Genshin Impact Wiki
Genshin Impact Wiki

Cypress Wood is a type of Wood that is obtained by cutting down Cypress Trees. It is an item used to craft furnishings.


Cypress Wood can be found all across Fontaine.

See the Teyvat Interactive Map for specific locations.


Icon Wood Recipe
Cypress Wood 1 Cypress Wood
Icon Wood Recipe
Cypress Wood 1 Cypress Wood
Icon Wood Recipe
Cypress Wood 1 Cypress Wood
Icon Wood Recipe
Cypress Wood 1 Cypress Wood
Icon Wood Recipe
Cypress Wood 1 Cypress Wood
Icon Wood Recipe
Cypress Wood 1 Cypress Wood
Icon Wood Recipe
Cypress Wood 1 Cypress Wood

Shop Availability[]

There is 1 Shop that sells Cypress Wood:

Item NPC Realm Currency Cost Stock Notes
Cypress Wood Cypress Wood Serenitea Pot/Realm Depot 10 10

Craft Usage[]

There are 27 items that can be crafted using Cypress Wood:

ItemCraft TypeRecipe
"Celebration of an Ad-Hoc Performance" "Celebration of an Ad-Hoc Performance"CreationCypress Wood Cypress Wood ×14
Fabric Fabric ×6
Red Dye Red Dye ×4
"Quick Temporary Workshed" "Quick Temporary Workshed"CreationCypress Wood Cypress Wood ×4
Iron Chunk Iron Chunk ×8
"The Leisure of Daily Meetings" "The Leisure of Daily Meetings"CreationCypress Wood Cypress Wood ×8
Area Marker: Downward Area Marker: DownwardCreationCypress Wood Cypress Wood ×2
Iron Chunk Iron Chunk ×2
Area Marker: Upward Area Marker: UpwardCreationCypress Wood Cypress Wood ×2
Iron Chunk Iron Chunk ×2
Automnequi's Cask Automnequi's CaskCreationCypress Wood Cypress Wood ×12
Automnequi's Chimney Smoke Automnequi's Chimney SmokeCreationCypress Wood Cypress Wood ×12
Automnequi's Watch Automnequi's WatchCreationCypress Wood Cypress Wood ×12
Bookshelf: Focused Effect Bookshelf: Focused EffectCreationCypress Wood Cypress Wood ×8
Fabric Fabric ×2
Blue Dye Blue Dye ×2
Bookshelf: Free Reading Bookshelf: Free ReadingCreationCypress Wood Cypress Wood ×4
Fabric Fabric ×2
Blue Dye Blue Dye ×2
Bookshelf: Speedy Browsing Bookshelf: Speedy BrowsingCreationCypress Wood Cypress Wood ×6
Fabric Fabric ×2
Blue Dye Blue Dye ×2
Boom-Boom Unit Boom-Boom UnitCreationCypress Wood Cypress Wood ×6
Iron Chunk Iron Chunk ×2
Court of Justice's Leisure Court of Justice's LeisureCreationCypress Wood Cypress Wood ×10
White Iron Chunk White Iron Chunk ×6
Court of Justice's Mellow Aroma Court of Justice's Mellow AromaCreationCypress Wood Cypress Wood ×10
White Iron Chunk White Iron Chunk ×8
Court of Justice's Merchandise Court of Justice's MerchandiseCreationCypress Wood Cypress Wood ×8
White Iron Chunk White Iron Chunk ×10
Ding-Dong Unit Ding-Dong UnitCreationCypress Wood Cypress Wood ×4
Iron Chunk Iron Chunk ×4
Distributed Forward Supply Depot Distributed Forward Supply DepotCreationCypress Wood Cypress Wood ×6
Fabric Fabric ×6
Easy Breezy Shelter Canopy Easy Breezy Shelter CanopyCreationCypress Wood Cypress Wood ×8
Hotel Railing: "Fresh Mint Leaves" Hotel Railing: "Fresh Mint Leaves"CreationCypress Wood Cypress Wood ×8
Hotel Railing: "Perfect Viewing Arc" Hotel Railing: "Perfect Viewing Arc"CreationCypress Wood Cypress Wood ×8
Lumidouce Harbor Type-05 Combine Lifter Lumidouce Harbor Type-05 Combine LifterCreationCypress Wood Cypress Wood ×12
White Iron Chunk White Iron Chunk ×12
Magical Forest Hut Magical Forest HutCreationCypress Wood Cypress Wood ×12
Fabric Fabric ×12
Metropole Funhouse: Conductor Metropole Funhouse: ConductorCreationCypress Wood Cypress Wood ×8
Iron Chunk Iron Chunk ×4
Metropole Funhouse: Cymbalist Metropole Funhouse: CymbalistCreationCypress Wood Cypress Wood ×8
Iron Chunk Iron Chunk ×4
Metropole Funhouse: Trumpeter Metropole Funhouse: TrumpeterCreationCypress Wood Cypress Wood ×8
Iron Chunk Iron Chunk ×4
Schedule-Abiding Train Station Sign Schedule-Abiding Train Station SignCreationCypress Wood Cypress Wood ×4
Iron Chunk Iron Chunk ×4
Wavesmasher Locomotive Wavesmasher LocomotiveCreationCypress Wood Cypress Wood ×8
White Iron Chunk White Iron Chunk ×4
Red Dye Red Dye ×4


Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishCypress Wood
Korean사이프러스나무 원목
Saipeureoseunamu Wonmok
Cypress Wood
SpanishMadera de ciprés fraganteFragrant Cypress Wood
FrenchBois de cyprèsCypress Wood
Thaiไม้ Cypress
Mai Cypress
Cypress Wood
VietnameseGỗ Bách
GermanZypressenholzCypress Wood
IndonesianCypress Wood
PortugueseMadeira de Cipreste
TurkishSelvi KütüğüCypress Log
ItalianLegno di cipressoCypress Wood

Change History[]

