that... it doesn't seem like Clervie is lying either...
Media:vo arlq003 1 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: The easiest thing to do would be just ask The Knave directly, but Paimon doesn't think she'd tell us.
Icon Dialogue Talk Let's focus on the plan for now.
Media:vo arlq003 1 lyney 10.ogg Lyney: "Father" didn't come back last night. She's probably still near the shore. We'll be counting on you to distract her.
Media:vo arlq003 1 lyney 11.ogg Lyney: Lynette, you're with me. Freminet, you know what to do. Be on your guard, everyone.
Media:vo arlq003 1 lyney 12.ogg Lyney: Alright, let's get to it.
(Talk to Lynette and Lyney, optional)
Media:vo dialog arlq003 lynette 01.ogg Lynette: Where are we going today?
Media:vo dialog arlq003 lyney 01.ogg Lyney: Let's try somewhere further away this time.
(Clervie's idle quote at the camp, optional)
Media:vo dialog arlq003 creirve 01.ogg Clervie: Oh, it's raining. I should put my clothes away...

(Talk to Arlecchino)
Media:vo arlq003 2 arlecchino 01.ogg The Knave: Ah, it's you two again. I must say, you look a bit pale. Did you have trouble sleeping last night?
Media:vo arlq003 2 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Uh... a little.
Media:vo arlq003 2 arlecchino 02.ogg The Knave: Perhaps if you had less on your mind, you'd be able to absolve yourself of such troubles.
Media:vo arlq003 2 arlecchino 03.ogg The Knave: So, what are you planning to do now? Catch up on some sleep? Or, should I give you some time to rack your brain for a topic to discuss before I ask any questions...
Media:vo arlq003 2 arlecchino 04.ogg The Knave: Although I must profess to being curious... Without Childe here, how do you plan on distracting me?
Icon Dialogue Talk (!!!)
Media:vo arlq003 2 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: US distract YOU!? Hahaha, good one... But no, um, we were just... here for a chat!
Media:vo arlq003 2 arlecchino 05.ogg The Knave: Hm, looks like you could have used some extra time to think. No matter, if you don't have any other plans, why don't you accompany me somewhere?
Media:vo arlq003 2 arlecchino 06.ogg The Knave: Don't worry. I'll be sure to steer clear of any scheming children.
Media:vo arlq003 2 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Ah... the ocean breeze is sure nice today...
Icon Dialogue Talk So, you know everything then?
Media:vo arlq003 2 arlecchino 07.ogg The Knave: Children always think they can hide things from the grown-ups. But, nothing gets past me, least of all a little scheming. I think I'll let them have at it for a little longer. I can be very patient.
Media:vo arlq003 2 arlecchino 08.ogg The Knave: Well, I'll leave you to think things over. If you're so inclined, meet me outside the Palais Mermonia.
Media:vo arlq003 2 arlecchino 09.ogg The Knave: Good things come to children who do as they're told. So, I do hope you decide to tag along... if only for your friends' sakes.
Media:vo arlq003 2 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: What should we do?
Media:vo arlq003 2 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: She clearly knows about everything we've been doing, and Paimon doesn't think it'd be a stretch to say she was threatening us just now.
Icon Dialogue Talk We should release the pigeon that Lyney gave us.
Media:vo arlq003 2 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Oh, good idea! Hopefully he sees it in time...
Media:vo arlq003 2 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: Well, we should probably head to the Palais Mermonia. Paimon doesn't want to find out what happens if we don't show up. Based on what The Knave was saying just now, it sure didn't seem like it'd be anything good...
Icon Dialogue Talk We really don't have any other options...
Icon Dialogue Talk Guess all we can do is take it one step at a time.
Media:vo arlq003 2 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: Okay, then we probably shouldn't keep her waiting. It seems like Lyney and the others are on thin ice, so let's do our best to not get them in any more trouble...
Icon Quest Step Step Description

As it turns out, The Knave was already aware of what Lyney and the others are planning. Looks like you can only go along with her for now.
(Approach Palais Mermonia)
Media:vo arlq003 3 arlecchino 01.ogg The Knave: Seeing as we still have some time before my meeting, we might as well enjoy some pleasant conversation while we wait.
Media:vo arlq003 3 arlecchino 02.ogg The Knave: I'm glad to see you get along with my children. Being surrounded by good companions is necessary for a child's development.
Media:vo arlq003 3 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: You're not planning on doing anything to them, are you?
Media:vo arlq003 3 arlecchino 03.ogg The Knave: I assume you're referring to Lyney, Lynette, and Freminet...
Media:vo arlq003 3 arlecchino 04.ogg The Knave: Although there's that situation with Filliol and Nanteuil as well... Hm, it appears quite a few people have been acting out lately.
Media:vo arlq003 3 arlecchino 05.ogg The Knave: No matter. I'm not one to discriminate. All those who betray the House meet the same fate. There are no exceptions.
Media:vo arlq003 3 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Does that mean you're going to kill them?
Media:vo arlq003 3 arlecchino 06.ogg The Knave: Oh? Are you here to beg for their lives? I'm sorry to disappoint, but the rules of the House change for no one. In my organization, everyone is responsible for their own actions.
Media:vo arlq003 3 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: But... Don't you care about them at all? They really respect you! They even call you "Father"! You must feel something for them!
Media:vo arlq003 3 arlecchino 07.ogg The Knave: Any organization in which feelings come before principles is one destined for ruin. The House of the Hearth is hardly an exception. You could say our principles are more stringent than most.
Media:vo arlq003 3 arlecchino 08.ogg The Knave: Perhaps I can offer you this consolation, at least — as our guests, you two will not be held accountable along with them.
Icon Dialogue Talk There's really no other way to solve the issue?
Media:vo arlq003 3 arlecchino 09.ogg The Knave: I would imagine Lyney, Lynette, and Freminet will be able to keep their lives.
Media:vo arlq003 3 arlecchino 10.ogg The Knave: As for Filliol, Nanteuil, and the others... I'm afraid there's little I can do. They can try to escape, but once you know our secrets, there's no getting out alive.
Media:vo arlq003 3 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: But that's... That's awful...
Media:vo arlq003 3 arlecchino 11.ogg The Knave: Ah, you seem concerned. Out of consideration for my guests, I suppose I could turn a blind eye for a little longer.
Media:vo arlq003 3 arlecchino 12.ogg The Knave: If Lyney and the others manage to dispose of Clervie in the meantime, all evidence of their wrongdoing will be lost. In that case, I could hardly punish them for something I couldn't prove.
Media:vo arlq003 3 arlecchino 13.ogg The Knave: If their efforts are unsuccessful, on the other hand, all will be held accountable, and the punishment will be severe.
Icon Dialogue Talk It's a deal, then.
Icon Dialogue Talk We'll hold you to it!
Media:vo arlq003 3 arlecchino 14.ogg The Knave: Of course. Oh, and here... I believe this belongs to you. Do try and keep better track of it next time.
Media:vo arlq003 3 arlecchino 15.ogg The Knave: It takes a considerable amount of time to train a bird like this. It would be such a pity if you were to lose it... permanently.
Media:vo arlq003 3 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Wait, where did you get that...
Media:vo arlq003 3 arlecchino 16.ogg The Knave: Well, I'm afraid that's all the time we have to chat. Now for the matter at hand.
Media:vo arlq003 3 arlecchino 17.ogg The Knave: I asked you to meet me here because I have business at the Palais Mermonia. It has nothing to do with you, but I think it would be prudent for you to stick by my side for the time being. There will always be time later to run off and tell Lyney what you've learned.
Media:vo arlq003 3 arlecchino 18.ogg The Knave: Well, time to go. Looks like we wrapped things up just in time.
(Enter Neuvillette's office)
Media:vo arlq003 4 arlecchino 01.ogg The Knave: It's been a while, Monsieur Neuvillette.
Media:vo arlq003 4 arlecchino 02.ogg The Knave: I must say, I wasn't expecting my meeting request to be approved quite so quickly. The Palais Mermonia operates with an efficiency worthy of admiration.
Media:vo arlq003 4 neuvillette 01.ogg Neuvillette: It is only right that an esteemed diplomat such as yourself should be afforded the proper level of respect.
Media:vo arlq003 4 neuvillette 02.ogg Neuvillette: Although, if I may speak plainly, I must confess that I did not anticipate we would have the occasion to meet again after presenting you with the Gnosis.
Media:vo arlq003 4 neuvillette 03.ogg Neuvillette: ...I see you've brought (TravelerTraveler) and Paimon with you as well. If I may inquire as to the purpose of your visit...
Media:vo arlq003 4 arlecchino 03.ogg The Knave: I'll be departing Fontaine shortly. There is, however, an outstanding matter that I would like to see resolved before I go.
Media:vo arlq003 4 arlecchino 04.ogg The Knave: It requires a rather lengthy explanation, I'm afraid. So, I took the liberty of explaining everything in this proposal. Please review it at your leisure, Monsieur Neuvillette.
The Knave hands over the document and gracefully takes a sip of water from her cup.
Media:vo arlq003 4 neuvillette 04.ogg Neuvillette: I understand your request. However, at the risk of causing offense, I must admit that I fail to see why you would wish for such a thing.
Media:vo arlq003 4 arlecchino 05.ogg The Knave: I heard you have a certain fondness for water tasting, Monsieur Neuvillette, so allow me to use water as an analogy.
Media:vo arlq003 4 arlecchino 06.ogg The Knave: A family is like a large body of water with countless rivers flowing in and out.
Media:vo arlq003 4 arlecchino 07.ogg The Knave: As someone who watches over this system, I would hope that each river that flows from the source will eventually reach the ocean.
Media:vo arlq003 4 arlecchino 08.ogg The Knave: Of course, objectively speaking, I know this is impossible. Most of the rivers will dry up along the way, disappearing into the ground and leaving nothing but a barren riverbed behind.
Media:vo arlq003 4 arlecchino 09.ogg The Knave: Not all rivers are destined to reach the ocean, but I would not see their existence rendered meaningless. I believe the water that flows within them is simply meant for a different destination... like a field in need of irrigation... or, perhaps, the glass of a certain water-tasting enthusiast.
Media:vo arlq003 4 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Um... Did you get any of that, (TravelerTraveler)?
Icon Dialogue Talk Not really...
Icon Dialogue Talk Kind of...
Media:vo arlq003 4 neuvillette 05.ogg Neuvillette: Your words paint an optimistic picture indeed. Allow me to remind you, however, few among us are willing to sip from a glass filled with tainted water.
Media:vo arlq003 4 arlecchino 10.ogg The Knave: It may have been tainted at one point in time, but not to worry — I'll make sure it's strained of all impurities and returned to its cleanest form.
Media:vo arlq003 4 neuvillette 06.ogg Neuvillette: ...
Media:vo arlq003 4 neuvillette 07.ogg Neuvillette: I seem to recall there being a "transactional" aspect to your proposal. Perhaps you could expound on that.
Media:vo arlq003 4 arlecchino 11.ogg The Knave: If you accept my proposal, Monsieur Neuvillette, I will gradually withdraw my forces from Fontaine.
Media:vo arlq003 4 arlecchino 12.ogg The Knave: And, unless absolutely necessary, I will no longer carry out any "special missions" within Fontaine.
Media:vo arlq003 4 neuvillette 08.ogg Neuvillette: I presume I can take your words to mean that, in the future, cases similar to the Tartuffe assassination will cease to cross my desk?
Media:vo arlq003 4 arlecchino 13.ogg The Knave: Tartuffe? Ah, that thief who embezzled funds from all those charities, you mean? My deepest condolences to his family, but without any evidence, I cannot imagine how the House of the Hearth might have been involved in his passing.
Media:vo arlq003 4 arlecchino 14.ogg The Knave: Of course, if you accept my proposal, Monsieur Neuvillette, I'm sure certain measures could be taken to reduce the frequency of such troubles.
Media:vo arlq003 4 neuvillette 09.ogg Neuvillette: You choose your words carefully indeed. In that case, I am inclined to accept your proposal.
Media:vo arlq003 4 arlecchino 15.ogg The Knave: My thanks for your generosity, Monsieur Neuvillette.
Media:vo arlq003 4 arlecchino 16.ogg The Knave: Well, with that settled, we should be going now. I took the liberty of bringing along two bottles of spring water from Snezhnaya for you to enjoy. I do hope I get the chance to hear your impressions... perhaps at our next meeting, yes?
Media:vo arlq003 4 neuvillette 10.ogg Neuvillette: Indeed. I trust you would not overlook your commitment in the meantime.
Media:vo arlq003 4 arlecchino 17.ogg The Knave: Alright, (TravelerTraveler), Paimon, time to go.
(Talk to Neuvillette, optional)
Media:vo dialog arlq003 neuvillette 01.ogg Neuvillette: I believe I've told you before that my emotions easily resonate with those of others.
Media:vo dialog arlq003 neuvillette 02.ogg Neuvillette: Yet, in the few meetings I've had with that Harbinger, I haven't been able to sense any aspect of her emotional state. Her mind is like a still body of water — who knows what darkness lies in its depths, and the lack of ripples on the surface gives nothing away.
Media:vo dialog arlq003 neuvillette 03.ogg Neuvillette: It's unclear whether this is her natural state of being, or whether it's an incredible strength of will that gives her the ability to master her emotions. Either scenario, however, suggests she is a very dangerous individual.
Media:vo dialog arlq003 neuvillette 04.ogg Neuvillette: I do not expect an explanation as to why you two are by her side. Whatever your reasoning, I would only advise you to take caution.
(Leave Palais Mermonia)
Media:vo arlq003 5 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: So, uh... What exactly were you talking about back there?
Media:vo arlq003 5 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Paimon only heard you mention some rivers, a large body of water, and then... some kind of irrigation scheme?
Media:vo arlq003 5 arlecchino 01.ogg The Knave: You really want to know? I would imagine there might be more pressing concerns at the moment...
Media:vo arlq003 5 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: *sigh* Lyney... Paimon really hopes everything's going okay...
Media:vo arlq003 5 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Oh! Paimon recognizes that look! You've got your thinking cap on, don't you (TravelerTraveler)?
(TravelerTraveler): (The Knave may seem relaxed, but she didn't seem to be joking earlier when she said those who betray the organization must pay with their lives. I think she's serious about punishing those kids.)
(TravelerTraveler): (How should we stop her? No, there's something else we should figure out first.)
(TravelerTraveler): (While we were talking in front of the Palais Mermonia, she mentioned Clervie's name. Does that mean she knew where Clervie was this entire time? Maybe she even anticipated how Lyney and the others were going to act...)
While deep in thought, you stumble into the person approaching you...
Media:vo arlq003 5 horrer 01.ogg ???: Ahhh!
Media:vo arlq003 5 horrer 02.ogg ???: Oof... Oh shoot, are you alright?
Media:vo arlq003 5 horrer 03.ogg ???: Aw geez, I'm so sorry. I was so focused on selling these papers, I wasn't looking where I was going.
Icon Dialogue Talk My bad.
Icon Dialogue Talk I also wasn't paying attention.
Media:vo arlq003 5 horrer 04.ogg ???: Well, let me make it up to you at least. Here, take this paper — on the house.
(TravelerTraveler): (He looks kind of familiar for some reason...)
Media:vo arlq003 5 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Oh, you don't have to give us anything!
Media:vo arlq003 5 horrer 05.ogg Newsboy: Please, I want to. It's not like I'm short on supply. All the extras will be useless come tomorrow, anyway.
Media:vo arlq003 5 horrer 06.ogg Newsboy: It's my fault, really. I was just trying to bring home some extra Mora for the family, but I bit off more than I can chew. I haven't had many takers today, so I'm still swimming in papers.
Media:vo arlq003 5 arlecchino 02.ogg The Knave: What's going on here?
Media:vo arlq003 5 horrer 07.ogg Newsboy: Nothing much... I just ran into your friend here on accident. I should probably get going, actually, so...
Media:vo arlq003 5 arlecchino 03.ogg The Knave: Hold on.
Media:vo arlq003 5 horrer 08.ogg Newsboy: Um... Of course, I'm happy to compensate you with Mora, it's just... I don't have any on me at the moment...
Media:vo arlq003 5 arlecchino 04.ogg The Knave: I'll take three papers. Here, your payment.
Media:vo arlq003 5 horrer 09.ogg Newsboy: Oh! Thank you for your patronage! May the Archons bless you with good fortune!
Media:vo arlq003 5 horrer 10.ogg Newsboy: If only I had the chance to run into such generous customers every day... Haha, I should probably just take on a smaller inventory, though, right? I'm getting married soon, so sometimes it's hard not to get ahead of myself... Anyway, I should head out. Goodbye!
Media:vo arlq003 5 arlecchino 05.ogg The Knave: Well, now that my affairs are settled, we should take the boat back to Poisson. We've even acquired some light reading to enjoy along the way.
Media:vo arlq003 5 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Actually... Why don't we... stick around for a little longer?
Media:vo arlq003 5 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: Paimon just realized how hungry she is! She can't head back to Poisson on an empty stomach!
(TravelerTraveler): (Looks like Paimon is trying to buy us more time. If we head back now, I doubt Lyney and the others will have made any progress. What should we do...)
Media:vo arlq003 5 arlecchino 06.ogg The Knave: It appears you two are under the impression that delaying our return will somehow alter the situation in your favor. I'm sorry to ruin your fantasy, but your efforts are meaningless.
Media:vo arlq003 5 arlecchino 07.ogg The Knave: That being said, I could be persuaded to give Lyney some extra time... I just have one condition.
Media:vo arlq003 5 arlecchino 08.ogg The Knave: If you agree to my request, I'll even answer some of your questions. You're quite curious about Clervie, are you not? And my relationship to her...
Media:vo arlq003 5 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: Wait, why are you being so generous all of a sudden? You're not gonna ask us to do something bad, are you?
Media:vo arlq003 5 arlecchino 09.ogg The Knave: You overestimate yourself. You don't have the talent for bad things.
Media:vo arlq003 5 paimon 09.ogg Paimon: Ugh, then what could you possibly—
Media:vo arlq003 5 arlecchino 10.ogg The Knave: The most important consideration in a negotiation is that both sides receive something they want. Demands and threats only get you so far.
Icon Dialogue Talk Your condition... Let's hear it.
Media:vo arlq003 5 arlecchino 11.ogg The Knave: Wonderful. Here it is...
Media:vo arlq003 5 arlecchino 12.ogg The Knave: When the time comes, make the choice that you deem most appropriate in the situation, and lend your help to the House of the Hearth.
Media:vo arlq003 5 paimon 10.ogg Paimon: Okay... sounds normal enough... But, what do you mean "when the time comes"? When is that supposed to be?
Media:vo arlq003 5 arlecchino 13.ogg The Knave: That is for you to decide.
Icon Dialogue Talk We accept your condition.
Media:vo arlq003 5 arlecchino 14.ogg The Knave: Then we have a deal. Follow me.


No.Soundtrack NameAlbumPlayed In
23Slight DistressCity of Winds and IdyllsKnights of Favonius (Quest) (cutscene and dialogue), Wild Escape, Behind the Scenes, Should You Be Trapped in a Windless Land (Quest), The Fond Farewell, Defender of Childhood Dreams, Dishonorable Trial, A Flower Blooms in a Prison, Victory Banquet, The Oni's Pride, Jnagarbha Day, Dream of Falling, Unfathomable Defenses, The Night-Bird Falls at the Curtain's Call, A Thorough Investigation, The Lone Isle Glimpsed Through Fog (Quest), Stained Spots, Birds in a Cage, Vanquishing Phantoms, Switcheroo, Until the End of the World, Top Note: Floral Debt, The Funeral Parlor Has No Master, Yujing Terrace Calls the Troops

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishBirds in a Cage
Birds Trapped in a Cage
Kago no Naka no Tori
Birds in a Cage
Korean새장에 갇힌
Saejang'e Gachin Sae
SpanishUn pájaro enjauladoA Caged Bird
FrenchOiseaux en cageBirds in a Cage
RussianПтицы в клетке
Ptitsy v kletke
Birds in a Cage
VietnameseChim Trong Lồng
GermanVögel im KäfigBirds in a Cage
IndonesianBurung Dalam SangkarBirds in a Cage
PortuguesePássaros na Gaiola
TurkishKafesteki Kuşlar
ItalianUccelli in gabbiaBirds in a Cage

Change History[]
