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To Catch a Kitten is a quest in the first branch of Diona's Hangout Event: Act I - The Cat and the Cocktail.


  1. Talk to Diona
  2. Look for the kitty on Mondstadt's rooftops
  3. Try to make conversation with Roger
  4. Look for the kitty near the Blacksmith
  5. Try to make conversation with Nelson
  6. Look for the kitty near the Cathedral
  7. Try to make conversation with Paisley
  8. Return to The Cat's Tail

Gameplay Notes[]

  • Roger is located on top of the building behind and to the right of Blanche's shop. It is possible to climb the building to reach the rooftop.


UI Quest Quest Description

Searching for three kitties in Mondstadt might not be the easiest thing in the world...

What the Kitties Like[]

(Talk to Diona)
Media:vo dancop001 1910201 diona 01.ogg Diona: Hmm, their tracks end here... looks like they ran off somewhere else.
Icon Dialogue Talk Then how do we find them?
Media:vo dancop001 1910201 diona 02.ogg Diona: Don't worry, those cats are very stubborn, but it's because they're stubborn that they're also easy to understand. Heh, I have another idea.
Media:vo dancop001 1910201 diona 03.ogg Diona: Let's pay a visit to Marjorie at With Wind Comes Glory. Roger broke his cat toy recently and I ordered him a new one there.
Media:vo dancop001 1910201 diona 04.ogg Diona: Maybe he snuck out because he didn't have anything to play with...
Icon Dialogue Talk Seems like you know him really well.
Media:vo dancop001 1910201 diona 05.ogg Diona: I—I only know these things because I want them to do their job and not mess around!
Media:vo dancop001 1910201 diona 06.ogg Diona: C'mon, let's head over to Marjorie's store.
(Talk to Diona by Marjorie)
Media:vo dancop001 1910202 marjorie 01.ogg Marjorie: Oh, hello Diona. You must be here for the cat toy you ordered? I just finished preparing it and made it extra durable according to your request. Your kitty should be able to play with this one for quite some time.
Media:vo dancop001 1910202 diona 01.ogg Diona: Much appreciated! Margaret will come and settle the fees later.
Media:vo dancop001 1910202 marjorie 02.ogg Marjorie: No problem! So, that cat named Roger... Is he usually at the Cat's Tail?
Media:vo dancop001 1910202 diona 02.ogg Diona: That's right, he's almost always in the tavern.
Media:vo dancop001 1910202 marjorie 03.ogg Marjorie: Wonderful! I'll definitely make some time to head to the tavern and play with him.
Media:vo dancop001 1910202 diona 03.ogg Diona: Oh, I see... Well, you're welcome to visit anytime.
Media:vo dancop001 1910202 marjorie 04.ogg Marjorie: I gotta say, you're awfully particular when it comes to take care of that cat. Hehe, you even provided me a list of materials to use for his cat toy.
Media:vo dancop001 1910202 diona 04.ogg Diona: That's just because Roger tends to get excited whenever he plays with the customers. He always ends up ruining his toy. This time we needed to make it more durable so that it would last longer.
Media:vo dancop001 1910202 diona 05.ogg Diona: He usually just lounges on the cabinets when no one's around...
Icon Dialogue Talk Maybe he just needs someone to play with?
Media:vo dancop001 1910202 diona 06.ogg Diona: You really think so? Hmph, I'm not interested in figuring out what those cats are thinking. They're just stubborn, that's how all cats are.
Media:vo dancop001 1910202 diona 07.ogg Diona: Let's head over to see Sara at Good Hunter, she always makes Nelson's cat food.
Media:vo dancop001 1910202 diona 08.ogg Diona: He's the one that always eats the most. And even though he's always eating, he somehow weighs the lightest. I really have no idea what he's up to all the time...
(Obtain Cat Toy ×1)
(Talk to Diona by Sara)
Media:vo dancop001 1910203 sara 01.ogg Sara: Welcome to Good Hunter... Oh, hey Diona! How can I help you?
Media:vo dancop001 1910203 diona 01.ogg Diona: Hello Sara, I'd like some more of that cat food I bought last time.
Media:vo dancop001 1910203 sara 02.ogg Sara: Oh, is my favorite kitty Nelson hungry again? Haha, hold on one moment, I'll have the kitchen prepare it for you.

Sara orders the kitchen to make cat food...

Media:vo dancop001 1910203 sara 03.ogg Sara: Alright, here's the cat food. It hardly takes any ingredients to make, so it's on the house!
Media:vo dancop001 1910203 sara 04.ogg Sara: But please, if you can bring Nelson with you next time... Everyone wants to pet him!
Media:vo dancop001 1910203 diona 02.ogg Diona: Sure, I—I'll see if he wants to come.
Icon Dialogue Talk You think cat food will do the trick?
Media:vo dancop001 1910203 diona 03.ogg Diona: Nelson's not usually very fond of people, but as soon as he smells some Dried Fish, he'll do anything you say.
Media:vo dancop001 1910203 diona 04.ogg Diona: And once he starts eating, ugh, he doesn't ever stop, someone has to drag him away from the food... Kinda like the old drunks at the tavern.
Media:vo dancop001 1910203 diona 05.ogg Diona: But the amount of cat food isn't too much this time, so it'll be fine if he finishes it all.
Media:vo dancop001 1910203 diona 06.ogg Diona: Alright, we have all we need for now, let's go find Roger and Nelson. We'll deal with Paisley later.
Media:vo dancop001 1910203 diona 07.ogg Diona: Roger always likes to sit in high places. Huh... maybe we should go check the rooftops.
Media:vo dancop001 1910203 diona 08.ogg Diona: Do you know how to get on top of buildings here? If not, you can just wait down here and I'll take care of it.
Icon Dialogue Talk I'm an experienced climber.
Icon Dialogue Talk I climb all the time, it won't be a problem.
Media:vo dancop001 1910203 diona 09.ogg Diona: Really? You don't look like much of a climber, but if you say so. Let's go up and look for Roger together.
(Obtain Cat Food ×1)

To Catch a Kitten[]

(Finding Roger on the Rooftop)
Media:vo dancop001 1910204 diona 01.ogg Diona: Wait, see that cat there? That's Roger! Oh, he really picked a high place to sit this time...
Media:vo dancop001 1910204 diona 02.ogg Diona: But don't get too close. If we startle him, he might run away.
Media:vo dancop001 1910204 diona 03.ogg Diona: Okay, remember all the things we prepared? Now's the time to make use of them.
Media:vo dancop001 1910204 diona 04.ogg Diona: So do you remember what would be better for attracting Roger?
Icon Dialogue Talk Use the cat toy.
Media:vo dancop001 1910204 diona 05.ogg Diona: Hey, you've got a pretty good memory. That's right, cat toys are Roger's favorite.
Icon Dialogue Talk Use the cat food.
Media:vo dancop001 1910204 diona 06.ogg Diona: Cat food? Are you sure? Like I said, Roger would probably prefer the cat toy.
Icon Dialogue Talk Let's use the cat toy then...
Media:vo dancop001 1910204 diona 07.ogg Diona: So you do remember. Well hurry up and take out the cat toy then.
Icon Dialogue Talk Let's use the cat food anyway.
Media:vo dancop001 1910204 diona 08.ogg Diona: Hmph. Fine, have it your way.
Roger: (Roger doesn't seem to be interested in the cat food...)
Media:vo dancop001 1910204 diona 09.ogg Diona: See? I told you it wouldn't work. Roger definitely would like the cat toy better. Now hurry up and get it out.
(−3 Hearts)
You use the cat toy to attract Roger...
Media:vo dancop001 1910204 diona 10.ogg Diona: Wow, he let his guard down almost immediately. Looks like he was just waiting for someone to come play with him.
Media:vo dancop001 1910204 diona 11.ogg Diona: That little rascal... He always looks so smug, but the moment he sees people, he suddenly becomes all loving and affectionate.
Media:vo dancop001 1910204 diona 12.ogg Diona: No wonder the customers like him so much. The first thing they ask when they visit the tavern is if Roger is around... yeesh.
Icon Dialogue Talk Well, he is really cute after all.
Media:vo dancop001 1910204 diona 13.ogg Diona: Yeah, that's the problem! Who cares about specialty drinks when you have these fluffy little kitties to play with, right?
Media:vo dancop001 1910204 diona 14.ogg Diona: If you ask me, the tavern doesn't need any more new drinks to attract customers. Just get more cats and people will come!
Icon Dialogue Talk I think the customers visit the tavern primarily for your cocktails.
Media:vo dancop001 1910204 diona 15.ogg Diona: Well, obviously! The Cat's Tail is a tavern after all. No matter how cute these little kitties are, they're only there to complement my cocktails.
Media:vo dancop001 1910204 diona 16.ogg Diona: Alright, let's bring along Roger and go find Nelson.
Media:vo dancop001 1910204 diona 17.ogg Diona: Now Nelson likes places that are warm. In fact, the last time I went looking for him, I found him in the bush next to the blacksmith. So let's go look for him there.
(Finding Nelson behind the Blacksmith)
Media:vo dancop001 1910205 diona 01.ogg Diona: Yup, I knew we'd find Nelson here... and he looks like he's about to fall asleep. Huh, could it really be more comfortable than in the tavern?
Media:vo dancop001 1910205 diona 02.ogg Diona: Anyway, let's take out the things we've prepared. I'll let you choose which to give him.
Icon Dialogue Talk Use the cat food.
Media:vo dancop001 1910205 diona 03.ogg Diona: That's right! Nelson loves eating this stuff, the cat food will definitely make him happy.
Icon Dialogue Talk Use the cat toy.
Media:vo dancop001 1910205 diona 04.ogg Diona: Are you sure you want to use that? I'm pretty sure I told you what he likes before... Have you forgotten already?
Icon Dialogue Talk Let's use the cat food then...
Media:vo dancop001 1910205 diona 05.ogg Diona: So you've finally remembered. Just hurry up and take out the cat food already.
Icon Dialogue Talk Let's use the cat toy anyway.
Media:vo dancop001 1910205 diona 06.ogg Diona: *sigh* You really don't know how to make cats happy, do you? Fine, if you insist have it your way.
Nelson: (Nelson doesn't seem interested in the cat toy...)
Media:vo dancop001 1910205 diona 07.ogg Diona: See? He didn't even glance at the cat toy.
Media:vo dancop001 1910205 diona 08.ogg Diona: C'mon just hurry up and take out the cat food!
(−3 Hearts)
(If 0 Hearts left)
Hangout Event Ended: The cats seem unwilling to listen to you. Did you go about coaxing them the wrong way?
You use the cat food to attract Nelson...
Media:vo dancop001 1910205 diona 09.ogg Diona: Don't the customers at the tavern already feed you enough? How can you still be so excited to see food all the time?
Media:vo dancop001 1910205 diona 10.ogg Diona: Oh, and there you go snarfing everything down as always... Why do customers like you so much? They even fight over who gets to feed you!
Media:vo dancop001 1910205 diona 11.ogg Diona: Are you just pretending to be hungry all the time just to get the customers to come take care of you?
Media:vo dancop001 1910205 diona 12.ogg Diona: Hmph, what a cheeky little guy... No wonder customers completely forget about their drinks after seeing him.
Icon Dialogue Talk Maybe you should take a hint from him and do what he does?
Media:vo dancop001 1910205 diona 13.ogg Diona: Take a hint... from him? Ha, forget it! We should probably just get more cats at the tavern, they seem to attract more customers than my drinks.
Icon Dialogue Talk Your specialty drinks attract lots of attention already.
Media:vo dancop001 1910205 diona 14.ogg Diona: Of course! You should see the looks on those old drunks' faces when Nelson spills over their cocktails in the tavern.
Media:vo dancop001 1910205 diona 15.ogg Diona: Go ahead, pick him up. He doesn't weigh much. I really have no idea how he stays so light...
Media:vo dancop001 1910205 diona 16.ogg Diona: Alright, let's go find Paisley. He used to always sneak out to go to the Cathedral before, so let's start there.
Icon Dialogue Talk Does he like cat toys?
Icon Dialogue Talk Does he like cat food?
Media:vo dancop001 1910205 diona 17.ogg Diona: Nope... he doesn't like either of the things that Roger and Nelson like. I'll tell you more when we get there.
(Finding Paisley by the Cathedral)
Media:vo dancop001 1910206 diona 01.ogg Diona: Aha, just where I thought I'd find you, Paisley.
Icon Dialogue Talk So what should we do now?
Media:vo dancop001 1910206 diona 02.ogg Diona: We don't need to do anything. Paisley doesn't fancy anything special, he just does whatever he's in the mood for.
Media:vo dancop001 1910206 diona 03.ogg Diona: To sum it up, he's just a self-centered little cat.
Media:vo dancop001 1910206 diona 04.ogg Diona: Even back at the tavern, he hardly ever interacts with any customers. Usually he prefers to just play with the other kitties.
Media:vo dancop001 1910206 diona 05.ogg Diona: But enough about Paisley, let's just take him and head back. I'll pick him up, he doesn't usually run away when I carry him in the tavern.
Media:vo dancop001 1910206 diona 06.ogg Diona: Uhh, wait. You want to pick him up? I'm telling you, Paisley just ignores strangers.
Icon Dialogue Talk Meow, meow...
Paisley: (Paisley doesn't seem to be responding...)
Media:vo dancop001 1910206 diona 07.ogg Diona: See? No response at all... Here, just let me do it.
Icon Dialogue Talk Alright, I'll leave him to you.
Media:vo dancop001 1910206 diona 08.ogg Diona: Listen Paisley, just be good and stay there, okay?
Paisley: (Paisley lovingly walks over and rubs Diona...)
Media:vo dancop001 1910206 diona 09.ogg Diona: Good kitty, ohh that'll do. Hmph, you really are pretty cute when you're being good...
Media:vo dancop001 1910206 diona 10.ogg Diona: Hey! Why are you looking at me like that, huh!? He only listens to me because I feed him all the time, that's all.
Media:vo dancop001 1910206 diona 11.ogg Diona: For some reason, many customers actually like his personality. Once Paisley bobbles his head at them, they all start looking like they'd be willing to buy him cat food for the rest of his life.
Media:vo dancop001 1910206 diona 12.ogg Diona: If only we got a few more cats at the Cat's Tail, then I wouldn't need to spend all my time making drinks anymore. All I'd have to do is take care of the kitties and let the customers come and pet them.
Icon Dialogue Talk That actually might make more money...
Media:vo dancop001 1910206 diona 13.ogg Diona: You agree as well? Ugh, fine! Once I get back I'll suggest getting a few more cats, and let them attract all the customers. My specialty drinks aren't what the customers are after anyway.
Icon Dialogue Talk No one would know about these cats if it weren't for your specialty drinks.
Media:vo dancop001 1910206 diona 14.ogg Diona: Well, of course! If it weren't for the Mora my drinks bring in, how would we pay for their toys and food?

Branch 1[]

Media:vo dancop001 1910206 diona 15.ogg Diona: You know what? Just bring the cats back to the tavern. That's why you came in the first place, right? To see the cats. Hmph! I'll walk back myself.
Icon Dialogue Talk Why don't we just go back together?
Media:vo dancop001 1910206 diona 16.ogg Diona: I have to hurry back and convince the tavern to hire a few more cats. They're the key to attracting the customers, after all.
Media:vo dancop001 1910206 diona 17.ogg Diona: Cocktails... Hmph! No need for those anymore!

Ending: The Unfathomable Felines[]

The Unfathomable Felines
Aether Lumine
Hangout Diona Act 1 The Unfathomable Felines Aether Hangout Diona Act 1 The Unfathomable Felines Lumine
Cats truly are... inscrutable creatures...

Branch 2[]

Media:vo dancop001 1910206 diona 18.ogg Diona: Roger, Nelson, and Paisley... Yep, we've found them all. Let's hurry and bring them back, otherwise they won't be able to work when the tavern opens tomorrow.

When the Cats Come Home[]

(Upon returning to The Cat's Tail)
Media:vo dancop001 1910207 margaret 01.ogg Margaret: Oh, it looks like the kitties are back, as well as our customer.
Media:vo dancop001 1910207 diona 01.ogg Diona: Hey! I'm not one of the cats!
Icon Dialogue Talk Diona does fit the theme of the tavern nicely.
Media:vo dancop001 1910207 margaret 02.ogg Margaret: Of course. In fact, Diona is our best bartender.
Media:vo dancop001 1910207 diona 02.ogg Diona: Hmph. Please don't misunderstand my work as a bartender here. It's actually the first step in my plan of bringing destruction to Mondstadt's alcohol industry.
Media:vo dancop001 1910207 diona 03.ogg Diona: You've seen the drunkards stumbling around the city, right?
Media:vo dancop001 1910207 diona 04.ogg Diona: No matter how well-dressed or honest of a person they actually are, once they start drinking, they become terrible people.
Media:vo dancop001 1910207 diona 05.ogg Diona: Nothing good comes of alcohol, it makes people foolish, lazy, and ugly. That's why I plan on making the most disgusting drink there ever was. Everyone will realize how terrible alcohol really is!
Media:vo dancop001 1910207 diona 06.ogg Diona: That way, Mondstadt will finally be rid of alcohol and freed from its snarling teeth.
Icon Dialogue Talk Quite the grand plan you have there...
Media:vo dancop001 1910207 diona 07.ogg Diona: Of course, and that's why I became a bartender in the first place, I must understand anything and everything there is to know about alcohol. This is the first step in my plan.
Icon Dialogue Talk Why didn't you just go to Angel's Share to work instead?
Media:vo dancop001 1910207 diona 08.ogg Diona: Angel's Share? Hmph! Dawn Winery is the root cause behind all the drunks stumbling around Mondstadt. I wouldn't go anywhere even remotely associated with them!
Icon Dialogue Talk But, everyone seems to really like the drinks you make...
Media:vo dancop001 1910207 diona 09.ogg Diona: I—I'm still experimenting! It's more difficult than you think to make the most disgusting drink the city has ever tasted!
Media:vo dancop001 1910207 diona 10.ogg Diona: Anyway, I'll find a way to make my diabolical cocktail and keep everyone away from alcohol. Hmph!
Media:vo dancop001 1910207 diona 11.ogg Diona: Although, I haven't discovered how yet, but I will!
Media:vo dancop001 1910207 diona 12.ogg Diona: Anyway, didn't you come all this way to just see the cats? Now that all three of them are back in the tavern, why don't you go inside and play with them?
Media:vo dancop001 1910207 diona 13.ogg Diona: Oh, and in return for all your help, I'll make a special drink just for you... non-alcoholic, of course.

Ending: Cat Party[]

Cat Party
Aether Lumine
Hangout Diona Act 1 Cat Party Aether Hangout Diona Act 1 Cat Party Lumine
Looks like a cat party is about to get started at The Cat's Tail.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishTo Catch a Kitten
Xún Māo Yàojué
A Cat-Searching Trick
Xún Māo Yàojué
Neko Sagashi no Kotsu
A Cat-Searching Trick
Korean고양이 찾기 비결
Goyang'i Chatgi Bigyeol
A Cat-Searching Secret
SpanishLa clave para encontrar gatosThe Key to Finding Cats
FrenchL'art de la chasse aux chatsThe Art of Cat Chasing
RussianСекрет поиска котят
Sekret poiska kotyat
The Secret of Search for Cats
VietnameseBí quyết tìm mèoThe Secret of Finding Cats
GermanWer Katzen sucht, sollte sich beeilenIf You're Looking for Cats, Hurry Up
IndonesianCara Jitu Menangkap KucingThe Right Way of Cat Catching
PortugueseA Arte de Encontrar GatosThe Art of Finding Cats
TurkishYavru Kedi Yakalamak
ItalianCatturare un gattino

Change History[]
