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Genshin Impact Wiki

Teahouse Stove: A Capital Cook is a creatable Furnishing item that can be used in the Serenitea Pot.

The blueprint for Teahouse Stove: A Capital Cook is obtainable by buying the Gnostic Chorus package of the Arcane Amassing Battle Pass.


First time creation grants Trust Trust ×90.

Icon_Creation_SmallCreation for 16 hours
Icon Creation Recipe
Teahouse Stove: A Capital Cook 1 Teahouse Stove: A Capital Cook

Furnishing Sets[]

No Furnishing Sets use Teahouse Stove: A Capital Cook as a component.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishTeahouse Stove: A Capital Cook
Sabou no Kama - "Taenaru Chouri"
Teahouse Stove - "Exquisite Cooking"
Korean 공방의 부뚜막-「절묘한 화력」
Cha Gongbang'ui Buttumak-"Jeolmyohan Hwaryeok"
SpanishHorno del Taller de Té: Cocción entre llamasTeahouse Oven: Cooking Amid Flames
FrenchFour de salon de thé « Feu merveilleux »Teahouse Oven "Marvelous Fire"
RussianЧайная печь: Сильная обжарка
Chaynaya pech': Sil'naya obzharka
Thaiเตาโรงน้ำชา - "ไฟปรุงอาหาร"
VietnameseBếp Lò Phòng Trà - Lửa Hay Nấu Khéo
GermanTeestuben-Herd – Feuer und Flamme fürs KochenTearoom Stove – "Fire and Flame for Cooking"
IndonesianTungku Kedai Teh: Memasak RayaTeahouse Stove: Big Cooking
PortugueseFogão da Casa de Chá: Cozinha Fantástica
TurkishÇayevi Ocağı: Muhteşem Lezzet
ItalianFornello della sala da tè Cottura sublime

Change History[]

