Genshin Impact Wiki
Genshin Impact Wiki

Jumpy Dumpty Party Popper is a commemorative event gadget that can be obtained through the Of Travels and Treasures: A Thank-You Gift Event. It is claimable via in-game mail.

Releases either a burst of rainbow streamers and confetti or a burst of sparkling red clovers and confetti. After use the gadget enters a 10 second Cooldown.



A party popper that, when used, unleashes streamers and confetti.
"Jumpy Dumpty is Klee's good friend and fish blasting companion! But if Klee brings Jumpy Dumpty to the festival, Master Jean will be angry... Don't you worry, though! Jumpy Dumpty has gained a new ability with Albedo's help! Just pull on its tail, and beautiful colored strips will come flying out!"

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishJumpy Dumpty Party Popper
Bèngbèng Qìngdiǎn Lāpào
Jumpty Dumpty Festival Party Popper
Bèngbèng Qìngdiǎn Lāpào
Bon Bon Saiten Kurakkaa
Boom Boom Festival Party Popper
Korean통통 축제 폭죽
Tongtong Chukje Pokjuk
Bounce-Bounce Festival Firecracker
SpanishCañón de celebración de Bomba saltarinaJumping Bomb Celebration Cannon
FrenchBombe de table rebondissanteBouncing Table Bomb
RussianПраздничная прыг-хлопушка
Prazdnichnaya pryg-khlopushka
Festive Jumpy Dumpty
ThaiJumpy Dumpty Party Popper
VietnamesePháo Kéo Nảy NảyJumpy Dumpty Drag Firework
GermanBimm-Bamm-FeiertagstischfeuerwerkBimm Bamm Holiday Table Fireworks
IndonesianJumpy Dumpty Party Popper
PortugueseCanhão de Bomba Saltitante
TurkishZıpzıp Bodur Parti PatlangacıJumpy Dumpty Party Popper
ItalianSparacoriandoli di Coniglio Bumbum

Change History[]

