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When the West Wind Arises is the first part of Jean's Story Quest, Leo Minor Chapter: Act I - Master's Day Off.


  1. Talk to Sara (about her problem)
  2. Talk to Charles
  3. Pass the citizens' commissions on to Jean
    • Margaret will be encountered on the way to Jean's office.
  4. Talk to Jean
  5. Return to the Knights of Favonius headquarters


UI Quest Quest Description

Sara from the Good Hunter restaurant appears to have a request for the Knights of Favonius...

Jean has her work cut out for her as Acting Grand Master. Today is no different — it's one commission after another...

Accepting Jean's commissions[]

(Approach Sara)
Media:vo qinlq001 1 sara 01.ogg Sara: Oh, it's you! Over here, over here!
Media:vo qinlq001 1 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: It's Sara from Good Hunter!
(Talk to Sara)
Media:vo qinlq001 1 sara 02.ogg Sara: Ah, finally, I caught you!
Icon Dialogue Talk Is something wrong, Sara?
Icon Dialogue Talk Sorry, I already ate.
Media:vo qinlq001 1 sara 03.ogg Sara: Oh, I'm not after your patronage.
Media:vo qinlq001 1 sara 04.ogg Sara: I have something I'd like the Knights of Favonius to do for me, and I want you to pass on my request to the Acting Grand Master.
Media:vo qinlq001 1 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Oh, so it's Jean you were really hoping to see.
Media:vo qinlq001 1 sara 05.ogg Sara: You are close with her?
Icon Dialogue Talk We're like peas in a pod.
Media:vo qinlq001 1 sara 06a.ogg Sara: Really? It must be a good feeling knowing Jean's got your back.
Icon Dialogue Talk We've met.
Media:vo qinlq001 1 sara 06b.ogg Sara: Well, I heard she has a lot of respect for you.
Icon Dialogue Talk I'm her loyal slave.
Media:vo qinlq001 1 sara 06c.ogg Sara: Slave!? I never knew that such antiquated and aristocratic practices existed in the Knights of Favonius!
Media:vo qinlq001 1 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Ahem, sorry, (TravelerTraveler) just has a weird sense of humor.
Media:vo qinlq001 1 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: ...Anyway, what was it you wanted us to tell Jean?
Media:vo qinlq001 1 sara 07.ogg Sara: Oh yes... I must apologize for being unable to visit the Knights in person, but the restaurant has been so busy lately.
Media:vo qinlq001 1 sara 08.ogg Sara: Unfortunately, it's right in this busy season that the route between here and Springvale, which is used for the delivery of our ingredients, seems to have been occupied by the hilichurls.
Media:vo qinlq001 1 sara 09.ogg Sara: The problem is that the suppliers in Springvale say that deliveries have nothing to do with them, they're just responsible for selling us the ingredient
Icon Dialogue Talk So you want the Knights to clear the road.
Media:vo qinlq001 1 sara 10a.ogg Sara: That would be great.
Icon Dialogue Talk So you want someone to teach those hunters a lesson.
Media:vo qinlq001 1 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: What? No! How is that going to help!?
Media:vo qinlq001 1 sara 10b.ogg Sara: Please ask Master Jean to send a party to clear out the hilichurls from the road to Springvale.
Icon Dialogue Talk Sure.
Media:vo qinlq001 1 sara 11.ogg Sara: Phew, help at last. With Jean on the case, this'll be solved in no time. Thank you.
Media:vo qinlq001 1 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Seems like everyone really trusts Jean.
Media:vo qinlq001 1 sara 12.ogg Sara: Oh, I nearly forgot. Charles the bartender said he's been having some trouble too.
Media:vo qinlq001 1 sara 13.ogg Sara: Why don't you stop by and see him on the way?
Media:vo qinlq001 1 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: Fine. In for a penny, in for a pound is the Paimon way... but this is really stretching the definition of "on the way" in my opinion.

(Approach Charles)
Media:vo qinlq001 2 charles 01.ogg Charles: What do you think this is, kiddo, a fruit juice store?
Media:vo qinlq001 2 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Hmph. How rude! Especially since we're here to HELP!
Media:vo qinlq001 2 charles 02.ogg Charles: Help? Oh yes, you're the Acting Grand Master's new hotshot helper, aren't you?
Media:vo qinlq001 2 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Uh... That's one way of putting it, but—
Media:vo qinlq001 2 charles 03.ogg Charles: Great. Tell Jean I need my quarterly tax return forms then.
Media:vo qinlq001 2 charles 04.ogg Charles: It's time to get Elzer onto doing the accounts again... I must say though, the tax rate on alcohol in Mondstadt is pretty steep
Icon Dialogue Talk Do you really need to get Jean involved with stuff like this?
Icon Dialogue Talk And yet the Dawn Winery is somehow so very rich.
Media:vo qinlq001 2 charles 05.ogg Charles: That's mostly down to Master Diluc's successful business model.
Media:vo qinlq001 2 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Why are the accounts with Jean? Does she do bookkeeping now too?
Media:vo qinlq001 2 charles 06.ogg Charles: Acting Grand Master Jean personally goes over all the accounts.
Media:vo qinlq001 2 charles 07.ogg Charles: After all, the wine industry is Mondstadt's main source of income. Jean takes great pains to make sure no detail is overlooked.
Media:vo qinlq001 2 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Paimon never knew that. Jean's job is even harder than it seems.
Media:vo qinlq001 2 charles 08.ogg Charles: The Acting Grand Master's hard work indeed makes our lives a whole lot easier.
Media:vo qinlq001 2 charles 09.ogg Charles: We're certainly very lucky, but... to put it bluntly, we just take it for granted that that's the norm now.
Media:vo qinlq001 2 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Wow... How do you sleep at night knowing how much pressure you put Jean under?
Media:vo qinlq001 2 charles 10.ogg Charles: *sigh* When you put it like that I do feel quite ashamed... I suppose I should give her one on the house next time she's here.
Media:vo qinlq001 2 charles 11.ogg Charles: Although... I doubt the Acting Grand Master even has the time to spare for that.
Media:vo qinlq001 2 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Sounds like a poor excuse to deny Jean a free drink...
Media:vo qinlq001 2 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: Come on (TravelerTraveler), let's go and see Jean.

(Approach the Knights of Favonius headquarters)
Media:vo qinlq001 3 margaret 01.ogg Margaret: Hey, you two!
Media:vo qinlq001 3 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Margaret! What are you doing here?
Media:vo qinlq001 3 margaret 02.ogg Margaret: My cat's gone missing. Have you seen it?
Icon Dialogue Talk No.
Icon Dialogue Talk You mean... Diona?
Media:vo qinlq001 3 margaret 03.ogg Margaret: No, not her. I imagine Diona's probably still in the tavern.
Media:vo qinlq001 3 margaret 04.ogg Margaret: I mean little Princey. Prince was just home, now he's gone.
Media:vo qinlq001 3 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Did you seriously think Diona was a house cat!?
Media:vo qinlq001 3 margaret 05.ogg Margaret: This is a bit worrying. What if Prince can't find his way home?
Icon Dialogue Talk I would love to help, but...
Media:vo qinlq001 3 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: But we are on our way to an urgent meeting with Jean. Sorry.
Icon Dialogue Talk I guess we can have a look for your cat.
Media:vo qinlq001 3 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Naw, (TravelerTraveler). You're always such a big softie. But aren't we in the middle of something?
Media:vo qinlq001 3 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Sara and Charles need our help urgently, too. Let's go and see Jean first.
Media:vo qinlq001 3 margaret 06.ogg Margaret: You're on the way to see Jean? What a coincidence.
Media:vo qinlq001 3 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Paimon thought you were looking for a cat?
Media:vo qinlq001 3 margaret 07.ogg Margaret: Yes, I wanted to see if Jean could help look for my cat.
Media:vo qinlq001 3 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: Seriously? You want Jean... to help you look for your cat?
Media:vo qinlq001 3 margaret 08.ogg Margaret: What's wrong with that?
Media:vo qinlq001 3 margaret 09.ogg Margaret: Jean's a really nice person.
Icon Dialogue Talk Such a solid line of reasoning...
Icon Dialogue Talk I feel like this is a classic case of "good people finish last."
Media:vo qinlq001 3 margaret 10.ogg Margaret: Please mention it to Jean for me. I'll treat you to a brew at Cat's Tail later.
Media:vo qinlq001 3 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: Hey, HEY!
Media:vo qinlq001 3 paimon 09.ogg Paimon: Ugh, unbelievable! Guess the case of Prince the missing cat is now added to the agenda for our meeting with Jean.

Reporting to Jean[]

(Approach Jean)
Media:vo qinlq001 4 qin 01.ogg Jean: *cough*...
Media:vo qinlq001 4 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Acting Grand Master—
Media:vo qinlq001 4 qin 02.ogg Jean: ...
Media:vo qinlq001 4 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Oh, ahh— Master Jean?
Media:vo qinlq001 4 qin 03.ogg Jean: ...
Icon Dialogue Talk ...Master Jean?
Icon Dialogue Talk Hey, Jean? Jeany Jean-Jean?
Icon Dialogue Talk ...Behold, the Dandelion Knight herself?
Media:vo qinlq001 4 qin 04.ogg Jean: Oh! It's our Honorary Knight. Sorry, I must have been daydreaming.
Media:vo qinlq001 4 qin 05.ogg Jean: How can I assist?
Media:vo qinlq001 4 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Actually, it's not us who need your help. It's a bunch of other people...
Media:vo qinlq001 4 qin 06.ogg Jean: I see. Well, thank you for your service to the people of Mondstadt. *cough*
Media:vo qinlq001 4 qin 07.ogg Jean: I have made a note of these commissions in my files and I will... make arrangements...
Media:vo qinlq001 4 qin 08.ogg Jean: ...accordingly.
Media:vo qinlq001 4 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Great.
Media:vo qinlq001 4 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: We didn't miss out anyone's commissions, did we?
Media:vo qinlq001 4 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Sara's hilichurls, Charles' tax return, Margaret's cat... Seems that's everything.
Media:vo qinlq001 4 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: We'll be on our way then, Jean— Jean?
(Jean collapses)
Media:vo qinlq001 4 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: Jean! Are you okay!?
Something's wrong with Jean, and you bring her to the Cathedral in search of assistance...

(Cutscene of Barbara, Traveler, and Paimon in the Cathedral)
Media:vo qinlq001 5 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: How's Jean holding up? Is it serious?
Media:vo qinlq001 5 barbara 01.ogg Barbara: It's just burnout from work stress. She'll be fine after a good old rest.
Media:vo qinlq001 5 barbara 02.ogg Barbara: Thanks for bringing her here — she may have tried to keep soldiering on otherwise.
Media:vo qinlq001 5 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: It's not a surprise though, she does have a lot to get through every day.
Media:vo qinlq001 5 barbara 03.ogg Barbara: Poor Jean. She has always been one to push herself too hard while overlooking her own needs.
Media:vo qinlq001 5 barbara 04.ogg Barbara: This isn't the first time something like this has happened.
Icon Dialogue Talk She really has it tough doesn't she. Poor Jean.
Icon Dialogue Talk Seems like you really care about Jean.
Media:vo qinlq001 5 barbara 05.ogg Barbara: Oh, ah... You think so? I—I mean, she's the Acting Grand Master and all, we can't have her collapsing all the time now can we...
Media:vo qinlq001 5 barbara 06.ogg Barbara: S—So y'know, it's not like this is a personal... thing, it's just out of love for— concern for... the greater good! Yes, that's it!
Media:vo qinlq001 5 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: What's up with Barbara... Weird~
Media:vo qinlq001 5 barbara 07.ogg Barbara: ...Anyway, you're an honorary knight aren't you (TravelerTraveler)?
Media:vo qinlq001 5 barbara 08.ogg Barbara: While the Master is down, the knights should share her burden, no?
Media:vo qinlq001 5 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: That's a very good point, but... Shouldn't one of the fully-qualified knights do that?
Media:vo qinlq001 5 barbara 09.ogg Barbara: Jean has so much to do, an extra pair of hands can't hurt.
Media:vo qinlq001 5 barbara 10.ogg Barbara: You should go and check in at the headquarters. Jean will be fine with just me here.
Media:vo qinlq001 5 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Paimon feels like she's trying to get rid of us...
Media:vo qinlq001 5 barbara 11.ogg Barbara: Hmm?[Note 1]
Media:vo qinlq001 5 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Nothing! We'll leave you to it — come on (TravelerTraveler), let's go.
(Talk to Barbara again, optional)
Media:vo dialog qinlq001 barbara 01.ogg Barbara: I already told you, I can take care of Jean on my own. Please help Jean out by completing her tasks.

Returning to the Knights of Favonius headquarters[]

(At the entrance of the Knights of Favonius headquarters)
Media:vo qinlq001 6 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Oh, it's Kaeya.
Media:vo qinlq001 8 kaeya 01.ogg Kaeya: I've been waiting for you.
Media:vo qinlq001 8 kaeya 02.ogg Kaeya: I have been informed about Jean falling ill. On behalf of all of Knights of Favonius, allow me to express my sincere gratitude for your assistance.
Media:vo qinlq001 6 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: So courteous and polite. This isn't the Kaeya Paimon knows.
Media:vo qinlq001 8 kaeya 03.ogg Kaeya: Haha... Well, the circumstances warrant it. This is the Acting Grand Master herself we're talking about.
Media:vo qinlq001 8 kaeya 04.ogg Kaeya: Now, in addition to that thank-you message, there was one other thing...
Icon Dialogue Talk You have a job for us?
Media:vo qinlq001 8 kaeya 05.ogg Kaeya: It's like you read my mind! We have quite a connection, don't you think?
Icon Dialogue Talk Is this the part where you give us our reward?
Media:vo qinlq001 8 kaeya 06.ogg Kaeya: Hahaha. I must say I like your style.
Media:vo qinlq001 8 kaeya 07.ogg Kaeya: But before we can discuss a reward, there are some things I hope you can assist the Knights with.
Media:vo qinlq001 6 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Things like helping to fill in for Jean?
Media:vo qinlq001 8 kaeya 08.ogg Kaeya: Right. Although the commissions you reported to Jean have already been handed off to someone else...
Media:vo qinlq001 8 kaeya 09.ogg Kaeya: ...I am concerned that they will not be handled with due care without Jean's personal touch.
Media:vo qinlq001 8 kaeya 10.ogg Kaeya: So I am hoping that you can help out where you see fit.
Media:vo qinlq001 8 kaeya 11.ogg Kaeya: I will feel much more at ease knowing that the Honorary Knight is personally overseeing these cases.
Media:vo qinlq001 6 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: You can flatter (TravelerTraveler) all you want, but answer this — why don't YOU do it!?
Media:vo qinlq001 8 kaeya 12.ogg Kaeya: Haha... Oh, I have far more important matters to attend to. There are so many things to... to prepare.
Media:vo qinlq001 6 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Hmph. Fine then. So it's Sara, Charles and Margaret's stuff you want us to help with, right?
Media:vo qinlq001 8 kaeya 13.ogg Kaeya: Those are the ones. I appreciate the help. See you later!


  1. The voice line actually says "Why is that?"

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishWhen the West Wind Arises
Xīfēng Chuīfú de Rìcháng
The Everyday Breezing of the West Wind
Xīfēng Chuīfú de Rìcháng
Seifuu no Fuku Nichijou
The Everyday Breezing of the West Wind
Korean서풍이 부는 일상
Seopung-i buneun Ilsang
Daily Life Blowing of the West Wind
SpanishCuando sopla el viento del oesteWhen the West Wind Blows
FrenchLe vent d'ouest souffle tous les joursThe West Wind Blows Everyday
RussianКогда поднимается западный ветер
Kogda podnimayetsya zapadnyy veter
When the West Wind Arises
VietnameseKhi Gió Tây Về
GermanDas tägliche Wehen des WestwindsThe Daily Blow of the Westwind
IndonesianSaat Angin Barat BangkitWhen the West Wind Arises
PortugueseQuando o Vento Oeste SurgeWhen the West Wind Arises
TurkishBatı Rüzgarı Estiğinde
ItalianS'alza il vento dell'Ovest

Change History[]
