Kirara can be invited as a Companion into the player's Serenitea Pot after obtaining her and completing the World Quest Idle Teapot Talk.
Favorite Furnishing Sets[]
If a character's favorite furnishing set is placed in the same realm as the character for the first time, the character will automatically teleport to the furnishing set. Interacting with the character will initiate a special dialogue, after which the character will teleport back to their original position.
Kirara has 2 Favorite Furnishing Sets:
Furnishing Set | Rewards |
![]() Sakura-Hued Street | |
![]() Amidst Scents and Serenity |
Idle Quotes[]
A new order...
Where's my box...
Gotta file my claws...
Time to enjoy...
Express delivery...
- (When the player is nearby)
What amazing weather...
- TravelerTraveler)! The weather's great today! Kirara: (
- Kirara: Hmm... although now I think about it... the weather here is the same every day.
Do you like it here?
- Kirara: Oh, is this like a user feedback form? Ahem, time to get serious then.
- Kirara: First, five stars for the environment! The view here is beyond breathtaking, I'm talking a once-in-a-lifetime kind of experience, and on top of that, there is definitely some kind of youkai power here that I can't put my finger on just yet.
- Kirara: Second, five stars for comfort! I've been getting some great nights' sleep in my box.
- Kirara: There's been no noise, no bright lights, no nothing! I couldn't have asked for anything more!
- Kirara: And finally... another five stars for service! There's really nothing for me to nitpick in this category.
Such a high rating... Thank you.
- Kirara: You deserve all the praise! I'm the one that should be thanking you.
Anything else you'd like to add?
You answered everything so seriously...
- Kirara: You've done so much work around here, it's the least I can do to tell you exactly how I feel.
Anything else you'd like to add?
- Kirara: Huh? Did I miss one? ...Oh wait, I get it — this is the open-ended question where I can mention anything that hasn't already been covered.
- Kirara: Alright, let me think...
- Kirara: I've taken quite an interest in that huge Emerald Finch. She looks chubby and fluffy, and seems to be going through life without a care in the world...
That's Tubby, a teapot spirit.
- Kirara: A teapot spirit? You mean like a Tsukumogami? Are you saying her original form is an actual teapot?
- Kirara: Or are you saying this is in fact her original form, but she can turn into a human girl just like me?
- Kirara: Ahh! This is so exciting! You have to introduce me to her!
You are NOT allowed to eat her.
- Kirara: Oh, of course not, I would never do that!
- Kirara: A little curiosity never hurt anyone, right? I just want to know where she comes from, what she does or thinks about, who knows, we may just end up becoming friends!
- Kirara: If you get a chance, please introduce me to her!
- (Unlocks at Friendship Level 4)
Would you like to have a chat with me?
- Kirara: Sure! Is there anything you'd like to ask me?
Can you tell me more about your job as a courier?
- Kirara: You couldn't have chosen a better topic!
- Kirara: Delivering a high volume of packages isn't a problem for me, youkai's legs are naturally fast after all.
- Kirara: But maintaining a good rating with clients isn't nearly as easy. Most people don't even bother to leave a review, good or bad... I guess it's human nature to avoid doing anything that isn't absolutely necessary?
- Kirara: Yet, despite that... I've noticed that when I'm a cat, passers-by always stop and stare at me like they have nothing better to do, even if I'm just sunbathing. But as soon as I turn into a human being, suddenly no one has two minutes to spare to leave a good rating. Weird, isn't it?
Do you ever get tired from working?
- Kirara: Hmm... depends. Sometimes, I guess — especially leading up to festivals, when the express packages start piling up like a bunch of Zaytun Peaches about to burst...
- Kirara: If only my youkai powers were stronger... maybe then I'd be able to run even faster. Hehe, or maybe even split myself into a ton of different clones!
So one nekomata with two tails...
Would become three nekomata with six tails...
- Kirara: Argh, stop with the math! I'm gonna tie my tails in knots trying to keep up!
You sound really passionate about your work.
How's the work going?
- Kirara: Hehe, you're looking at the only gold level courier of Komaniya Express!
- Kirara: My boss even wanted to give me a special bonus! I told them though that I'd still prefer more paid-for international vacations, uh, I mean, opportunities to deliver international packages.
You sound really passionate about your work.
- Kirara: Why wouldn't I be? After all, this job has allowed me to visit and find my place in all kinds of human cities!
- Kirara: You could say that taking my job seriously is my way to show my gratitude!
- (Unlocks at Friendship Level 7)
Anything you'd like to do?
- Kirara: Yes! There's something I've been meaning to ask you for a while.
- (Do you know what styles human girls are into these days?Do you know what styles human girls are into these days?/
One girl to another... do you have any fashion tips you could share with me?One girl to another... do you have any fashion tips you could share with me?)
Kirara: Um...
- Kirara: Too sudden? My bad, my bad! Alright then, allow me to explain the situation from the beginning.
- Kirara: As you're already aware, even though I am a youkai, I've been looked after by my human Granny since a very early age.
- Kirara: It goes without saying that I've heard way more stories about humans than I did about the youkai. I've always looked forward to joining the colorful and warm world that is human society!
- Kirara: But even after I managed to use my youkai powers to give myself a human form, I still didn't know how to fit in. It would be a bit awkward for me to still dress and act like a nekomata when I'd already changed my look...
- Kirara: I began to observe human girls to see what they liked to wear. It seemed to me that everyone really liked bows and flowers...
- Kirara: And so, I added a ton on my own clothes!
They look really cute on you!
- Kirara: You really think so? Aw, thanks! *purr*
You could add a few more accessories to match with your outfit.
- Kirara: Whoa! A fashion connoisseur? I knew I came to the right person!
- Kirara: So um... would you be willing to accompany me to go on a little shopping spree whenever you're free?
- Kirara: I'd love to buy some cute accessories, and with an expert like you by my side, nothing can go wrong!
- (Between 6:00 and 19:00)
Good morning, Kirara.
- TravelerTraveler)! How do I look? 'Cause I feel pretty good! Kirara: Morning, (
- Kirara: Oh, but don't worry — just because I'm feeling perky doesn't mean I'm gonna hunt any of your finches! Promise!
- (Between 19:00 and 6:00)
Good night, Kirara.
- Kirara: Nighty night! There's just one last thing — and I'm not saying you will, but if you do end up hearing some crunching noises in your dreams... just know that it's perfectly normal.
- Kirara: Ugh, fine, I—I'll try my best not to eat anything in the middle of the night.
Special Dialogue[]
When a character is invited to or invites themselves to their favorite set for the first time, the character will provide a reward. They will provide a reward for each of their favorite sets.
Inviting them to the furnishing set again will replay the dialogue, but no further reward will be given.
Sakura-Hued Street[]
- Kirara: I love these kinds of streets! They're always super lively and beautiful.
- Kirara: I especially love climbing onto the roof and looking down at the crowd going about their day. It's incredibly fascinating to me!
- Kirara: Actually, while you're here, why don't you also give it a try?
Amidst Scents and Serenity[]
- Kirara: These two trees look insanely sturdy! The foliage is also surprisingly dense.
- Kirara: Just imagine... how cozy would it be if we could climb up there and take a nap?
- Kirara: The subtle breeze blowing on the leaves, coupled with the sound of water coming from the fountain... Ah— I swear, I'm feeling sleepy already...
Change History[]