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Genshin Impact Wiki

Ryouko Stages for Genius Invokation TCG.


1 stage matches the category selection:

Supper Gossip
TypeAdventure Challenge
GroupOpen World Match
CharacterRyouko Ryouko
Required Player Level5
Stage Introduction
Alright. Let me tell you a story about something that happened when a couple of interesting people ate at my stall. They didn't look like they were from around these parts. My guess is that they were recent arrivals in Ritou from Snezhnaya...
Special Rule: When Action Phase begins, the active characters on both sides will be affected by Pyro.
Challenge Objective(s)Reward(s)
Achieve victory
Achieve victory within 5 Rounds
Use 1 Elemental Burst
Active Lineup
Fatui Pyro Agent Character CardFatui Pyro Agent9Fatui Skirmisher - Anemoboxer Vanguard Character CardFatui Skirmisher - Anemoboxer Vanguard10Fatui Skirmisher - Hydrogunner Legionnaire Character CardFatui Skirmisher - Hydrogunner Legionnaire10
Support Cards
Ley Line Disorder: High Temperature Support CardLey Line Disorder: High Temperature0


Adventure Challenge[]

(If the player loses the match)
Ryouko: Ha ha, it seems that you need to reconsider your deck composition...
(If the player wins the match)
Ryouko: I had no idea you were so good at cards. You must be exhausted from all that strategizing. Do you want to buy something to eat?

Change History[]

