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Genshin Impact Wiki

Hardened Glazed Vase is a creatable Furnishing item that can be used in the Serenitea Pot.

The blueprint for Hardened Glazed Vase is obtainable from the Realm Depot for Realm Currency Realm Currency ×80.


Icon_Creation_SmallCreation for 12 hours
Icon Creation Recipe
Hardened Glazed Vase 1 Hardened Glazed Vase

Furnishing Sets[]

There are 2 Furnishing Sets that use Hardened Glazed Vase as a component:

ItemCraft TypeComponents
Furnishing SetHardened Glazed Vase Hardened Glazed Vase ×2
Messy Pile of Fir Crates Messy Pile of Fir Crates ×1
Neat Stack of Fir Kegs Neat Stack of Fir Kegs ×1
Crude Double-Decker Pallet Crude Double-Decker Pallet ×1
Furnishing SetHardened Glazed Vase Hardened Glazed Vase ×1
Two-Tier Vendor's Booth: Rising Fortunes Two-Tier Vendor's Booth: Rising Fortunes ×1
Toy Stand: Dazzling Delights Toy Stand: Dazzling Delights ×1
Umbrella Shop: Kaleidoscope of Parasol Colors Umbrella Shop: Kaleidoscope of Parasol Colors ×1

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishHardened Glazed Vase
Yìng Miàn Cǎi Táo Guàn
Yìng Miàn Cǎi Táo Guàn
Joubu-na Irotsuki Toujiki
Solid Colored Porcelain
Korean단단한 유색 도자기
Dandanhan Yusaek Dojagi
Solid Colored Ceramics
SpanishJarrón de cerámica pintadaPainted Ceramic Vase
FrenchVases en terre cuiteTerra Cotta Vases
RussianЗакалённая глиняная ваза
Zakalyonnaya glinyanaya vaza
Hardy Clay Vase
VietnameseLọ Gốm Sặc Sỡ
GermanGehärtete glasierte TonvaseHardened Glazed Clay Vase
IndonesianVas Keras MengkilapShining Hard Vase
PortugueseVaso Vitrificado Endurecido
TurkishDayanıklı Kil Vazo
ItalianVaso di porcellana rinforzato

Change History[]

Version 4.4
  • Updated subcategory from Item to Small Object.

Version 1.5

  • Hardened Glazed Vase was released.

