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This corrective lens helped restore the vision of one whose eyes were damaged from intensive studying.

Scholar's Lens is an Artifact in the set Scholar.


The pursuit of knowledge is a risky gamble. Even after devoting one's entire life to it, it may prove to have been futile.
The scholar spent half of her lifetime in endless research, taking notes and making calculations.
Having failed to find the answers she was looking for, she once hesitated and questioned her career choice, thus wasting further time.
Her once sharp eyesight had also been damaged by intensive reading.
All this, and the answers she sought were still beyond her reach.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishScholar's Lens
Xuéshì de Jìngpiàn
Bachelor's Lens
Xuéshì de Jìngpiàn
Gakusha no Renzu
Scholar's Lens
Korean학사의 렌즈
Haksa-ui Renjeu
Lens of Scholar
SpanishMonóculo de la EruditaScholar's Monocle
FrenchLunettes de l'ÉruditGlasses of the Erudite
RussianОчки учёного
Ochki uchyonogo
Scholar's Glasses
ThaiScholar's Glasses
VietnameseMảnh Kính Học Sĩ
GermanGelehrtenmonokelScholar's Monocle
IndonesianScholar's Glasses
PortugueseLentes do EstudiosoScholar's Lenses
TurkishAlimin MerceğiScholar's Lens
ItalianLente della studiosa

Change History[]

