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Genshin Impact Wiki

Sethos can be invited as a Companion into the player's Serenitea Pot after obtaining him and completing the World Quest Idle Teapot Talk.

Favorite Furnishing Sets[]

If a character's favorite furnishing set is placed in the same realm as the character for the first time, the character will automatically teleport to the furnishing set. Interacting with the character will initiate a special dialogue, after which the character will teleport back to their original position.

Sethos has 2 Favorite Furnishing Sets:

Furnishing SetRewards
Furnishing Set Fervid Aroma Display
Fervid Aroma
Primogem 20
Guide to Praxis 2
Mora 20,000
Furnishing Set Amidst Prospering Markets Display
Amidst Prospering Markets
Primogem 20
Vajrada Amethyst Fragment 1
Mora 20,000


Media:vo sethos mimitomo hello 01.ogg Sethos: Hello, there. It's nice to see you again.
Media:vo sethos mimitomo hello 02.ogg Sethos: Sweet spot you got here. Thanks for inviting me.
Icon Dialogue Talk Do you like it here?
Media:vo sethos mimitomo friendship1 01.ogg Sethos: Sure do! It's great!
Media:vo sethos mimitomo friendship1 02.ogg Sethos: I'd like to think I'm a flexible guy who can adapt to any environment, never mind one as pleasant as this.
Icon Dialogue Talk Well, the layout is my pride and joy.
Media:vo sethos mimitomo friendship1 03a 1.ogg Sethos: I can tell.
Media:vo sethos mimitomo friendship1 03a 2.ogg Sethos: Some people like to go out and have fun. Others prefer to create a comfy space for themselves at home where they can enjoy some peace and quiet.
Media:vo sethos mimitomo friendship1 03a 3.ogg Sethos: People enjoy life in different ways, but both approaches are equally valid.
Icon Dialogue Talk This is rather embarrassing. I've neglected the place lately...
Media:vo sethos mimitomo friendship1 03b 1.ogg Sethos: No, no, no! Don't say that!
Media:vo sethos mimitomo friendship1 03b 2.ogg Sethos: I prefer being out adventuring too, so I try to keep things simple at home. But even then, my pad isn't nearly as neat as this.
Media:vo sethos mimitomo friendship1 04.ogg Sethos: You know, this place is real roomy. There are houses and buildings, sure... But, there's also lots of open space...
Media:vo sethos mimitomo friendship1 05.ogg Sethos: You could build a bunch of different areas, each with a unique design. That way, it'd feel like we were camping in a new place every night!
Media:vo sethos mimitomo friendship1 06.ogg Sethos: I'd even help out if you wanted!
Media:vo sethos mimitomo friendship1 07.ogg Sethos: Truth is, I'm fully furnished with ideas as we speak!
(Unlocks at Friendship Level 4)
Icon Dialogue Talk Would you like to chat?
Media:vo sethos mimitomo friendship2 01.ogg Sethos: Yeah, sure, let's do it! Things were getting quiet around here, y'know?
Media:vo sethos mimitomo friendship2 02.ogg Sethos: Just as well. There's something I wanted to ask. In your experience, what preparations would I need to make before visiting a newly excavated desert ruin?
Icon Dialogue Talk Did you find something?
Media:vo sethos mimitomo friendship2 03.ogg Sethos: Not yet. This question's purely hypothetical.
Media:vo sethos mimitomo friendship2 04.ogg Sethos: Most of the members of the Temple of Silence spend their time at our base, researching and watching over our ancient technologies. But, there are times when we must investigate external locations.
Media:vo sethos mimitomo friendship2 05.ogg Sethos: I try not to miss out on those opportunities.
Icon Dialogue Talk I don't go to the desert often. You probably have more experience than me.
Media:vo sethos mimitomo friendship2 06a 1.ogg Sethos: Really? Was my intel wrong, then?
Media:vo sethos mimitomo friendship2 06a 2.ogg Sethos: You know, so much of the desert remains a mystery, even to people who've lived there a long time.
Media:vo sethos mimitomo friendship2 06a 3.ogg Sethos: Sometimes, we find our path blocked by a bunch of mechanisms before we can even get inside the ruin.
Icon Dialogue Talk I know the desert like the back of my hand.
Media:vo sethos mimitomo friendship2 06.ogg Sethos: Haha, that's the "experienced adventurer" aura I expected. So, are you familiar with the differences in climate between various regions in the desert, too?
Media:vo sethos mimitomo friendship2 07.ogg Sethos: Take the area around the Mausoleum of King Deshret, for example.
Media:vo sethos mimitomo friendship2 08.ogg Sethos: That area has the highest concentration of ruins related to King Deshret. It's also where investigation teams are liable to encounter the most trouble.
Media:vo sethos mimitomo friendship2 09.ogg Sethos: It looks like nothing more than a swath of empty desert, but it's packed to the gills with invisible walls.
Media:vo sethos mimitomo friendship2 10.ogg Sethos: We spent enormous amounts of effort to uncover the expanse of the ruins, only to then discover that determining their height was the real issue.
Media:vo sethos mimitomo friendship2 11.ogg Sethos: Later on, a team member suggested bringing some of that invisible material back with us...
Media:vo sethos mimitomo friendship2 12.ogg Sethos: And using it to build an invisible labyrinth around the Temple of Silence to ward off intruders.
Icon Dialogue Talk You're not talking about yourself, are you?
Media:vo sethos mimitomo friendship2 13.ogg Sethos: Hey, do I seem like that sorta person to you?
Media:vo sethos mimitomo friendship2 14.ogg Sethos: But, I'll admit, we were thinking along the same lines.
Media:vo sethos mimitomo friendship2 15.ogg Sethos: It's just... I wasn't sure our people could navigate a labyrinth like that, so I didn't bring it up.
Media:vo sethos mimitomo friendship2 16.ogg Sethos: In the end, my concerns turned out to be valid, and we scratched the idea.
Icon Dialogue Talk Allow me to thank you on behalf of all adventurers everywhere.
Media:vo sethos mimitomo friendship2 17.ogg Sethos: Haha, don't mention it!
Media:vo sethos mimitomo friendship2 18.ogg Sethos: Even if you don't count that labyrinth, I can assure you that the desert's not hurting for mysteries.
(Unlocks at Friendship Level 7)
Icon Dialogue Talk Anything you want to do?
Media:vo sethos mimitomo friendship3 01.ogg Sethos: Oh, you bet I do. A whole list!
Media:vo sethos mimitomo friendship3 02.ogg Sethos: But, I didn't want to step on your toes, seeing as this is your place and all.
Icon Dialogue Talk Wh—What were you considering?
Media:vo sethos mimitomo friendship3 03.ogg Sethos: Um, that maybe... we could... build a campsite?
Icon Dialogue Talk That sounds nice.
Media:vo sethos mimitomo friendship3 04.ogg Sethos: R—Really? Awesome!
Media:vo sethos mimitomo friendship3 05.ogg Sethos: Let me see... First, we'll need at least two tents.
Media:vo sethos mimitomo friendship3 06.ogg Sethos: First one's for resting. We'll put thick cloth up around the walls to keep any noise out.
Media:vo sethos mimitomo friendship3 07.ogg Sethos: We could even use that one for research or to organize our documents.
Media:vo sethos mimitomo friendship3 08.ogg Sethos: The other tent will be a space to chat and play games. We can put picnic supplies and chairs near the entrance.
Media:vo sethos mimitomo friendship3 09.ogg Sethos: The weather here seems pretty nice, so we shouldn't need any rain or wind protection...
Media:vo sethos mimitomo friendship3 10.ogg Sethos: Then, I guess the only thing left would be adding some adventure to this place.
Icon Dialogue Talk Eh?
Media:vo sethos mimitomo friendship3 11.ogg Sethos: No matter how beautiful the scenery, standing back and looking at it's gonna get old sometimes.
Media:vo sethos mimitomo friendship3 12.ogg Sethos: You've got to get out there and enjoy it!
Media:vo sethos mimitomo friendship3 13.ogg Sethos: And if there were mechanisms that we could use to jump, run, climb, or glide around this place, that would be the cherry on top!
Media:vo sethos mimitomo friendship3 14.ogg Sethos: Install stuff like that, and whoosh! Nothing here would be off-limits.
Icon Dialogue Talk I could ask Tubby about that.
Media:vo sethos mimitomo friendship3 15.ogg Sethos: Ah, you mean that little finch with the nice smile?
Media:vo sethos mimitomo friendship3 16.ogg Sethos: Perfect! I've actually talked to her already. All that stuff she knows about housekeeping... Super impressive!
Media:vo sethos mimitomo friendship3 17.ogg Sethos: I couldn't get her to tell me about all of her contraptions, but I understand. Every organization has its secrets... The Temple of Silence is like that too.
Media:vo sethos mimitomo friendship3 18.ogg Sethos: Don't worry. I'll find a way.
Icon Dialogue Talk Turning this into an amusement park, are we?
Icon Dialogue Talk Whatever makes you happy. I've got more than enough space.
Media:vo sethos mimitomo friendship3 19.ogg Sethos: Perfect! Glad to have your stamp of approval!
Media:vo sethos mimitomo friendship3 20.ogg Sethos: Well, I'll get designing, then. I'll let you know when the blueprints are ready.
Media:vo sethos mimitomo friendship3 21.ogg Sethos: You can invite your other friends over once it's done. The more, the merrier!
(Between 6:00 and 19:00)
Icon Dialogue Talk Good morning, Sethos.
Media:vo sethos mimitomo morning 01.ogg Sethos: Morning! Today's a new day!
Media:vo sethos mimitomo morning 02.ogg Sethos: Hmm, let me think... Should I scout out a new hiking route or just find somewhere to camp nearby...
(Between 19:00 and 6:00)
Icon Dialogue Talk Good night, Sethos.
Media:vo sethos mimitomo night 01.ogg Sethos: Good night! Hey, you're up pretty late. Still got plans, then?
Media:vo sethos mimitomo night 02.ogg Sethos: I'm not tired either. How about we go out for a bit? If we run into trouble, I'll protect you! Or, you can protect me... whatever works!

Special Dialogue[]

When a character is invited to or invites themselves to their favorite set for the first time, the character will provide a reward. They will provide a reward for each of their favorite sets.

Inviting them to the furnishing set again will replay the dialogue, but no further reward will be given.

Amidst Prospering Markets[]

Media:vo mimitomo xm sethos grandbazaar 01.ogg Sethos: Whenever I go to the Grand Bazaar, I head straight to the food stalls, grab some snacks and a drink, and then I take my time checking the place out.
Media:vo mimitomo xm sethos grandbazaar 02.ogg Sethos: But, some shops are off-limits if you have your hands full... A carpet shop, for example.
Media:vo mimitomo xm sethos grandbazaar 03.ogg Sethos: How about this... We split the snacks! That way, we can finish them off quickly and then get shopping!

Fervid Aroma[]

Media:vo mimitomo xm sethos kabobrestaurant 01.ogg Sethos: Wow, wow, wow, you've got yourself a pro-grade grill right there. Temperature, rotation speed... It all looks pitch-perfect!
Media:vo mimitomo xm sethos kabobrestaurant 02.ogg Sethos: Ah, I've got it!
Media:vo mimitomo xm sethos kabobrestaurant 03.ogg Sethos: How about we use these spices, grill up some steaks, and stuff 'em in a wrap?

Change History[]

