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Araby is an open-world NPC located in Port Ormos, Sumeru.

He can be found standing guard in front of the Pharos Lighthouse.


Quests and Events[]

World Quests


Idle Quotes[]

Icon Dialogue Idle Marine life...
Media:VO Araby 01.ogg "We must constantly monitor the activities of nearby marine life."
During Chromatic Ode of Candies and Roses
Icon Dialogue Idle Sea monster surprise...
Media:VO Araby Chromatic Ode of Candies and Roses 01.ogg "Here's hoping the sea monsters don't send any surprise birthday presents to the Dendro Archon, huh huh."


Araby's thoughts can be accessed by using Nahida's Elemental Skill, All Schemes to Know.

Media:VO Araby All Schemes to Know 01.ogg Araby: (Shouldn't we get someone from Kshahrewar to manage the lighthouse?)


Araby: Hello.
Araby: Sorry, I'm observing the sea and can't talk much.
Icon Dialogue Talk And you are...
Araby: I'm an AmurtaBiology researcher from the Akademiya, primarily studying sea creatures.
Araby: And responsible for the upkeep of the lighthouse while at it.
Araby: To be honest, I know very little about lighthouses. It's the Kshahrewar researchers who are the experts...
Araby: I can't figure out why the sages would make such an arrangement... Probably because I was here already.
Icon Dialogue Talk About the sages...
Araby: The sages enjoy the highest status in the Akademiya. There is one per school, six in all.
Araby: The sages assign jobs to us researchers.
Araby: Just like I was sent to monitor the ocean and watch the lighthouse.
Araby: It's basically a boring job when there's no sea creatures. The only positive side is its security.
Icon Dialogue Talk About Kshahrewar...
Araby: Kshahrewar encompasses many sub-genres. Architecture is just one of them.
Araby: If I studied architecture, I could explain how lighthouses works to you... Unfortunately, I didn't.
Araby: Oh, speaking of architecture, go to northern Sumeru City and see the Palace of Alcazarzaray if you're interested.
Araby: The palace is a masterpiece of Mr. Kaveh, who graduated from Kshahrewar with honors. It's magnificent and exquisite.
Araby: It's said to be commissioned by a filthy rich merchant, but I have no clue who that is, so I've got nothing more to tell you.
Icon Dialogue Talk About marine life...
Araby: They're mainly sea monsters. A group of mysterious creatures that live in the sea and occasionally attack residents of coastal areas.
Araby: With the progress of my research, I've been able to predict roughly when they would appear and issue warnings.
Araby: As soon as the warning is issued, all ships will return to the harbor to avoid disturbing those sea creatures.
Araby: There are exceptions too, of course. A few days ago, I saw a ship leave the harbor after the warning was issued. I don't know if it came back safely.
Araby: Maybe some researcher planned on observing the sea when the sea monsters are out and about. I feel sorry for the people on the ship.
Icon Dialogue Talk I'll leave you to it, then.
Araby: Yeah, see you.

Event Dialogue[]

Chromatic Ode of Candies and Roses[]

Araby: Hello there. Sumeru sure is lively lately, isn't it?
Araby: Though I'd love to just calmly observe the sea, the sounds of merriment and celebration sometimes drown out the waves.
Araby: But now we must be more vigilant. What if some giant sea monster wants to come celebrate the Dendro Archon's birthday too, but accidentally knocks the lighthouse over?
Araby: I've got to be ready to remind it to watch its step, haha!
Araby: ...Um, don't take it seriously! I'm just joking!

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name

Change History[]
