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Time Off! is a quest in Ningguang's Hangout Event: Act I - The Jade Chamber's Returning Guest.


  1. Wait until the following day (07:00–08:00)
  2. Wake Ningguang up
  3. Talk to Ningguang
    • Do something you never normally have time for. Proceed to Liyue Millennial.
    • Do something you never normally have the opportunity to do, and...


UI Quest Quest Description

Ningguang has been working pretty hard all day. You'd like to help her take a day off. She seems to have some idea of what she'd like to do during this down-time...
(Wait until the following day (07:00–08:00))
(Wake Ningguang up)
Media:vo ngcop001 1913801 ningguang 01.ogg Ningguang: Yes, I'm already awake.
Media:vo ngcop001 1913801 ningguang 02.ogg Ningguang: I'll be out in a moment. I'm just changing.
(Talk to Ningguang)
Media:vo ngcop001 1913801 ningguang 03.ogg Ningguang: Good morning. Did you sleep well?
Icon Dialogue Talk The same as usual.
Media:vo ngcop001 1913801 ningguang 04.ogg Ningguang: That's good. I was worried you'd be a little uncomfortable.
Icon Dialogue Talk I was a little nervous.
Media:vo ngcop001 1913801 ningguang 05.ogg Ningguang: There's nothing to worry about. We just need to go through the schedule you made and tick the items off one by one.
Icon Dialogue Talk I was so excited I couldn't sleep.
Media:vo ngcop001 1913801 ningguang 06.ogg Ningguang: Oh, how strange — me too! ...I'm joking, of course — I slept like a baby. Sorry to disappoint you.
Media:vo ngcop001 1913801 ningguang 07.ogg Ningguang: So. What's item one on today's schedule?
Icon Dialogue Talk Here. Take a look for yourself.
Media:vo ngcop001 1913801 ningguang 08.ogg Ningguang: Hmm...
Media:vo ngcop001 1913801 ningguang 09.ogg Ningguang: I imagine this must have taken Baishi completely by surprise.
Icon Dialogue Talk Yes, but she said she'd leave it up to me.
Media:vo ngcop001 1913801 ningguang 10.ogg Ningguang: Sure. There's no harm in changing my schedule around once in a while.
Media:vo ngcop001 1913801 ningguang 11.ogg Ningguang: My schedule is usually very tightly packed, and any extra time I can squeeze out is spent on preparing for the future.
Media:vo ngcop001 1913801 ningguang 12.ogg Ningguang: So it'll be quite nice to take a break.
Icon Dialogue Talk You don't take many breaks, huh?
Media:vo ngcop001 1913801 ningguang 13.ogg Ningguang: I don't often feel tired. Seeing the Mora come in has a way of making me feel quite invigorated.
Media:vo ngcop001 1913801 ningguang 14.ogg Ningguang: Still, your idea is very sensible. Mora can only lift a weary spirit. It cannot alleviate physical fatigue.
Media:vo ngcop001 1913801 ningguang 15.ogg Ningguang: So then. The day's ahead of us. Any ideas on how to spend it?
Icon Dialogue Talk Let's do something you never normally have time for. (This dialogue option leads to Liyue Millennial.)
Media:vo ngcop001 1913801 ningguang 16.ogg Ningguang: Something I never have time for...
Media:vo ngcop001 1913801 ningguang 17.ogg Ningguang: Ah, have you played the chess game I made? Or heard of it, perhaps?
Icon Dialogue Talk Never heard of it...
Media:vo ngcop001 1913801 ningguang 18.ogg Ningguang: It's called Liyue Millennial. Based on classic chess, but with different rules.
Icon Dialogue Talk Is it called Liyue Millennial?
Media:vo ngcop001 1913801 ningguang 19.ogg Ningguang: Yes. It's based on classic chess, but with different rules.
Media:vo ngcop001 1913801 ningguang 20.ogg Ningguang: When I was designing it, I wanted it not only to be a fun game, but also capture Liyue's culture in a unique way.
Media:vo ngcop001 1913801 ningguang 21.ogg Ningguang: So I introduced a lot of concepts that aren't part of traditional chess, as well as different chess pieces and even boards.
Media:vo ngcop001 1913801 ningguang 22.ogg Ningguang: I'm constantly revising and expanding it. So far, there are over 30 editions.
Icon Dialogue Talk What an ambitious project...
Icon Dialogue Talk It sounds quite complicated...
Media:vo ngcop001 1913801 ningguang 23.ogg Ningguang: True. That's one reason why it's been difficult to catch on.
Media:vo ngcop001 1913801 ningguang 24.ogg Ningguang: But I don't feel that making it easier to learn is necessarily a good thing.
Media:vo ngcop001 1913801 ningguang 25.ogg Ningguang: Isn't one of the joys of playing chess to continually learn and progress through a complex set of rules?
Icon Dialogue Talk So how do we get people interested in it?
Media:vo ngcop001 1913801 ningguang 26.ogg Ningguang: I think the key will be to make something that easily catches the attention of people who haven't played much chess before.
Media:vo ngcop001 1913801 ningguang 27.ogg Ningguang: I'm planning to make a new set with the board and pieces based on the battle for Liyue.
Media:vo ngcop001 1913801 ningguang 28.ogg Ningguang: One side will play the guardians of Liyue Harbor. The other side will play the Fatui and Osial.
Icon Dialogue Talk Sounds fun.
Icon Dialogue Talk I'd play that.
Media:vo ngcop001 1913801 ningguang 29.ogg Ningguang: No problem. I will let you try it out as soon as I finish the prototype.
Media:vo ngcop001 1913801 ningguang 30.ogg Ningguang: I want to make each of the chess pieces of Liyue Millennial as true-to-life as possible.
Media:vo ngcop001 1913801 ningguang 31.ogg Ningguang: And no Guardians of Liyue chess set would be complete without you, would it?
Icon Dialogue Talk You're going to make a chess piece based on me?
Media:vo ngcop001 1913801 ningguang 32.ogg Ningguang: I am indeed. Many of them, in fact.
Media:vo ngcop001 1913801 ningguang 33.ogg Ningguang: My thinking was that only people who pre-order the chess set at full price will be eligible to receive the limited-edition Traveler chess piece.
Media:vo ngcop001 1913801 ningguang 34.ogg Ningguang: It seems only fitting for someone of your status.
Icon Dialogue Talk So I'm part of the marketing plan...
Media:vo ngcop001 1913801 ningguang 35.ogg Ningguang: Naturally, since you are the face of that historic event. I intend to make chess pieces for everyone who was involved that day, including myself.
Media:vo ngcop001 1913801 ningguang 36.ogg Ningguang: Everyone who owns this chess set will preserve this moment in history in a vivid and compelling form.
Icon Dialogue Talk It sounds great.
Media:vo ngcop001 1913801 ningguang 37.ogg Ningguang: Then it's decided.
Media:vo ngcop001 1913801 ningguang 38.ogg Ningguang: Come with me. To make this chess piece, I need to take some measurements.
(Proceed to Liyue Millennial)
Icon Dialogue Talk Let's do something you never normally have the opportunity to do. (This dialogue option leads to Starting From Zero or Endless Smoke.)
Media:vo ngcop001 1913801 ningguang 39.ogg Ningguang: Something I never have the opportunity to do...
Media:vo ngcop001 1913801 ningguang 40.ogg Ningguang: Interesting. Before I decide, I'd like to know... what gave you this idea?
Media:vo ngcop001 1913801 ningguang 41.ogg Ningguang: Because as far as most people are concerned, Mora is the key to any and all opportunities.
Icon Dialogue Talk But being a member of the Liyue Qixing is a limitation.
Icon Dialogue Talk But Mora can also be a limitation.
Media:vo ngcop001 1913801 ningguang 44.ogg Ningguang: Yes, you're absolutely right. This is what I appreciate about you, you see things the way they are rather than how they appear.
Media:vo ngcop001 1913801 ningguang 45.ogg Ningguang: I want to do something a little self-indulgent. Is that okay by you?
Icon Dialogue Talk Sure. Whatever you feel like doing.
Icon Dialogue Talk The day is yours. Do with it as you please.
Media:vo ngcop001 1913801 ningguang 48.ogg Ningguang: Thank you. Alright here it is — I've always thought it would be fun to recapture what life was like before I joined the Liyue Qixing.
Media:vo ngcop001 1913801 ningguang 49.ogg Ningguang: I was born into a humble family, and all the wealth you see now began with a single haul of fish.
Icon Dialogue Talk You... know how to fish?
Media:vo ngcop001 1913801 ningguang 51.ogg Ningguang: Hehe. I had to. I wasn't born with a silver spoon in my mouth.
Media:vo ngcop001 1913801 ningguang 52.ogg Ningguang: Fishing isn't the half of it. You'd be amazed at some of the odd jobs I've worked in my time.
Media:vo ngcop001 1913801 ningguang 53.ogg Ningguang: A lot of the old folks like to brag about how I used to be their errand-runner back in the day... hehe.
Icon Dialogue Talk It's hard to imagine...
Icon Dialogue Talk But it makes sense.
Media:vo ngcop001 1913801 ningguang 56.ogg Ningguang: They were tough times. But I had a clear goal and plenty of motivation.
Media:vo ngcop001 1913801 ningguang 57.ogg Ningguang: If I didn't make any money in the morning, I'd have no food for lunch. I guess that's why I came to be so obsessed with Mora.
Media:vo ngcop001 1913801 ningguang 58.ogg Ningguang: I want to re-live that time from my life, feel some of that drive again. Take a trip down memory lane.
Media:vo ngcop001 1913801 ningguang 59.ogg Ningguang: So how about it? Will you join me?
Icon Dialogue Talk Sure.
Icon Dialogue Talk It's not what I was expecting but it sounds like a lot of fun.
Media:vo ngcop001 1913801 ningguang 62.ogg Ningguang: Great. Then let me lay down the ground rules.
Media:vo ngcop001 1913801 ningguang 63.ogg Ningguang: We're not to use our status or reputation in Liyue Harbor to our advantage, and we have no starting capital.
Media:vo ngcop001 1913801 ningguang 64.ogg Ningguang: The goal is to see how much Mora we can make under these conditions.
Icon Dialogue Talk Let's start at the bottom of the ladder. (This dialogue option leads to Starting From Zero.)
Media:vo ngcop001 1913801 ningguang 67.ogg Ningguang: Okay, but working as a day laborer could be quite dull...
Media:vo ngcop001 1913801 ningguang 68.ogg Ningguang: Why don't we go down to the docks?
Media:vo ngcop001 1913801 ningguang 69.ogg Ningguang: They periodically throw out a lot of unclaimed or abandoned goods. We might find something that we can exchange for Mora.
Icon Dialogue Talk That's not the most dignified way to make money...
Media:vo ngcop001 1913801 ningguang 70.ogg Ningguang: What does it matter? Don't worry about it, it's all part of the fun.
Media:vo ngcop001 1913801 ningguang 71.ogg Ningguang: Come on. Let's go down to the docks.
(Proceed to Starting From Zero)
Icon Dialogue Talk Let's go and find some work at Northland Bank. (This dialogue option leads to Endless Smoke.)
Media:vo ngcop001 1913801 ningguang 72.ogg Ningguang: I can see why you'd suggest that. You're thinking I could use my knowledge of how Mora works to my advantage and make a lot of money there.
Media:vo ngcop001 1913801 ningguang 73.ogg Ningguang: But Northland Bank is a special case. I rather suspect I would not be welcome there.
Icon Dialogue TalkBecause you've clashed in the past?
Media:vo ngcop001 1913801 ningguang 74.ogg Ningguang: Yes, and also... Never mind, I'll just show you. It won't eat up too much time.
Media:vo ngcop001 1913801 ningguang 75.ogg Ningguang: I expect they still hold a grudge against me to this day.
(Proceed to Endless Smoke)

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishTime Off!
Fàngjià Shíjiān!
Holiday Time!
Fàngjià Shíjiān!
Yasumi Jikan!
Break Time!
Korean휴가 시간!
Hyuga Sigan!
Vacation Time!
Spanish¡Tiempo libre!Free Time!
FrenchJour de congé !Day Off!
RussianВремя отдыха!
Vremya otdykha!
Free Time!
VietnameseThời Gian Nghỉ Ngơi!
IndonesianLibur Telah Tiba!Holiday Has Arrived!
PortugueseTempo Livre!Free Time!
TurkishMola Zamanı!
ItalianTempo libero!

Change History[]
