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A bow as lovely as any bard's lyre, its arrows pierce the heart like a lamenting sigh.

Elegy for the End is a 5-Star bow. It is part of the Millennial Movement Series.

Ascensions and Stats[]

Toggle Ascension Materials
Energy RechargeEnergy Recharge
Ascension Cost (0 → 1)
Boreal Wolf's Milk Tooth 5
Heavy Horn 5
Recruit's Insignia 3
Ascension Cost (1 → 2)
Boreal Wolf's Cracked Tooth 5
Ascension Cost (2 → 3)
Boreal Wolf's Cracked Tooth 9
Black Bronze Horn 9
Sergeant's Insignia 9
Ascension Cost (3 → 4)
Boreal Wolf's Broken Fang 5
Ascension Cost (4 → 5)
Boreal Wolf's Broken Fang 9
Lieutenant's Insignia 9
Ascension Cost (5 → 6)
Boreal Wolf's Nostalgia 6
Total Cost (0✦ → 6✦)
Mora 225,000 Mora

Gameplay Notes[]

  • Each separate weapon in the series can stack. Having multiple characters equip this weapon on the team will not stack, but Freedom-Sworn and Elegy for the End will.
    • However, the ATK +20% buff, being identical on all Millennial Movement weapons, will not stack.
  • Sigils of Remembrance last for 30 seconds before disappearing if "Millennial Movement: Farewell Song" is not activated. Gaining a new Sigil of Remembrance will refresh this duration for all existing Sigils of Remembrance.


"The west wind bears wine's fragrance away,"
"The mountain wind brings glad tidings new."
"The breeze from afar tugs at my heart,"
"It sings of my longing for you."

Long ago, there was a knight who was ever dour of countenance.
Only a certain song could ever cause his brow to unfurl,
And only a certain girl who sang that song in the square,
Could cause him to forget the great burden of his duty for a time.

But at last, calamity came upon this land.
The songs that had once flown joyfully in the wind were drowned by a venomous dragon.
In the wake of its earth-shaking footsteps, even the cries and the flames were ripped asunder.
The Anemo Archon heard their agony, though he had refused to rule.
But to protect his old friends' dream, and defend the wind-kissed fields of green,
He woke from his long slumber anew, and with the sky dragon in battle he flew...
The Knight and his knights also fought for their land.

When the venomous dragon fell to ruin on the ice-sealed peak, the blue sky dragon fell asleep in the ancient tower.
But the Knight was in the valley, spent of his life's blood, and as he fell, he could only think thus:
"She is abroad studying, so she should be well. But ah, how I wish to hear her sing again."
"At least Arundolyn and Roland are alright. When she returns, this calamity should have blown over."

The songs in praise of the archon and tunes that recorded the battle of the two dragons were many, but all slowly became lost.
The song the girl loved to sing, too, changed upon her return.
"The dandelions carry in the summer wind,"
"Autumn brings the fragrance of grain."
"But no wind in any season on earth"
"Shall have you gaze upon me again."

And after her voice and her tears had run dry, the girl swore to use her life's flame to cleanse the world's crookedness.




Weapon Event Wishes[]

Elegy for the End has been promoted or featured with a drop-rate boost in 5 Event Wishes:

Wish Featured Duration Version
Epitome Invocation 2021-03-17
Epitome Invocation 2021-03-17
Elegy for the End El­e­gy for the End El­e­gy for the End
March 17, 2021 – April 6, 2021 1.4
Epitome Invocation 2021-11-02
Epitome Invocation 2021-11-02
Elegy for the End El­e­gy for the End El­e­gy for the End
November 2, 2021 – November 23, 2021 2.2
Epitome Invocation 2022-03-30
Epitome Invocation 2022-03-30
Elegy for the End El­e­gy for the End El­e­gy for the End
March 30, 2022 – April 19, 2022 2.6
Epitome Invocation 2022-09-28
Epitome Invocation 2022-09-28
Elegy for the End El­e­gy for the End El­e­gy for the End
September 28, 2022 – October 14, 2022 3.1
Epitome Invocation 2023-10-17
Epitome Invocation 2023-10-17
Elegy for the End El­e­gy for the End El­e­gy for the End
October 17, 2023 – November 7, 2023 4.1

Chronicled Wishes[]

Elegy for the End has not been included in any Chronicled Wishes.

Other Languages[]

Elegy for the End

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishElegy for the End
Zhōngmò Jiētàn zhī Shī
Poem of the Final Sigh
Zhōngmò Jiētàn zhī Shī
Shuuen wo Wameku Shi
Poem Lamenting the End
Korean종말 탄식의 노래
Jongmal Tansik-ui Norae
Sigh Song for the End
SpanishElegía del FinElegy of the End
FrenchUltime soupirUltimate Sigh
RussianЭлегия погибели
Elegiya pogibeli
Elegy of Perdition
ThaiElegy for the End
VietnameseTiếng Thở Dài Vô TậnEndless Sigh
GermanLetzter SeufzerLast Sigh
IndonesianElegy for the End
PortugueseElegia do Suspiro FinalElegy of the Final Sigh
TurkishSon AğıtLast Lamentation
ItalianElegia finaleFinal Elegy

The Parting Refrain

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishThe Parting Refrain
Biélí de Sīniàn zhī Gē
The Longing Song of Parting
Biélí de Sīniàn zhī Gē
Tsuioku to Wakare no Uta
Song of Reminiscence and Parting
Korean이별의 그리운 노래
Ibyeol-ui Geuriun Norae
Longing Song of Farewell
SpanishCanción de despedidaFarewell Strong
FrenchRefrain de séparationRefrain of Parting
RussianПеснь разлуки
Pesn' razluki
The Song of Parting
ThaiThe Parting Refrain
VietnameseBài Ca Nỗi Nhớ Ly BiệtThe Longing Song of Separation
GermanLied vom AbschiedSong of Parting
IndonesianThe Parting Refrain
PortugueseCanção de DespedidaSong of Farewell
TurkishVeda NakaratıFarewell Chorus
ItalianRitornello dell'addioFarewell Chorus

Change History[]

