Genshin Impact Wiki
Genshin Impact Wiki

"Having Gaming in the team is like having extra wind in your sails."

The Striding Beast is Gaming's Utility Passive.

Gameplay Notes[]

  • Gaming must be alive and in the active party for The Striding Beast to take effect.‍[ver­i­fi­ca­tion need­ed]

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishThe Striding Beast
Xǐngshòu Ruìxíng
Xǐngshòu Ruìxíng
Takeru Kemono no Kenkyaku
Fierce Beast's Strong Stride
Korean돌진하는 영물
Doljinhaneun Yeongmul
SpanishAndar de la bestiaWalk of the Beast
FrenchPas de bestialitéStep of Bestiality
RussianБег пробуждённого зверя
Beg probuzhdyonnogo zverya
Run of the Awakened Beast
ThaiThe Striding Beast
VietnameseTỉnh Sư Tung Hoành
GermanSchreitende BestieStriding Beast
IndonesianThe Striding Beast
PortugueseA Besta Caminhante
TurkishDörtnala Koşan Canavar
ItalianBestia dal grande passoBeast with a Great Stride

Change History[]

Version 4.5
  • The Striding Beast's description was changed.
    • Old description: Increases the Movement SPD of your own party members by 10% during the day (6:00 – 18:00).
      Does not take effect in Domains, Trounce Domains, or Spiral Abyss. Not stackable with Passive Talents that provide the exact same effects.
    • New description: During the day (6:00 – 18:00), your party members gain the Swift Stride effect: Movement SPD increased by 10%.
      Does not take effect in Domains, Trounce Domains, or Spiral Abyss. Swift Stride does not stack.

Version 4.4

  • The Striding Beast was released.

