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Genshin Impact Wiki

Large Birch Wardrobe is a creatable Furnishing item that can be used in the Serenitea Pot.

The blueprint for Large Birch Wardrobe is obtainable from the Realm Depot for Realm Currency Realm Currency ×160.


First time creation grants Trust Trust ×60.

Icon_Creation_SmallCreation for 14 hours
Icon Creation Recipe
Large Birch Wardrobe 1 Large Birch Wardrobe

Furnishing Sets[]

There are 3 Furnishing Sets that use Large Birch Wardrobe as a component:

ItemCraft TypeComponents
Gift SetMondstadt Rug: Crimson Ardor Mondstadt Rug: Crimson Ardor ×1
Potted Plant: Crystalline Breeze Potted Plant: Crystalline Breeze ×2
Large Birch Wardrobe Large Birch Wardrobe ×1
Birch Double Drawer Nightstand Birch Double Drawer Nightstand ×1
Seashell Table Lamp Seashell Table Lamp ×1
Breeze-Blessed Bed Breeze-Blessed Bed ×1
Sturdy Birch Vanity Sturdy Birch Vanity ×1
"Clear Blue Afternoon" "Clear Blue Afternoon" ×1
Favonius Office Table Favonius Office Table ×1
Flower Arrangement: Sprawling Daybreak Flower Arrangement: Sprawling Daybreak ×1
Red Pine Wood Round Stool Red Pine Wood Round Stool ×1
Sturdy Library Table Sturdy Library Table ×1
Exquisite Hourglass Ornament Exquisite Hourglass Ornament ×1
Golden Triple-Arm Candelabrum Golden Triple-Arm Candelabrum ×1
Furnishing SetEntrance Rug: A Warm Welcome Entrance Rug: A Warm Welcome ×1
Potted Plant: Crystalline Breeze Potted Plant: Crystalline Breeze ×1
Large Birch Wardrobe Large Birch Wardrobe ×1
Sturdy Birch Vanity Sturdy Birch Vanity ×1
Exquisite Hourglass Ornament Exquisite Hourglass Ornament ×1
Birch Double Drawer Nightstand Birch Double Drawer Nightstand ×1
Golden Triple-Arm Candelabrum Golden Triple-Arm Candelabrum ×1
Breeze-Blessed Bed Breeze-Blessed Bed ×1
Gift SetLarge Birch Wardrobe Large Birch Wardrobe ×1
"Archivist's Treasure Trove" "Archivist's Treasure Trove" ×1
Alchemic Device: Between Fire and Water Alchemic Device: Between Fire and Water ×1
Favonius Office Table Favonius Office Table ×1
Alchemic Component: Burden of Dust Alchemic Component: Burden of Dust ×1
Exquisite Hourglass Ornament Exquisite Hourglass Ornament ×1
Sturdy Library Table Sturdy Library Table ×1
"Scholar's Weariness" "Scholar's Weariness" ×1
"Unwavering Determination" "Unwavering Determination" ×1
Potted Plant: Crystalline Breeze Potted Plant: Crystalline Breeze ×1
"Clear Blue Afternoon" "Clear Blue Afternoon" ×2
Neat Stack of Books Neat Stack of Books ×1
Mondstadt Rug: Crimson Ardor Mondstadt Rug: Crimson Ardor ×1

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishLarge Birch Wardrobe
Gāodà de Huàmù Yīguì
Gāodà de Huàmù Yīguì
Ooki-na Kaba no Ishoudana‍[!][!]
Korean대형 자작나무 옷장
Daehyeong Jajaknamu Otjang
SpanishRopero grande de abedul
FrenchGrande garde-robe en bouleau
RussianБольшой гардероб из берёзы
Bol'shoy garderob iz beryozy
VietnameseTủ Áo Gỗ Hoa To
GermanGroßer Kleiderschrank aus Birkenholz
IndonesianLemari Baju Besar Kayu Birch
PortugueseGuarda-Roupa de Vidoeiro Alto
TurkishHuş Ağacı Gardırop
ItalianArmadio grande in betulla

Change History[]

