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In Mondstadt, Sansa the bard's heartfelt performance catches your and Paimon's attention. After a discussion with her about playing musical instruments, you receive a precious gift...

Repertoire of Myriad Melodies is a permanent Rhythm Gamemode introduced in Version 5.3.

Players can unlock the quest To the Winds of Freedom by reaching Adventure Rank 35 to obtain the gadget and access the performance interface.

Album List[]

Treasure of Myriad Melodies[]

Score Theme[]

ItemItem Repertoire CoinsStockTotal
Fantastical Marvel Fantastical Marvel6001600
Meditation on Floating Dreams Meditation on Floating Dreams6001600
Hidden Jade Star Hidden Jade Star6001600
Dappled Shadows Reflecting Red Dappled Shadows Reflecting Red6001600
Oracle of Reason Oracle of Reason6001600
Lingering Feast Lingering Feast6001600
Azure Icefang Azure Icefang6001600
Wind and Freedom Wind and Freedom6001600
Stone and Contracts Stone and Contracts6001600
Thunder and Eternity Thunder and Eternity6001600
Nature and Wisdom Nature and Wisdom6001600
Water and Justice Water and Justice6001600
Total cost for all items

Performance Overview[]

Displays the player's music progress, similar to Profile.

  • Title
    • Musical Newcomer (Unlocked by default)
    • Emerging Talent (Complete 5 scores on Legendary difficulty)
    • Rising Star (Complete 10 scores on Legendary difficulty)
    • Renowned Virtuoso (Complete 20 scores on Legendary difficulty)
    • Iconic Instrumentalist (Complete 30 scores on Legendary difficulty)
    • Melodic Maestro (Complete 40 scores on Legendary difficulty)
    • Harmonic Legend (Complete 60 scores on Legendary difficulty)
  • Performance Overview
    • Normal
    • Hard
    • Pro
    • Legendary
    • Scores completed with a "Canorus" rating
    • Scores made by other performers completed

Overall Rating Standards[]

Performance Completion Rate Rating
<50% No rating yet
50% - 69.9% Repertoire of Myriad Melodies Rating 1 Euphonia
70% - 89.9% Repertoire of Myriad Melodies Rating 2 Dulcem
90% - 99.9% Repertoire of Myriad Melodies Rating 3 Discantus
100% Repertoire of Myriad Melodies Rating 4 Canorus


"Repertoire of Myriad Melodies"
Repertoire of Myriad Melodies contains a library of music scores that can be used for performances. Once you've activated Repertoire of Myriad Melodies, you can exchange scores as well as collect and play music created by other players.

"Official Albums and Scores"From time to time, new music albums will be added to Repertoire of Myriad Melodies, and their official scores will be released.

"Hall of Creation"
Use the Score Exchange function to create scores of your own and try ones created by other players.

Repertoire of Myriad Melodies: Score Collection


There are 11 Achievements for Repertoire of Myriad Melodies:

Achievement Description Requirements Primogem
A Treatise on the Fundamental Principles of Lyre Playing Complete all "Introductory Exercises" in the "Repertoire of Myriad Melodies." 5
Parks, Benches, and Sonatas Obtain the "Repertoire of Myriad Melodies" and become a free-spirited musician. Complete To the Winds of Freedom. 5
The Art of the Canon Reach a performance rating of Discantus for 5 different music scores by other players. 5
The Art of the Canon Reach a performance rating of Discantus for 10 different music scores by other players. 10
The Art of the Canon Reach a performance rating of Discantus for 20 different music scores by other players. 20
The Melody's Trajectory Reach a performance rating of Discantus for 5 different official music scores. 5
The Melody's Trajectory Reach a performance rating of Discantus for 15 different official music scores. 10
The Melody's Trajectory Reach a performance rating of Discantus for 30 different official music scores. 20
Twenty-Five Groschen... Redeem 1 score themes in the "Treasure of Myriad Melodies." 5
Twenty-Five Groschen... Redeem 3 score themes in the "Treasure of Myriad Melodies." 10
Twenty-Five Groschen... Redeem 5 score themes in the "Treasure of Myriad Melodies." 20

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishRepertoire of Myriad Melodies
Ikusen no Merodii
Thousands of Melodies
Korean선율이 흐르는 악보
Seonyuri Heureuneun Akbo
SpanishRepertorio melodiosoMelodious Repertoire
FrenchRépertoire aux mille mélodiesRepertoire of a Thousand Melodies
RussianРепертуар мириад мелодий
Repertuar miriad melodiy
VietnameseThiên Âm Nhã Tập
IndonesianKumpulan Melodi Anggun
PortugueseRepertório de Mil Melodias
TurkishSayısız Melodiler Repertuvarı
ItalianRepertorio delle innumerevoli melodie

Change History[]

