Genshin Impact Wiki
Genshin Impact Wiki

Messy Pile of Fir Crates is a creatable Furnishing item that can be used in the Serenitea Pot.

The blueprint for Messy Pile of Fir Crates is obtainable from the Realm Depot for Realm Currency Realm Currency ×80.


First time creation grants Trust Trust ×30.

Icon_Creation_SmallCreation for 12 hours
Icon Creation Recipe
Messy Pile of Fir Crates 1 Messy Pile of Fir Crates

Furnishing Sets[]

There are 2 Furnishing Sets that use Messy Pile of Fir Crates as a component:

ItemCraft TypeComponents
Furnishing SetHardened Glazed Vase Hardened Glazed Vase ×2
Messy Pile of Fir Crates Messy Pile of Fir Crates ×1
Neat Stack of Fir Kegs Neat Stack of Fir Kegs ×1
Crude Double-Decker Pallet Crude Double-Decker Pallet ×1
Gift SetPocket-Sized Pine Cabin Pocket-Sized Pine Cabin ×1
Classic Country Home Classic Country Home ×1
Country Home With Tall Attic Country Home With Tall Attic ×1
Smooth Wooden Bench Smooth Wooden Bench ×2
Long Pine Table Long Pine Table ×1
Heavy Hay Bale Heavy Hay Bale ×1
Messy Pile of Fir Crates Messy Pile of Fir Crates ×1
Simple Cargo Cart Simple Cargo Cart ×1
Neat Stack of Fir Kegs Neat Stack of Fir Kegs ×1
Pine Street Light Pine Street Light ×2
"The Color of the Wind" "The Color of the Wind" ×1
Roofed Well: For Purity Roofed Well: For Purity ×1
"Dainty Fists" "Dainty Fists" ×1

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishMessy Pile of Fir Crates
Jiāocuò Fàngzhì de Shānmù Huò Xiāng
Jiāocuò Fàngzhì de Shānmù Huò Xiāng
Kousa-shite Okareta Sugi no Kamotsubako
Korean어지럽게 쌓여있는 삼나무 상자
Eojireopkke Ssayeoinneun Samnamu Sangja
SpanishCajas de abeto desordenadas
FrenchPile désordonnée de caisses en épicéa
RussianГруда ящиков из пихты
Gruda yashchikov iz pikhty
VietnameseRương Hàng Gỗ Sam Chất Chồng
GermanDurcheinander gestapelte Tannen-Frachtkisten
IndonesianTumpukan Kotak Kayu Fir yang Berserakan
PortuguesePilha Bagunçada de Caixotes de Abeto
TurkishDağınık Köknar Kasalar
ItalianPila disordinata di casse in abete rosso

Change History[]

Version 4.4
  • Updated subcategory from Item to Large Object.

Version 1.5

  • Messy Pile of Fir Crates was released.

