Miko's Instruction is Yae Miko's Default Character Outfit.
Miko wears a unique and stylized variation of clothing inspired by the colors of a shrine priestess' traditional outfit, including a sleeveless hakui robe and sandals. She wears a golden head accessory accompanied by matching golden earrings. The right earring contains her Electro Vision wrapped in a complex drop-shaped piece and decorated by a small fan-shaped accessory at the bottom. The earrings are attached to her ears by diamond-shaped studs.
Glowing Ornaments[]
While wearing Miko's Instruction, when Yae Miko's Elemental Burst is ready, the purple gem in her other earring will glow along with her Vision.
In-Game Assets[]
Other Languages[]
Language | Official Name | Literal Meaning |
English | Miko's Instruction | — |
Chinese (Simplified) | 御子之谕 Yùzǐ zhī Yù | Miko's Instruction |
Chinese (Traditional) | 御子之諭 Yùzǐ zhī Yù | |
Japanese | 御子之説諭 Miko no Setsuyu | Miko's Convincing |
Korean | 미코의 말씀 Miko-ui Malsseum | Miko's Words |
Spanish | Enseñanzas clericales | Clerical Teachings |
French | Enseignements cléricaux | Clerical Teachings |
Russian | Наставление жрицы Nastavleniye zhritsy | Priestess' Instruction |
Thai | วาจาสิทธิ์แห่งมิโกะ Wacha Sit Haeng Miko | Divine Words of Miko |
Vietnamese | Chỉ Dụ Của Miko | Miko's Edict |
German | Mikos Anweisung | Miko's Instruction |
Indonesian | Miko's Instruction | — |
Portuguese | Instrução de Miko | Miko's Instruction |
Turkish | Miko'nun Öğretileri | Miko's Teachings |
Italian | Comando di Miko | Miko's Command |
Change History[]
Released in Version 2.5