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Lion's Fang, Fair Protector of Mondstadt is Jean's Level 6 Constellation.


Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishLion's Fang, Fair Protector of Mondstadt
Ēn Juàn Wànmín de Shī Yá
Ēn Juàn Wànmín de Shī Yá
Tami wo Kenko Suru Shishi no Kiba
Lion's Fang Which Favors Citizens
Korean만민을 보살피는 사자의 이빨
Manmin-eul Bosalpineun Saja-ui Ippal
Lion's Tooth Which Take care of Everyone
SpanishDiente de León, fiel protectora de MondstadtDandelion, Fair Protector Of Mondstadt
FrenchCroc de Lion, le protecteur de MondstadtLion's Fang, The Protector Of Mondstadt[• 1]
RussianРыцарь Львиный клык
Rytsar' L'vinyy klyk
Lion's Fang Knight
ThaiLion's Fang, Fair Protector of Mondstadt
VietnameseNanh Sư Tử Chăm Lo Muôn Dân!Lion's Fang Takes Care of the People!
GermanLöwenzahn, Beschützer des VolkesDandelion, Protector of the People
IndonesianLion's Fang, Fair Protector of Mondstadt
PortuguesePresa do Leão, Protetor de MondstadtLion's Fang, Protector of Mondstadt[• 2]
TurkishAslan Dişi, Mondstadt'ın Güzide KoruyucusuLion's Fang, Mondstadt's Distinguished Protector
ItalianZanna del leone, giusta protettrice di MondstadtLion's Fang, Righteous Protector of Mondstadt
  1. French: Le protecteur is a masculine term.
  2. Portuguese: Protetor is a masculine term.

Change History[]

Version 2.2
  • Fixes a bug in Co-Op Mode where the number of attacks received will sometimes not refresh.

Version 1.0

  • Lion's Fang, Fair Protector of Mondstadt was released.

