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Guizhong (Chinese: 归终 Guīzhōng), also known by her Goetic name Haagentus,[2] was the God of Dust. She is best known as one of the gods who presided over the Guili Assembly, which she established alongside Morax and Marchosius, and for her mechanisms such as the Guizhong Ballista.

She perished in a battle during the Archon War, while a massive flood forced the Guili Assembly's inhabitants to move south to Liyue Harbor. Since her death, Guizhong's legacy has been preserved in historical texts.



Teach with wisdom, be bound by virtue, fortify the bones, unite in ambition

—Guizhong's Four Commandments

Guizhong is the late God of Dust who was one of the rulers of the Guili Assembly. She was kind-hearted and wise but not particularly powerful, so she worked alongside the more powerful Morax to rule the Guili Assembly together. Guizhong had a particular interest in mechanics: the Guizhong Ballista was one of her handiworks, built with the aid of the adepti, and she apparently collected Khaenri'ah technology such as Ruin Machines for research.[3]

After the start of the Archon War, she ultimately lost her life in a destructive battle that laid waste to Dihua Marsh and Guili Plains.[1]


Guizhong took the form of a young woman with billowing sleeves.[4]

She has long, flowing gray hair that fades into a cerulean-blue. The back side is partially chopped in a bob-length fashion and the rest is tied into a rat-tail with a long dark-blue hairpin. The front is cut into neat, slightly side-swept bangs and is finished with a small dangling hair accessory.

Guizhong has long, shoulder-cut, billowing sleeves that covers her hands. The inside of the sleeves is adorned with the pattern of a starry night sky. Her outfit's color palette seems to resemble that of a Glaze Lily, as it is in many hues of white, blue, navy, and gray. There is even a Glaze Lily embroidered on each of her sleeves. The tails of her dress seem to appear to fragment at the ends, mirroring the nature of dust, being her association. She wears a blue anklet on her right foot and goes barefoot.

Guizhong typically has a face full of expression, specifically joy, in contrast to more rigid and sterner adepti such as Cloud Retainer and Streetward Rambler.


Early Life[]

It is unclear where exactly Guizhong descended from, or the exact year this took place, however it can be surmised that it happened at some point prior to the Archon War taking place. It is said that her reach "shrouded the skies for thousands of miles around."[5] Guizhong initially established her civilization at an unknown location in Liyue. At some point, she met Morax amid a field of Glaze Lilies and presented him with a stone dumbbell now known as the Memory of Dust as a mark of their pledge, although they never made a formal contract with each other.[4] The two became allies and Guizhong, with the help of the adepti, built the Guizhong Ballista at Tianheng Pass to autonomously defend from invaders.[6] She then moved her people north of Mt. Tianheng.[1]

Guili Assembly[]

Guizhong taught her people agriculture, which greatly expanded their sphere of influence. While displaying her handiwork to Morax, she dubbed the area "the Plains of the Returning and Departing" (Chinese: 归离原 Guīlí-yuán), or Guili Plains[1] — deriving the name from the first character of her name, combined with a character from the name Morax used at the time.[5] The Guili Assembly was established, co-ruled by the two gods alongside Marchosius, God of the Stove.[7] A group of people in Liyue Harbor intended to expand their city, and thus moved to Guili Plains.

During the establishment of the Guili Assembly, Guizhong established her four commandments:[5]

"To unite in ambition is to be steadfast and immovable for all time."
"Wisdom is like water, it nourishes all those who receive it and in it is a reflection of the truth."'
"Fortify the bones, that movement be supple when the time comes."
"Virtue grows tall like a tree, though there be shade it will flourish forever"

At some point in time, Guizhong created the Realm of Clouds, located in Luhua Pool. Some unknown point later, the adepti built an abode next to it to house the evil and ancient artifacts — Ruin Machines — she collected while researching mechanics.[3]

Cloud Retainer, Guizhong, and Morax often met up at Retainer's abode at Mt. Aocang to eat together. It is suggested that the three would each prepare a dish, which they would then eat at the table towards the middle of the pond. Guizhong's seat was on the north side, with a bowl and a pair of chopsticks on the table.[8]

Archon War and Death[]

During the Archon War, Guizhong and other adepti fought to protect the people of Guili against the many evil gods and monsters that had plagued Liyue's lands.

Guizhong lost her life in a fierce battle over Guili Plains, during which "black dust choked the heavens and a thousand rocks splintered."[5] She died amidst the Glaze Lilies, wearing one last lonely smile as she asked Morax to forget about the stone dumbbell she gave him and bemoaned the end of their journey together.[4] After her death, the yakshas can be seen containing the lingering energy the late deity expelled. A massive flood swept through Dihua Marsh and Guili Plains, effectively destroying the Guili Assembly.[9] Its inhabitants, with the help of Marchosius and the adepti, traveled south for ten days, establishing what is now known as Liyue Harbor.[1]

Character Mentions[]

Character Stories


Character Voice-Overs



  • Guizhong (Chinese: 归终) is a legendary Chinese beast mentioned in the Yiwen Leiju. It is a type of 狌狌 xīngxīng, a legendary ape-like beast said to know all about the past but cannot know the future.[10][11]
  • Glaze Lilies are a key element of the Rite of Parting, as Guizhong was a dear friend to Zhongli and Glaze Lilies were her favorite flower.
  • She created the Memory of Dust, the Cleansing Bell, and designed the Guizhong Ballista.
  • Zhongli can be seen fighting in Guizhong's Realm of Clouds in his Collected Miscellany trailer.
  • The "maiden in a long indigo robe" who wandered Guili Plains, spoken about in Records of the Gallant: Dust, is suggested to have some link to Guizhong based on its references to dust and the location of her sightings.
  • Someone's Poetry in Lingju Pass uses Guizhong's name (归终) in the Chinese version: 惟彼宇宙之难笼,苟循死生之归终。 However, the phrase is using the meaning of the characters, which roughly translates to "Return to the End."


  • Following the theme of gods in Genshin Impact being named after demons in the Ars Goetia, Haagentus may be named after the demon Haagenti, one of the Great Presidents of Hell.
  • While the name Morax went by during the Guili Assembly is unknown, his current alias Zhongli (Chinese: 钟离) also contains the character Guizhong used when she came up with "Guili" (Chinese: 归离), which was a portmanteau of their names.
  • Her title in Chinese (Chinese: 尘王魔神 Chén Wáng Móshén) means "Dust-Lord God."


Other Languages[]


LanguageOfficial Name
RussianГуй Чжун
Guy Chzhun


LanguageOfficial Name

Change History[]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Book: Stone Tablet Compilations: Vol. I
  2. Event The Exquisite Night Chimes Quest: Part II, Part 1: A Single Harmony for an Irreplaceable Soul
  3. 3.0 3.1 Level Domain Entrance Description: Voyage to the Sanguine Sky
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 Weapon: Memory of Dust
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 World Quest, Part 1: Treasure Lost, Treasure Found
  6. Archon Quest, Chapter I, Act II - Farewell, Archaic Lord, Part 6: Guizhong
  7. Event Moonlight Merriment Quest: Part II, Part 2: Three to Get Ready, and Here We Go
  8. Archon Quest, Chapter I, Act I - Of the Land Amidst Monoliths, Part 3: Custodian of Clouds
  9. Liyue, Qiongji Estuary, Viewpoint: Ruins of Guili
  10. Baike Encyclopedia: 归终
  11. CText: 艺文类聚 Vol. 95: Beasts, 狌狌, Line 7