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Sara's Worries is one of the second parts of Jean's Story Quest, Leo Minor Chapter: Act I - Master's Day Off.


  1. Find Sara and ask about her commission
  2. Collect 3 Sweet Flowers and 3 Fowl each
  3. Report back to Sara
  4. Cook Sweet Madame
  5. Give the dish to Sara
  6. Cook a Sticky Honey Roast
  7. Submit the dish

Gameplay Notes[]

  • Suspicious-quality dishes cannot be submitted.

Idle Quotes[]

  • "Submit cooking ingredients" (-Sara)
  • "This isn't what I ordered..." (when attempting to submit the wrong dish -Sara)


UI Quest Quest Description

Sara's delivery of ingredients still hasn't arrived, and she's growing more anxious by the minute...
Media:vo qinlq004 1 ambor 01.ogg Amber: Got it. I'll set off right away!
Media:vo qinlq004 1 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Amber! Are you here to help out with Jean's commission?
Media:vo qinlq004 1 ambor 02.ogg Amber: Oh, hi. Yeah, I was just getting ready. Who better than an Outrider to mop up some hilichurls on the delivery route?
Media:vo qinlq004 1 sara 01.ogg Sara: *sigh* ...
Media:vo qinlq004 1 ambor 03.ogg Amber: Sara... What are you still stressed about? I'm an Outrider, and I won't disappoint!
Media:vo qinlq004 1 sara 02.ogg Sara: You misunderstand me. I don't doubt your abilities, I'm just overwhelmed at the number of orders piling up in front of me.
Media:vo qinlq004 1 sara 03.ogg Sara: Another bizarre order came in just now. It's like they're hosting a banquet or something...
Media:vo qinlq004 1 ambor 04.ogg Amber: *clears throat*
Icon Dialogue Talk Is there anything we can help with?
Icon Dialogue Talk I can help with the cooking!
Media:vo qinlq004 1 sara 04.ogg Sara: Really! You don't mind helping?
Media:vo qinlq004 1 sara 05.ogg Sara: That would be wonderful! You really are the Good Hunter's guardian angel.
Media:vo qinlq004 1 ambor 05.ogg Amber: Yeah well... Those hilichurls are going to be a handful too.
Media:vo qinlq004 1 sara 06.ogg Sara: Well, why don't you take this order. Start by getting the ingredients.
Media:vo qinlq004 1 paimon 02a.ogg Media:vo qinlq004 1 paimon 02b.ogg Paimon: Are you sure (TravelerTraveler) can be trusted? It might end up tasting a bit funky...
Media:vo qinlq004 1 sara 07.ogg Sara: We're well past the point of aiming for perfection. This is now a fight to save the Good Hunter's business.
Media:vo qinlq004 1 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: A fight?
Media:vo qinlq004 1 sara 08.ogg Sara: For this dish we need three sweet flowers and three fowls.
Media:vo qinlq004 1 sara 09.ogg Sara: Okay, go and get ready. You too, Amber. I'll be waiting here.
Media:vo qinlq004 1 together 01.ogg Amber: O–Okay... (Paimon: Oh! Yes, right.)

(Talk to Sara)
Media:vo qinlq004 3 sara 01.ogg Sara: Have you brought me three sweet flowers and three fowls? Let me see...
Icon Dialogue Quest Submit cooking ingredients
(Give all the ingredients)
Media:vo qinlq004 3 sara 02.ogg Sara: ...Yep. That's everything.
Media:vo qinlq004 3 sara 03.ogg Sara: Now — order no. 7 is for one Sweet Madame.
Media:vo qinlq004 3 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: And so begins the story of us becoming basic kitchen hands!
Media:vo qinlq004 3 sara 04.ogg Sara: You did say you'd help Good Hunter out — be sure to serve it while it's hot.
Icon Dialogue Talk I'm still not ready...
Media:vo qinlq004 3 sara 01b.ogg Sara: I see. Let's not keep the customers waiting too long.

(Talk to Sara)
Media:vo qinlq004 3 sara 05.ogg Sara: Any news on that Sweet Madame?
Icon Dialogue Quest Submit dish
Media:vo qinlq004 3 sara 07.ogg Sara: One Sweet Madame, received!
(If delicious)
Media:vo qinlq004 3 sara 08b.ogg Sara: Mmm! That smells absolutely divine! This is nothing less than what I would expect from a head chef, never mind a sous-chef...
(If normal)
Media:vo qinlq004 3 sara 08a.ogg Sara: Mmm, it smells... pretty good! You have a knack for this – just the person I need!
Media:vo qinlq004 4 sara 01.ogg Sara: Hmm, since you cook so well... You might as well take this Sticky Honey Roast next.
Media:vo qinlq004 4 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Sticky Honey Roast! We tried that before, with Amber!
Media:vo qinlq004 4 sara 02.ogg Sara: That's right, a mainstay of the Good Hunter menu. It's my pride and joy!
Media:vo qinlq004 4 sara 03.ogg Sara: The Knights order it almost every time they come here for a gathering.
Media:vo qinlq004 4 sara 04.ogg Sara: Let me teach you the recipe for a Sticky Honey Roast...
Media:vo qinlq004 4 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Wait, didn't you say it's your pride and joy? You're going to teach us how to make it, just like that?
Media:vo qinlq004 4 sara 05.ogg Sara: With your cooking skills, I don't think you will be doing a disservice to the Good Hunter brand! Hee-hee.
Media:vo qinlq004 4 sara 06.ogg Sara: As soon as that Sticky Honey Roast is ready, please bring it here.
Icon Dialogue Talk I'm still not ready...
Media:vo qinlq004 3 sara 06b.ogg Sara: I see. Let's not keep the customers waiting too long.

(Talk to Sara)
Media:vo qinlq004 4 sara 07.ogg Sara: I'm still waiting on one Sticky Honey Roast, have you got it?
Icon Dialogue Quest Submit dish
(If delicious)
Media:vo qinlq004 4 sara 09b.ogg Sara: This is... Wow. Did you really cook this? This is quite simply astonishing. You were born to be a head chef!
(If normal)
Media:vo qinlq004 4 sara 09a.ogg Sara: This is a very good effort, I think you really captured the essence of what the dish is all about.
Media:vo qinlq004 5 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Are we released from kitchen duty now?
Media:vo qinlq004 4 sara 10.ogg Sara: Yes, thanks ever so much for your help. Amber should be able to take care of everything else.
Media:vo qinlq004 4 sara 11.ogg Sara: If you ever get tired of being an adventurer, there'll be a job waiting for you at Good Hunter if you want it!
Icon Dialogue Talk I'm still not ready...
Media:vo qinlq004 4 sara 08b.ogg Sara: I see. Let's not keep the customers waiting too long.


No.Soundtrack NameAlbumPlayed In
03A Sweet SmileThe Wind and The Star TravelerWind-Riding Knight, Glide With the Wind, Sara's Worries, The Snowy Past
Event Gameplay, Serenitea Pot


  • Sara will have unique idle quotes when submitting dishes/ingredients. (See: Sara)

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishSara's Worries
Wěituō-rén Shālā de Yōuchóu
Requester Sara's Worries
Wěituō-rén Shālā de Yōuchóu
Irainin Sara no Shinpai
Requester Sara's Worries
Korean의뢰인 사라의 걱정
Uiroein Sara-ui Geokjeong
Requester Sara's Worries
SpanishLa preocupación de SaraSara's Worry
FrenchLes soucis de SaraSara's Worries
RussianПечаль Сары
Pechal' Sary
Sara's Sadness
Thaiความกังวลของ Sara
Khwam-kang-won khong Sara
VietnameseNỗi Lo Âu Của Người Ủy Thác Sara
GermanKummer der Auftraggeberin SaraClient Sara's Sorrow
IndonesianKekhawatiran SaraSara's Worries
PortugueseTristeza da Solicitante Sara
TurkishSara'nın Endişeleri
ItalianLe preoccupazioni di Sara

Change History[]
