Genshin Impact Wiki
Genshin Impact Wiki

Leveling allows the player to level up their Characters, Weapons, and Artifacts using the corresponding Experience and Items. Characters and Weapons require Ascension to further level up at once it reaches certain levels.


Characters require Character EXP Character EXP to level up their level, which can be obtained from Character EXP Materials and defeating Monsters in the open world. When they reach a certain level, they must be ascended to the next Ascension Phase with Level-Up Materials, Enhancement Materials, and Local Specialties before they can be level up further.

Leveling also applies to character Combat Talents, which require Talent, Enhancement, and Level-Up Materials.


Weapons require Weapon EXP to enhance their level, which can be obtained from Weapon Enhancement Materials and other Weapons. When they reach a certain level, they must be ascended to the next Ascension Phase with Ascension and Enhancement Materials before they can be level up further.

Weapons can have their Refinement Rank increased by refining using a duplicate Weapon or their unique Refinement Material.


Artifacts require Artifact EXP to enhance their level, which can be obtained from Artifact Enhancement Materials and other Artifacts.

Change History[]

