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Kano Nana's Healthy Diet is a weekly Reputation Request that occurs in Inazuma.


  1. Give fifteen Carrots to Kano Nana

Request Details[]

Help Needed:
Why, that Sayu! She always falls asleep halfway through eating... Last time she fell asleep again without eating all these carrots — and I wonder, was she faking it?
Either way, if she doesn't eat nutritious things like carrots, she isn't going to grow taller.
Either way, I'm just not going to let her do as she likes, so please help me gather 15 Carrots.
I'll make her eat those Carrots where I can see them this time, no matter what she says.


UI Quest Quest Description

Narukami Island's Kano Nana would like to have 15 carrots.
Kano Nana: Hello. I'm so sorry, but may I... ask you something?
Kano Nana: Have you ever met a little creature with ears and a tail?
Icon Dialogue Quest Were you looking for some Carrots?
Kano Nana: Kids have gotta learn to eat their vegetables if they want to grow up. You can't be a picky eater, even when it comes to Carrots.
Kano Nana: Anyway. You must be the one who accepted my commission? Do you have 15 Carrots for me?
Icon Dialogue Quest Got them right here.
Kano Nana: Good, great, excellent. This time, I'm gonna watch that kid until she's eaten every last mouthful.
Icon Dialogue Talk Not yet.
Kano Nana: Okay. Well, I'll be waiting here once you've got them.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishKano Nana's Healthy Diet
Lùyě Nàinài de Jiànkāng Yǐnshí Jìhuà
Kano Nana's Healthy Diet Plan
Lùyě Nàinài de Jiànkāng Yǐnshí Jìhuà
Kano Nana no Keikouteki Shokuseikatsu
Kano Nana's Healthy Eating Habits
Korean카노 나나의 건강한 식사 계획
Kano Nana-ui Geon'ganghan Siksa Gyehoek
Kano Nana's Healthy Diet Plan
SpanishLa dieta sana de Kano NanaThe Healthy Diet of Kano Nana
FrenchLe régime sain de Kano NanaThe Healthy Diet of Kano Nana
RussianЗдоровая диета Кано Наны
Zdorovaya diyeta Kano Nany
Kano Nana's Healthy Diet
Thaiแผนการกินอาหารเพื่อสุขภาพของ Kano Nana
VietnameseChế Độ Ăn Uống Lành Mạnh Của Kano NanaKano Nana's Healthy Diet
GermanKano Nanas gesunde ErnährungKano Nana's Healthy Diet
IndonesianDiet Sehat Kano NanaKano Nana's Healthy Diet
PortugueseDieta Saudável de Kano Nana
TurkishKano Nana'nın Sağlıklı Diyeti
ItalianDelle carote per Kano NanaSome Carrots for Kano Nana

Change History[]
