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Thabit is an event-exclusive NPC that appeared in Fabulous Fungus Frenzy.


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Quests and Events[]



Thabit's thoughts can be accessed by using Nahida's Elemental Skill, All Schemes to Know.

Media:Vo dialog eqpm001 thabit 01.ogg Thabit: (I never would have thought that happy little girl would grow up to become so formidable...)


Thabit: Such is life...
Icon Dialogue Talk You are...?
Thabit: Oh, I'm just a nobody. You'll probably run into a good handful of Eremite mercenaries like me on just a short trip to pick a Sumeru Rose outside the city.
Thabit: Haniyyah probably doesn't remember me either. Although she did help someone as insignificant as me back then.
Paimon: Huh? Do you know Haniyyah as well?
Thabit: Technically, I know her, but she doesn't know me. She saved my life before, and I haven't been able to repay her for it.
Paimon: But Haniyyah said that she's just and ordinary beast tamer. Could it be that she's actually really strong?
Thabit: Well, it was indeed her remarkable beast-taming abilities that saved my life.
Thabit: Back then, I was in charge of receiving Sumpter Beasts that belonged to enemies. The Sumpter Beasts were submissive only to their original owners and nearly crushed every bone in my body.
Thabit: Thank goodness Haniyyah was there when it happened. She used a special technique to calm the enraged Sumpter Beasts before they sent me to the afterlife. Haniyyah said she was just doing her job, and she even refused my thank-you gift.
Paimon: Wow... Paimon never would've expected something like that to happen...
Icon Dialogue Talk That was very kind of her!
Thabit: Yeah, on top of that, some Sumpter Beasts were once bewitched by the hilichurls and became extremely hostile towards humans. Sumpter Beasts can also become enraged if their feed is laced with suspicious mushrooms.
Thabit: Haniyyah's our only hope whenever something like that happens. She seems to always befriend the Sumpter Beasts, turning them into gentle giants after just a half day of training.
Paimon: Who would've thought that the work Haniyyah only briefly mentioned had such a great impact! She really is amazing!
Thabit: Gentle Sumpter Beasts are worth quite a bit, whether you're selling to the Eremites or ordinary merchants. However, Haniyyah's fees remain extremely cheap.
Thabit: She seems to really enjoy communicating with animals, and her passion for beast taming is far greater than any desire to make money. And... that's exactly why I have no idea how to repay her...
Icon Dialogue Talk We're curious too.
Paimon: Hmm, Haniyyah's also helped us in the past. We want to do something for her in return too!
Thabit: Ha! Well then, let's work together and see if we can get to know out beast-taming friend a little better!
Thabit: However, it's been a while since I've seen Haniyyah. She seems to have changed... I wonder if she's still as approachable as before.
Icon Dialogue Talk Don't be sad...
Paimon: Ah, did something upset you? Don't worry. Bad things will pass and your time will eventually come!
Thabit: Wow, I would've never thought that someone like me would be able to attract the attention of renowned individuals like you guys.
Thabit: I'm not sad, I'm just reflecting on some things, that's all. Maybe it isn't such a bad thing, after all...
Thabit: I suppose it would be beneficial for Haniyyah's career if she were to be a little more insistent at times.
Paimon: Haniyyah? Be more insistent?
Thabit: Long story short, as a talented beast tamer, sometimes she needs to command a certain level of "respect" to prevent people from trying to scam her.
Thabit: Haniyyah used to be an energetic and happy person. She wore her heart on her sleeve, and she never had the slightest intention of hiding her emotions. I often worry if someone with ill intent will take advantage of her.
Thabit: But looking at how she is now, she must've experienced something that changed her. Her thoughts aren't on display anymore. It puts my mind at ease.
Paimon: Paimon doesn't really understand... But Paimon kinda knows what you're saying.
Icon Dialogue Talk I didn't understand either.
Icon Dialogue Talk That makes sense.
Thabit: My apologies for blabbering to myself. Just... see it as a useless guy worrying about a young girl he's indebted to.
Icon Dialogue Talk Are you a competitor as well?
Thabit: No, but you can think of me as a spectator with a stake in the competition.
Paimon: A stake in the competition? That sounds serious!
Thabit: It is, actually. I may lose my job over this competition.
Thabit: You may have already heard about that Kautilya guy. He wants to use trained Fungi to replace some of the mercenaries in protecting important areas or performing dangerous tasks.
Thabit: However, the situations that mercenaries face are often complex. They require a large amount of experience and split-second decision-making to get the job done. It's not so much whether the Fungi can fulfill the task or not – it's the possibility that the Fungi might be taken advantage of by criminals.
Paimon: Really? We've never heard of that before.
Paimon: But no one in their right mind would send their Fungi companions into combat with other monsters, right? What is that Kautilya guy thinking...?
Icon Dialogue Talk ...
Thabit: I would have been able to casually enjoy the show if I hadn't heard that.
Thabit: Hopefully, the wealthy merchant that sponsored the competition has a good head on his shoulders. There's a domineering quality to his movements. It's safe to assume he's been through quite a bit as well.
Thabit: He should know that people are always more reliable than trained beasts or monsters during critical moments.
Icon Dialogue Talk Let's leave him alone...

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