Enemies in Genshin Impact are creatures that can be defeated by players. They can be classified by their difficulty type (Common Enemies, Elite Enemies, Normal Bosses, and Weekly Bosses), by their family (Automatons, The Abyss, Elemental Lifeforms, Mystical Beasts, Hilichurls, Fatui, Other Human Factions, and Enemies of Note), or some other form of grouping (e.g., Slimes).
Enemy Types[]
Common Enemies[]
Players will often find Common Enemies in the open world while exploring, or in Domains and Spiral Abyss. These enemies may occasionally drop Character and Weapon Enhancement Materials.
Elite Enemies[]
Players will often find Elite Enemies in the open world while exploring, or in Domains and the Spiral Abyss.
These enemies are stronger than Common Enemies, and are generally found in sparsely throughout the overworld, either with other Elite Enemies or by themselves. Some Elite Enemies share some drops with Common Enemies, but most Elite Enemies generally have their own unique drop of ascension materials. While some Common Enemies are on par with Elite Enemies in terms of attacks and strength (such as Kairagi and high-leveled Eremites), they are not considered Elite Enemies. At low World Levels, elite enemies have also been noted to drop 1 and 2 star Weapons. Some Elite Enemies will serve as a mini-boss in certain quests.
Note: There are a limited number of spawns per day, which will reset daily according to whatever the Daily Reset Time is for the player's server/region.
Normal Bosses[]
Normal Boss challenges contain enemies much stronger than Elite Enemies, but also provide better rewards for defeating them. Some bosses may require prerequisites to access.
Unlike Elite Enemies, once they have been defeated a Trounce Blossom will spawn in the area, and players can use Original Resin ×40 to open them to claim their rewards. Most Normal Bosses respawn immediately after claiming the Trounce Blossom.
Normal Boss enemies reward Adventure EXP ×200 along with a certain amount of
Mora and
Companionship EXP. They may also drop some Character Level-Up Materials and Artifacts which scale on the player's World Level.
Weekly Bosses[]
Weekly Bosses are bosses whose rewards can be claimed once per week. After defeating each boss, a Trounce Blossom will spawn where players can choose to spend Original Resin ×30 to claim the rewards from the first three weekly bosses of their choice, and then
Original Resin ×60 subsequently. Availability of rewards and reduced resin costs reset at 4 AM server time every Monday.
Weekly Bosses are generally fought in a Trounce Domain (thus players can teleport to them) apart from Andrius, who is fought in the open world. These bosses are unlocked by completing Archon Quests or a specific character's Story Quest. Once the player reaches Adventure Rank 40, they can Quick Challenge locked Trounce Domains through the Adventurer Handbook in Single Player Mode if they have not met the requirements to normally access it.
All weekly bosses drop their own specific Character Level-Up Materials, which are used to upgrade Talents above Level 6. In addition to this, weekly bosses drop Adventure EXP ×300, a certain amount of
Companionship EXP, Character Ascension Materials, and Artifacts depending on the player's World Level.
In addition, there is a 12% chance to drop a Northlander Billet (for Weekly Bosses in Mondstadt, Liyue, and Inazuma), a Midlander Billet (Sumeru and Fontaine), or a Borderland Billet (Natlan) and a fixed 33% chance to drop a Dream Solvent.
Enemy Families[]
Most of the enemies within the game can be grouped into enemy families based on their appearance and drops. Enemies that do not belong to any enemy family are considered Special Enemies or Enemies of Note.
- Monsters (Non-Human)
- NPCs (Human)
Enemy Level Scaling[]
For enemies, their HP, ATK and DEF are determined by base values, level multipliers and special multipliers.
For animals, most of them have 0 DEF and 0 Resistance. Their level HP multiplier are 1 for all levels.
The ATK data are still under testing and not listed.
- Before unlocking the first Statue of The Seven, enemies do not drop anything when inside a certain radius near the starting point of the game.
- Enemies that are killed while Frozen or Petrified will instantly spawn their Material and Artifact drops, skipping any death animations.
- When killed, Frozen enemies will disappear while spawning harmless clumps of ice, as if it was Shattered. Petrified enemies will turn into dust that is scattered outwards.
See Also[]